Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Ruler » Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:19 pm

Noobinho wrote:
Platfish wrote:
Noobinho wrote:The prem/ donors are the only people that care about this server; banning them from yell would make a lot more people quit. Then this server can finally turn to dust :D
So, why are premium and donors the only people that care about this server? Please explain yourself...
Because they've invested money into the server, whereas others can simply switch to a different servers.
When I see your posts I don't think you are aware that a big part of the donators and premiums didn't pay for their status. They paid with gp.

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Kalista » Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:58 pm

Noobinho wrote:
Platfish wrote:
Noobinho wrote:The prem/ donors are the only people that care about this server; banning them from yell would make a lot more people quit. Then this server can finally turn to dust :D
So, why are premium and donors the only people that care about this server? Please explain yourself...
Because they've invested money into the server, whereas others can simply switch to a different servers.
like 90% of the current donor+prems bought it with ingame cash.. lol

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Maurits » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:13 pm

Remove yell entirely.

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Kalista » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:14 pm

Maurits wrote:Remove yell entirely.

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Jon » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:19 pm

Remove yell.

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Hayden » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:21 pm

Mike wrote:My suggestion for the punishments:
-> Racism: permanent yellmute along with a permanent mute (the mute can be appealed, the yellmute cannot be appealed)
-> Insults/disrespect: permanent yellmute (can be appealed)
-> Baiting/luring/minor disrespectful comment: 7 days temporary yellmute
-> Spam/cc advertisement/saying 'gf' after a mute/personal conversations: 1 day temporary yellmute

I would also suggest some sort of 'meter' that keeps track of how many temporary yellmutes you've already received, so repeat offenders receive proper punishments. For example, if someone has been tempmuted for 7 days and gets tempmuted for 7 days again at a later point, he gets 7 + 7 = 14 days tempmute the second time. If someone's mute would exceed 20 days, it automatically gets turned into a permanent mute. The meter would however slowly degrade over time.
I would also like to introduce a similar system for normal tempmutes, but that's for another discussion thread.
I strongly support the meter suggestion.
As for the punishments, I agree racism & like a huge amount of disrespect should be a permanent yellmute, but for baiting and spamming I just think it should be a few hours, like 12 at max.

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Patel » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:29 pm

I think removing yell is a viable option, if you want to be lazy about it. I mean, it works, right? Yeah, it works. Just it doesn't require much work, and it doesn't make PkHonor better for the players who have used it for 4 years only to finally see it removed.

Nah, the problem with the yell channel in it's entirety is that people are inconsistently punished, and as a result, don't care for punishment because they feel as though it is not justified. Consequently, they're less obedient to the "rules", because the rules simply don't seem to exist.

So let's tackle the problem instead why don't we.

I'll update with what I think the rules should be later.

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Kylo ren » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:31 pm

In regards to having personal conversations, I think that it would be perfectly fine if it was a general conversation amongst several different people on yell, where anyone can talk about whatever is being spoken about. In terms of only one or two people talking to each other, it should just be taken to a Private Message/Clan Chat.

Racism - I agree that a Permanent Yell Mute should be issued. (Also, I'd like to ask you to point out that derogatory language, regardless of the context, is not allowed.)

As for baiting, I personally never liked this rule. I've always thought it was rather stupid to be dead honest with you. Technically, anything someone says could be a "bait". People can be joking around with their friends, but because it seems like a bait to other players and/or staff members, the player would get muted. Honestly, I don't understand why this is even a rule. If you really look at the rule, then anything that someone says could be a "bait" besides things that are in regards to the Marketing aspect of the server.

If someone says anything from calling someone "Noob" to "Nice tab m8" or anything else in between, it could be taken as a "Bait". Honestly, if someone is incapable of ignoring a "bait" and they respond negatively, the person who "baited" the other player isn't technically at fault. Sure, they got a negative reaction out of the player, but it's the other players' decision to react in a negative manner. The player who "baits" another isn't responsible for the other players' reaction to the bait.

Saying "gf" after a yell mute. The easiest solution for this is to remove the Yell Mute advertisement. Frankly, it's nobody else's business when someone receives a yell mute. Sure, others can see the yell mute that was issued, find it to be unjust, and report whichever Staff Member issued the mute, yet at the same time, that also isn't their call. If the player who received the mute feels that they have been wrongfully muted, and that the punishment was unjust, then it should be up to them, and only them, to speak to, and/or report the Staff Member that issued the mute.

Just my input on these.

Though, I'd much rather see the removal of the ability to yell from anyone who isn't a Staff Member/Helper, due to the mere fact that 99.9% of the content over the yell channel is spam. On top of that, I often see players say things on yell to purposely get yell muted, most likely because they simply don't care.

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Michyy » Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:57 pm

Maurits wrote:Remove yell entirely.

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Re: Yell channel: what shouldn't be allowed?

Post by Rawr » Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:01 am

Maurits wrote:Remove yell entirely.
If it gets to the point where you have to remove yell, good luck Pkhonor. Why let a handful of people ruin it for everyone else?
Last edited by Rawr on Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
