List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

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List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Hayden » Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:01 am

Since ::commands doesn't seem like it'll be added anytime soon, here is a current list of commands.
If I am forgetting any, please comment them below. This list will be under development constantly.
*Note: Staff commands will not be added because they are not necessary for players to know

Player Commands
::givehonor <name) [Promotes an account to Honor Status as long as it's logged in on the same ip.]
::brb/afk [Sit's your character down allowing people to know you're AFK]
::changepass <newpass> [Changes your password]
::checkcredits <name> [Tells you how many donator credits a player has]
::checkpcs <name> [Tells you how many pest control points a player has]
::checkpoints <name> [Tells you how many Pkhonor Points a player has]
::checkratio <name> [Tells you the players Kill\Death ratio]
::checkreason <name> [Tells you the reasoning as to why a player was banned]
::checktimeplayed <name> [Tells you how many hours a player has been online]
::checkvotes <name> [Tells you how many voting points a player has]
::chill [Teleports you to a place to hang out]
::credits [Tells you how many donator credits you have]
::curses [Tells you how much time you have access to curses for]
::donate [Allows you to donate to the server]
::donators [Teleports you to the donator zone]
::empty [Empty's your inventory of items]
::fart ["Oops I did it again"
::guides [Takes you to the guides section of the forums]
::hail <name> [HAIL <name>]
::heal [ Enables or disables the automatic restoration of your hitpoints, useful if using dharok's set effect.]
::help [Puts you in the Help clan chat]
::helpcenter [Takes you to the helpcenter]
::highscores [Opens the highscores]
::home [Teleports you to home, can only be used in 20+ wild]
::l0lwut [Say wut]
::laws [Opens the Laws of Pkhonor]
::lock [Locks your exp]
::lockatt/lockattack [Pretty self-explanitory]
::lockdefence/lockdef [Pretty self-explanitory]
::lsp [Tells you your loot share potential]
::maxatt <maxlevel> [Sets a cap for how high you can train your attack]
::maxdef <maxlevel> [Sets a cap for how high you can train your defence]
::mypcs [Tells you how many pest control points you have]
::mypks [Tells you how many Pkhonor Points you have
::newprice/np [Puts in a suggestion to set an item at a certain price]
::people [Tells you if there are people in the fight pits]
::players [Tells you how many players are online]
::prices [Tells you the General price of items, some are inaccurate]
::private <name> [Invites a player to speak privately]
::pure [Sets a skill to level 99]
::ratio [Tells you your kill\death Ratio
::resetbarrows [Resets your barrows brothers kills]
::resetdef [Resets your defence]
::resetslayer [Resets your slayer task]
::restart [Tells you when the next server restart is]
::rules [Tells you the rules of Pkhonor]
::save [Saves your account]
::setlevel <skill> <level> [Sets a skill to a certain level]
::settings [Settings for your client]
::shops [Teleports you to the shops area]
::skull [Skull yourself]
::staff [Tells you the current staff\helpers online]
::thread <threadid> [Takes you to a thread on the forums]
::timeplayed [Tells you how long you have played]
::tz [Tells you the wave you are on in the fight caves]
::unlock [unlocks your xp]
::unlockattack/unlockatt [Unlocks your attack xp]
::unlockdefence/unlockdef [Unlocks your defence xp]
::vote [Votes for the server]
::votes [Tells you how many vote points you have]
::wiki <search term> [Searches an item on the Pkhonor Wiki]
::yell <message> [Yells a message for the server to see]

Donator+ Commands
::np - Suggest a new price for an item.

Premium+ Commands

Honor Commands
Spawning Commands
::pickup (item id) (amount) - Spawns you the item.
::idtoggle - Shows the item id of any item you right click.
::xrich - Spawns a max cash set in your inventory.
::adminset - Spawns a divine spirit shield, gloves (barrows), full bandos, amulet of fury, fire cape, berserker ring, dragon defender, helm of neitiznot, and blade of destruction which can only be used by admins.
::rangeset - Spawns a fire cape, Karil's Crossbow, ranger boots, archers ring, 500 bolt racks, 500 rune arrows, dark bow, black d'hide chaps and vambraces, amulet of fury, and leather body.
::strset - Spawns dragon platelegs, berserker ring, red boots, fire cape, doctors' gown, abyssal whip, amulet of fury, warrior helm, rune kiteshield (g), gloves (barrows), 3 prayer potions, a super attack and strength potion.
::veng - Spawns 20k death runes, 40k astral runes, and 100k earth runes.
::tb - Spawns 100 teleblock runes.
::food - Fills your inventory with rocktails.
::barrage - Spawns 60k water runes, 40k death runes, 20k blood runes.
::pkpoints - Gives you 500 Pkp.
::slaypoints - Gives you 500 Slayer points
::copy (player) - Copies the equipment of the player.
::showinv (player) - Copies the inventory of the player.
::showbank (player) - Copies the players bank.
Other Commands
::emote (emote id) - Causes you to perform the desired emote.
::bank - Opens up your bank unless you are in the wilderness or the God Wars Dungeon.
::modwild - Makes you un-attackable, but you cannot attack anything either. Activate again to turn off.
::xteleto (player) - Teleports you to the player if they are online.
::gwkillcount - Gives you 40 killcount for all god wars factions.
:: height - Changes the level you are on. 0 being ground level.
::mypos - Tells you your position in X, Y, height.
::tele (x) (y) telports you to the specified coordinates.
::q1 - Completes the first quest
::q2 - Completes the second quest
::ach - Completes achievements

-PkHonor Wiki

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Azu rite
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Re: List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Azu rite » Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:08 am

We already have one of these

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Re: List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Hayden » Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:09 am

A zoo right wrote:We already have one of these
Are you referring to the wiki one? Because it's outdated

Edit: Jeremy's one is also outdated & this one will be more formatted

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Re: List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Property » Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:12 am






::pnpc (id)

Last edited by Property on Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Azu rite » Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:15 am

Hayden wrote:
A zoo right wrote:We already have one of these
Are you referring to the wiki one? Because it's outdated

Edit: Jeremy's one is also outdated & this one will be more formatted
Thought Thoby had one

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Re: List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Hayden » Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:15 am

A zoo right wrote:
Hayden wrote:
A zoo right wrote:We already have one of these
Are you referring to the wiki one? Because it's outdated

Edit: Jeremy's one is also outdated & this one will be more formatted
Thought Thoby had one
Not that I see

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Re: List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Azu rite » Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:24 am
^ I guess that's what I remembered.

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Re: List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Cp123 » Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:37 pm

Nice guide dude :D.

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Re: List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Heisenberg » Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:50 pm

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Errobbie wrote:Helper is pretty much a useless rank.

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Re: List of Commands (05/08/14) [WIP]

Post by Kingz » Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:39 am

Sweet thank you! L0lwut

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