James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money }

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James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money }

Post by Iceeyhd » Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:37 am


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I decided to post a guide, Now I'm not too sure if this guide has been made before or not, So in the even that it hasn't, I've decided to make one, As detailed as i possibly can.

Miths are an amazing way to make money, Provided you have the patience to possibly be there for several hours without any luck at all, And if you do have that sort of patience, then this is the guide for you. 8-)


Okay, So first things first.
You need to gear up and prepare yourself to possibly be there for quite awhile, Now keep in mind that the account I've been doing this on is 1 defence, and I'm slightly broke at the moment haha.

It is also HIGHLY advisable for you to take a ring of wealth, increases your drop chances, and overall helps a lot.

This is the setup that I use, because I'm low on money, and I'm only 1 defence:


However, If you're maxed, or don't have limited funds such as myself, then there's options below:

Range Option:
Spoiler: show
Hat: Ranger Hat, Void Range Helmet, Anything really, doesn't affect it too much.
Top: Void, Black D'hide body, 3a Range, Leather Body, Hardleather Body, Studded Body, etc.
Legs: Void, Black D'hide Chaps, 3a Range
Gloves: Vambs, Void Knight Gloves
Boots: Ranger Boots Would be the best option
Necklace: Ranging Ammy, Fury, Amulet of power
Cape: Definitely an Avas, You save so many bolts it's amazing.
Shield: Anti D Shield, or dragonfire shield.
Weapon: Ccb, Rune cbow Either of those are wonderful, however I don't have chaotics.
Melee Option:
Spoiler: show
And this one you get the jist of, You take whatever you want, and you rambo those dragons. Easy Enough.
Because if you're going to melee them, Chances are you're reasonably wealthy with quality gear.


Miths is actually one of the easiest places to get to, Doesn't take long at all, However it is in the wilderness.
Teleport yourself to edgeville, Then go to the PK Portal. Click on the green Drags teleport, It will ask you if you're sure, Click on yes.
Then run north, Till you get to about level 36, You may have to run a little bit North-West, depending on where the Green Drags teleport puts you.

For those of you unsure where to find the PK Portal, Here's where it is.


If you still can't find it ( Which is unlikely ), Just ask somebody around edgeville, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help you.



If you're a low level like myself, The dragons WILL hit you reasonably hard, so to make your trips last as long as possible, safe spot them. the safe spot is shown above, they will NOT hit you when you stand there.

PS; Be sure to pray melee if you go to pick up l00ts.


The Main reason that i enjoy camping miths for several hours, Is because even if you DONT. get the item, or item(s) you're after, you still walk away with A LOT of dragons bones, valued at 250-350k ea.

However that's not why i like miths so much.

The 2 items that I regularly get from miths are below:

- Uncut Onyx - Sells to the junk store for 30m ( pretty helpful. )
- Clue Scroll(Elite) - Granted, These can take quite a bit of time to complete, but once you get the caskets, people buy for anywhere between 900m - 1.1b.


Feel free to leave me anything that i can do to improve the guide, or if you found anything about it frustrating.
Constructive criticism is WANTED.

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Re: James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money

Post by Ruler » Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:43 am

Nice guide!
regarding uncut onyx: high alching always gives you more money than junk shop. And they can better sell them on the market for 50-60m ea.
It also drops visage (to make dfs). Not sure what the price is at the moment, probably like 70m.

You didn't mention that you are able to lose your stuff in the wildy.
Always take a tab (so you can run south and tab out if there are pkers). It is a multizone, so if there are pkers it is advisable to walk east so you can not be teamed.

Since it is in the wildy it is advisable not to risk too much. For melee I always use dfs and fortune and than mostly crap like rune. Always take a dfs and use antifirepotion. If yoy protect melee you will not get hit at all (dfs+antifirepotion deflects all the mage damage, protect melee deflects all the melee damage).

Add an inventory setup?

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Re: James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money

Post by Coke boyzzz » Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:58 am

Thank you for this guide. Love how you included different methods. +
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Re: James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money

Post by Skills bank » Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:15 pm

i'd recommend not bringing any void into the wilderness unless your doing edge pking, since you'll be losing more money if you die than making it (if you don't sell the ellite/get one)

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Re: James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money

Post by Kalista » Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:52 pm

Skills bank wrote:i'd recommend not bringing any void into the wilderness unless your doing edge pking, since you'll be losing more money if you die than making it (if you don't sell the ellite/get one)
Void is extremely cheap and speeds up kills by a ton. You shouldn't ever really die unless a clan comes, where you should just run to singles and put on karils and tank them while running south.

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Re: James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money

Post by Brooksie » Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:36 pm

Nicely made guide! Care for pkers :p

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Re: James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money

Post by Azu rite » Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:04 pm

Diamond bolts work better considering people tend to take a dfs or antifire pot if they attack you.

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Re: James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money

Post by Kalista » Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:07 pm

Forum mod wrote:Diamond bolts work better considering people tend to take a dfs or antifire pot if they attack you.
Or onyx

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Re: James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money

Post by Azu rite » Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:11 pm

Hentai yum wrote:
Forum mod wrote:Diamond bolts work better considering people tend to take a dfs or antifire pot if they attack you.
Or onyx
Onyx is expensive when you're poor, and the damage ratio isn't that much better.

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Re: James's Guide to Miths ( Wilderness ones ) { Great Money

Post by Iceeyhd » Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:23 am

I'm still not too sure about the best bolts, I just use dragon because that's what i have..
If i can find a definite replacement, then i will use that.
i will eventually upload a good inventory setup aswell.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

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