Wanted: player with CW knowledge

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Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Mike » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:17 pm

I'm currently working out the last details and fixing the latest bugs in the new minigame which is about to be released soon. An early version has already been released on the test server, but it still contains several bugs which I'm still working on right now. Sadly, this means it won't be released today yet, but know that we're doing everything we can do release a bug-free, enjoyable and rewarding new minigame.

However, I still have several unanswered questions in regards to the minigame. Questions like: can you only destroy a door with melee attacks, or also with ranged or magic attacks? If you disconnect during a game, can you rejoin? Can a new player join a game in progress if the teams are unbalanced? Those and many more. All of these are questions to which Google did not give me any answers.

[Edit] This thread is now open for everyone to contribute their thoughts and opinion on the minigame and its mechanics. After all, the most important thing isn't that it works exactly like it does in RuneScape, the most important thing is that the players enjoy it.

I know everyone has questions in regards to the rewards, but at this time I still cannot comment on them. Tomorrow I will be able to release more information in regards to those.

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Re: Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Canthitme1 » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:22 pm

At one point in castle wars if you disconnected if you logged back in within 60 seconds you would rejoin your game
They changed that though and sent you back to the lobby.

You couldn't join a game in progress you haD to wait for one to end. ( add server yell when game ends and 2 minutes before next one starts)

I would however like to participate :)

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Re: Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Kylo ren » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:28 pm

Unfortunately, I won't be able to get online tomorrow, due to a family event. However, I can answer the few questions you posted.

1) Can you only destroy a door with melee attacks, or also with ranged or magic attacks?

- Yes. You can destroy doors with all 3 styles of combat.

2) If you disconnect during a game, can you rejoin?

- If you disconnect, you cannot rejoin a game that's currently in progress. You would have to enter the lobby, and wait for another game to start.

3) Can a new player join a game in progress if the teams are unbalanced?

- No. Same for question 2. If a game is already in progress, you cannot automatically join that game. You'd have to enter the portal, into the lobby, and wait for another game to start.

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Re: Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Azu rite » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:47 pm

can you only destroy a door with melee attacks, or also with ranged or magic attacks? You can use any style

If you disconnect during a game, can you rejoin? No

Can a new player join a game in progress if the teams are unbalanced? Yes, when a player leaves a new player is teleported in (you get an option to join), assuming someone is in the lobby.

I played CW from 06-10 90% of my time online was spent at castle wars.

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Re: Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Simon » Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:50 am

This video shows some of castle wars' lesser known mechanics being used, it's 5 minutes long and It's definitely worth the watch. These guys are known as some of the best castle wars players on Oldschool RS.



I've also played quite a bit of castle wars on Oldschool, but, I'm busy this week so I can't really help you. I do also have an almost maxed OSRS account that I can go on to test anything that you need. Just PM me.

(idk if you're going to remove this post since it doesn't fit your guidelines, but, I figured it's worth the shot)

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Re: Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Mike » Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:14 am

Thanks for the responses, they're definitely helpful.

Azu rite (yellow pee) will be assisting me tomorrow with working out the latest details in castle wars. The thread will now be left open for other people to contribute their thoughts and opinions about the game mechanics (such as the ability to rejoin or not). Any input is welcome and appreciated.

I also still need to go through a lot of posts on other threads in regards to castle wars, I'll make sure I've read them all before releasing the final version on the real server. Then again, additions and changes can still be made afterwards, as long as the important stuff is in place on release :)

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Jedz v2
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Re: Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Jedz v2 » Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:17 am

Looking forward to it :D

P.S Mike could you check out my recovery?

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Re: Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Platfish » Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:22 am

I haven't really played castle wars on osrs, but I think it would be nice to be able to join if the teams are unbalanced, but ONLY if they are unbalanced. else you'd need to wait till the next game starts
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Re: Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Simon » Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:35 am

Mike wrote:Thanks for the responses, they're definitely helpful.

Azu rite (yellow pee) will be assisting me tomorrow with working out the latest details in castle wars. The thread will now be left open for other people to contribute their thoughts and opinions about the game mechanics (such as the ability to rejoin or not). Any input is welcome and appreciated.
Some suggestions that I feel will make the minigame more enjoyable for everybody..

1. Add the ring of stone to the rewards shop.

2. Perhaps add the Castle wars brace as an item in the rewards-shop for X tickets? Whether it should be tradable or not is your call.

2. With the castle wars release, can you fix longranged so it has a longer attack ranged. This would prevent people from farcasting rangers in Cwars. (On RS, selecting the longranged style on a crossbow gives the player a larger attack radius, allowing them to hit people who are further away).

3. The bookcase in a POH should say "Pkernoob12345 has won X castle wars games)

Also, some questions

How long will games be?

Can honor participate in the minigame (I think they shouldn't)

Will custom whips work in the minigame (I think they should)

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Re: Wanted: player with CW knowledge

Post by Canthitme1 » Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:41 am

Simon wrote:
Mike wrote:Thanks for the responses, they're definitely helpful.

Azu rite (yellow pee) will be assisting me tomorrow with working out the latest details in castle wars. The thread will now be left open for other people to contribute their thoughts and opinions about the game mechanics (such as the ability to rejoin or not). Any input is welcome and appreciated.
Some suggestions that I feel will make the minigame more enjoyable for everybody..

1. Add the ring of stone to the rewards shop.

2. Perhaps add the Castle wars brace as an item in the rewards-shop for X tickets? Whether it should be tradable or not is your call.

2. With the castle wars release, can you fix longranged so it has a longer attack ranged. This would prevent people from farcasting rangers in Cwars. (On RS, selecting the longranged style on a crossbow gives the player a larger attack radius, allowing them to hit people who are further away).

3. The bookcase in a POH should say "Pkernoob12345 has won X castle wars games)

Also, some questions

How long will games be?

Can honor participate in the minigame (I think they shouldn't)

Will custom whips work in the minigame (I think they should)
Yep pretty much all of that :)
