Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

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Should honors be able to use lootshare in the honor world?

Yes, allow honors to aid their clan
No, this ruins it for other players and clans
I don't care either way
Total votes: 93

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Mike » Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:32 pm

Skiller fab wrote:N01 gonna use honor anymore. Not needed to scout since n01 pks. Can't pk with it because n0 honor pks. I think you should refund a honor status for free to the people who really don't want this/
You still talking? If you're uncapable of giving constructive feedback, I'd much rather you don't say anything at all. I would greatly appreciate that.
Markymark wrote:50% reduction is kinda harsh. Honors kill npc's as fast as reg players do. Not like we can 1 hit npc for a 50% reduction. Only difference is the ::food and ::pray command. I think for the update, ::food should be taken out, keep pray, and make the drop deduction around 10% or something. 50 is just a bit too much.
You however, present a valid point. If I restrict honors (and the equipment only they can spawn) as such that honors can't deal a whole lot more damage than normal players, then perhaps the droprate reduction should be less.

Keep in mind though, honors still have access to ::food, ::pickup, ::pray, ::prayer, ::normal, ::ancient and ::lunar, as well as some really strong weapons such as the barek godsword. Combined with the facts that they can instantly get level 99 in all skills with ::master, and can not risk anything at all, I do believe droprates should be significantly lower than in the real world. Unless some of these abilities were nerfed.

And well, adjustments can always be made. Suggestions are always welcome as long as they are properly motivated.

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Markymark » Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:22 am

Mike wrote:
Skiller fab wrote:N01 gonna use honor anymore. Not needed to scout since n01 pks. Can't pk with it because n0 honor pks. I think you should refund a honor status for free to the people who really don't want this/
You still talking? If you're uncapable of giving constructive feedback, I'd much rather you don't say anything at all. I would greatly appreciate that.
Markymark wrote:50% reduction is kinda harsh. Honors kill npc's as fast as reg players do. Not like we can 1 hit npc for a 50% reduction. Only difference is the ::food and ::pray command. I think for the update, ::food should be taken out, keep pray, and make the drop deduction around 10% or something. 50 is just a bit too much.
You however, present a valid point. If I restrict honors (and the equipment only they can spawn) as such that honors can't deal a whole lot more damage than normal players, then perhaps the droprate reduction should be less.

Keep in mind though, honors still have access to ::food, ::pickup, ::pray, ::prayer, ::normal, ::ancient and ::lunar, as well as some really strong weapons such as the barek godsword. Combined with the facts that they can instantly get level 99 in all skills with ::master, and can not risk anything at all, I do believe droprates should be significantly lower than in the real world. Unless some of these abilities were nerfed.

And well, adjustments can always be made. Suggestions are always welcome as long as they are properly motivated.
All you need to do is remove ::food and ::pickup during combat. That will solve that problem, and I'm pretty sure you can make some of those power items un-able on the different height. That should stablize the honor PVMing.

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Blsf » Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:37 am

Mike wrote:Lately, there has been a lot of controversy around honor players. A lot of players seem to purchase the rank in order to help out their other account (or their clan) with PVM (player versus monster), by dealing damage to monsters, tanking damage or assisting with lootshare. We heard that this disturbs the PVM experience of other players, by stealing loot or giving clans an unfair advantage over others.

On the other hand, if we restricted honors from PVM, the rank would be much less valuable (would only be for looks) and few people would want to buy them anymore - thereby also crashing its prices. People who have honors right now would feel ripped off for the high price they paid for it.

Therefore, we decided to give our players the best of both world: welcome the Honor world!

As of the next update, honors will no longer be able to attack monsters in the normal world, nor being able to tank damage or take part in lootshare.
However, we have added a second 'world' (at another height level, similar to the oldschool wilderness), where Honor players CAN attack and tank monsters. Both players and honor players can get there through a teleport spell in their spellbook.
The drawback of doing PVM on this world, is that monster droprates are 50% lower. Since honor accounts can easily deal great amounts of damage, it's much easier for players with honors to kill monsters.

I do understand that this still a restriction to honors as to what they can currently do, but as a compensation, honors will be able to build the biggest and most awesome houses because they can spawn all the materials they need! I would say that's a very nice feature for honors on its own.

One thing needs to be decided yet though: should honors be able to partake in lootshare in the honor world or not?
(honors won't be able to use lootshare in the normal world either way)

I think this is bs.... i use my honor to pvm and help out friends. the fact that other people are too poor and lazy to buy their own honor doesnt mean you should change it just for them. everyone that has a honor earned the money one way or another. the honor doesnt really effect the eco because if you think about it, its taking out a item from the eco.... say you duo nex with a honor and a main, the honor gets a drop, the main doesnt thats one less item of torva in the eco. now say you duo nex with a friend and your main, your friend gets a drop (friend inplace of honor) thats adding another torva item to the eco.

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Blsf » Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:46 am

also, if your going to do this, why not just ask the people with honors if they would like to sell you their honor account for the average 25b it goes for, this way people dont quit

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Edisdnilb » Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:12 am

Mike wrote:Lately, there has been a lot of controversy around honor players. A lot of players seem to purchase the rank in order to help out their other account (or their clan) with PVM (player versus monster), by dealing damage to monsters, tanking damage or assisting with lootshare. We heard that this disturbs the PVM experience of other players, by stealing loot or giving clans an unfair advantage over others.

On the other hand, if we restricted honors from PVM, the rank would be much less valuable (would only be for looks) and few people would want to buy them anymore - thereby also crashing its prices. People who have honors right now would feel ripped off for the high price they paid for it.

Therefore, we decided to give our players the best of both world: welcome the Honor world!

As of the next update, honors will no longer be able to attack monsters in the normal world, nor being able to tank damage or take part in lootshare.
However, we have added a second 'world' (at another height level, similar to the oldschool wilderness), where Honor players CAN attack and tank monsters. Both players and honor players can get there through a teleport spell in their spellbook.
The drawback of doing PVM on this world, is that monster droprates are 50% lower. Since honor accounts can easily deal great amounts of damage, it's much easier for players with honors to kill monsters.

I do understand that this still a restriction to honors as to what they can currently do, but as a compensation, honors will be able to build the biggest and most awesome houses because they can spawn all the materials they need! I would say that's a very nice feature for honors on its own.

One thing needs to be decided yet though: should honors be able to partake in lootshare in the honor world or not?
(honors won't be able to use lootshare in the normal world either way)
Good shit Mike. I like the idea of honor world but 50% sounds a bit harsh since the only difference is ::food and ::pray commands and maybe some armour here and there. I believe 10%-25% would be more reasonable. (Just throwing that out :p)
-Maybe take out ::food command or make it to where when you enter the monsters dungeon or whatever that your about to kill, you can only spawn food once every 10minutes or something? ::pray command seems ok to leave though.

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Rawr » Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:21 am

It is not hard to learn the co ordiantes of where you are PVMing and constantly auto-tele to Edgeville for spec refill, food + pray. You can miss out on 3 hits max. Disabling a couple commands won't do much as long as ::tele is a command and there is someone near where you want to go.

Keep it at 50% reduction. You said Honors weren't supposed to be used for PVM, so a large reduction in drop rates seems more than fair.

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Couches123 » Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:35 pm

i like this update with construction but most honors wont do it since it will be almost useless, you should refund 10b plus take off for people that have but don't want them.

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Rawr » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:26 pm

Couches123 wrote:i like this update with construction but most honors wont do it since it will be almost useless, you should refund 10b plus take off for people that have but don't want them.
So because you want to continue abusing Honor, you deserve a 10B refund if you cannot?

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Blsf » Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:44 pm

Crownhunter wrote:
Couches123 wrote:i like this update with construction but most honors wont do it since it will be almost useless, you should refund 10b plus take off for people that have but don't want them.
So because you want to continue abusing Honor, you deserve a 10B refund if you cannot?

im sorry but i agree with couches because some people bought for this reason, not are fault others are to poor to buy it or to lazy

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Re: Honors in PVM: lootshare or not in the Honor world?

Post by Rawr » Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:38 pm

Blsf wrote:
Crownhunter wrote:
Couches123 wrote:i like this update with construction but most honors wont do it since it will be almost useless, you should refund 10b plus take off for people that have but don't want them.
So because you want to continue abusing Honor, you deserve a 10B refund if you cannot?

im sorry but i agree with couches because some people bought for this reason, not are fault others are to poor to buy it or to lazy
By "some people", you mean yourself. And so...I repeat what I said. You think your own selfish intentions regarding Honor warrant you with a refund, despite the fact you have probably made 10B (if not the price you paid for Honor) using it in PVM already? If you only bought it for PVM abuse, you could have made 100B+ in a month - this is possible, as in a duo I've seen 4 Torva pieces, 2 Virtus + a Pernix + Zaryte Bow drop in a day using two Honors. Via ::tele commands, it was also guaranteed that (almost) every drop when to a main.

So if you're going to claim you deserve another 10B because just one of the many things you can do with Honor is made harder, you're being ridiculous. And that's putting it extemely nicely.

Also, are you really suggesting that just because others are too "poor" to afford Honor, then that is a good enough reason to not allow this? You're talking out your ass now and you know exactly why; you're lazy yourself and prefer to not have to do anything risky to make bank, so you have become desperate to protect thr only way you know how to make those precious pixels. You call people who don't use Honors lazy, yet they are the ones actually working for their money, not just waiting for their risk-free Honor to get them loot whilst they half-heartedly crash someone.

If you had donated for Honor, it is slightly different IMO, but if you bought it ingame then you lose nothing by this.
