My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

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Legit nukes
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My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Legit nukes » Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:00 am

I'm dust in the wind, an old soul who played this game a long time ago, I was a player, a mod, a PvP mod, a helper mod, than a mod again (Mod Nukes) thus saying i know me logging into Pkhonor here and there and observing the games community without even understanding the most recent updates and developments in the game and me giving an opinion may be ignorant, let alone me logging in time to time to troll staff sometimes.

I just recently came back for a few days to just see how things were and see if i could meet up with any older players, which i have and it was great ! I had great conversations and great inputs about the game and the development. But what I've also noticed is the lack of players actually playing (all AFK) the lack of players being able to buy goods from the Grand Exchange or even from the Home hub of the game in Varrock.

Also what i have noticed is the racism (especially), the vulgar yells that occur over chat, and the ridiculous amount of negativity that comes from this community, I also notice half the time there is no staff to even regard any of it.

I'll keep it short, and this is my opinion, don't take it to heart..

The developers are doing their job, and developing, this server has had a long life span also meaning they are getting older but yet they continue to create content for newer and older players regardless of their in real life jobs, issues, bills, etc.. They go out of the way to create content for a possibly dying community or even a possibly booming one every day and they have been for years.

What I don't like to see is that mods are under staffed, under trained, and also from what i understand there is little to no admins showing their faces, I understand that everyone has a life, but if you dedicate yourself to a community as a "head mod" or an "admin" i would hope you to be showing your faces and showing mods the ropes, show some respect for your community, I don't want players running around calling people the "N" word every two minutes, i don't want people yelling about dicks or vaginas and pornhub, i don't wanna see home filled with afk people and beggars or even newer players there to just manipulate the image of the server, and i've seen this so much in the past 2 days i played..

Ryan, and Ely, I've known both you for a while and i never liked either of your styles of managing staff, get your shit together or give someone else the position, we all got lives but learn to manage it better and take time for a virtual responsibility if it means you're running a staff team, i personally blame the staff team and the leader for the bull shit that's going on, this is a now toxic community,i have seen player numbers drop below 100 on this server, but never seen this shit, get it together or give it to someone more respectful and qualified.

If not get X mage (Hamade back) or even just learn to hire someone with.. you know.. an idea of how time zones work and staff, also you know.... someone who knows how to represent their community?

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Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Thierryu1 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:13 am

Well first off it's not the admins who are the face of the game, that's the mods and most importantly, the community itself.
Secondly, I doubt this server is "understaffed" when we never had this many mods before, or at least not that I can remember.
Thirdly, Home has always been the place to afk and I don't see a problem with it. Begging can be annoying but if you put them on ignore you fixed it.
Fourthly, Under trained mods is just your assumption but mods do get training. The problem might be that mods base their decisions on irl feelings, this can lead to unfairness in some eyes(I am a saint btw).
Fifthly, If you're going to criticize Ryan or Ely then at least tell them what they could be doing better instead of repeating "show your face and do your job better". Do you even know what being an Admin entails?
Sixthly, What do you mean by "running a server down"? The server has had ups better than this and downs worse than what it is.

Also, what do you mean "An idea of timezones"? Just because it's more quiet on the US timezone doesn't mean it's a bad thing.
And really...? Hamade? REALLLYYY DUDE.

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Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Iron adam » Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:27 am

I think the mods should learn to code so we can get some more content!

I agree that racism is bad. I always had zero tolerance for it when I was staffs. Any slurs I saw were automatic 24h mute and then more for repeat offenders. I also checked the logs twice weekly to make sure that no one was yelling slurs under the radar.

Welcome back.

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Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Legit nukes » Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:28 am

Thierryu1 wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:13 am Well first off it's not the admins who are the face of the game, that's the mods and most importantly, the community itself.
Secondly, I doubt this server is "understaffed" when we never had this many mods before, or at least not that I can remember.
Thirdly, Home has always been the place to afk and I don't see a problem with it. Begging can be annoying but if you put them on ignore you fixed it.
Fourthly, Under trained mods is just your assumption but mods do get training. The problem might be that mods base their decisions on irl feelings, this can lead to unfairness in some eyes(I am a saint btw).
Fifthly, If you're going to criticize Ryan or Ely then at least tell them what they could be doing better instead of repeating "show your face and do your job better". Do you even know what being an Admin entails?
Sixthly, What do you mean by "running a server down"? The server has had ups better than this and downs worse than what it is.

Also, what do you mean "An idea of timezones"? Just because it's more quiet on the US timezone doesn't mean it's a bad thing.
And really...? Hamade? REALLLYYY DUDE.
Staff in GENERAL are the face of the game, especially since those are the people who decide what is right and what is wrong, and actually yes it does matter if an admin opposed to a mod is on depending on different abilities of commands and abilities to check logs.

Okay and your second point is ridiculous, i don't check a staff list i check the command ::Staff and when only one staff member is on at a time over two days during my couple hours of playing, yes that is a problem, there can be more help and more community support throughout the team which entails in more people wanting to stay usually, in most cases.

Even if this is the "Most staff we've ever seen" clearly does not seem like it.

Yes home is always been a place to AFK but as a staff member (well when i was staff) we could ::kick a player off after seeing they have been AFK for a certain amount of time, which is okay because it does effect... You know.. the ::players function? when someone does ::players they hope to see ACTIVE players, not 30 out of 60 at home afk.

Under trained is not an assumption, sure they may have been trained, sure they have the knowledge ready to read to be trained, but does it mean they have?

And fifthly, if Ryan and Ely do ever see this they can ask me, I personally don't feel like writing up a huge quote about how they could fix this or how they should do things on a thread that will most likely be over looked due to it being a "personal attack" to those two.

And time zones, you know, the things that change when you go to a different country? The world doesn't revolve around North America, players live in different places.. It's called get mods with different time zones so they can be active.. talk to your staff about when you can be active, almost like shifts, with such a "Huge" staff base i'm sure this can't be hard.

Edit: Oh about the Hamade comment, yes it was a joke but at least the guy knew how to run a proper staff team at the time.
Last edited by Legit nukes on Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:36 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Thierryu1 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:28 am

Iron adam wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:27 am I think the mods should learn to code so we can get some more content!

I agree that racism is bad. I always had zero tolerance for it when I was staffs. Any slurs I saw were automatic 24h mute and then more for repeat offenders. I also checked the logs twice weekly to make sure that no one was yelling slurs under the radar.

Welcome back.
"I agree that racism is bad"
Hot take bro.

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Stale fish1
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Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Stale fish1 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:52 am

This isn't an unpopular opinion, it's general consensus. Be ready for bombardment of players dissing you :)

Game needs help big time

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Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Thierryu1 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:10 am

Stale fish1 wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:52 am This isn't an unpopular opinion, it's general consensus. Be ready for bombardment of players dissing you :)

Game needs help big time
We are a lost cause. Please safe us!

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Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Will be ok2 » Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:03 am

I think there are definitely a few people who put in effort to make the server appealing for everyone and has different views on things which causes conflicts within the community for decisions. Although I agree with some of your points if it was super easy to “fix” the server don’t you believe Mike and Rapsey would have? I know you had stated that those two are trying and putting in an effort but you must think of the potential downfalls maybe horrific downfalls if they listened to your recommendations. If Mike and Rapsey replaced both Ely and Ryan it could cause an abundance of problems. Not even considering the logistics of it, who would it be? Would they be fit for the position? Would they be biased? Would they be loyal? Would they take advantage of it? Why would anyone want that position on a server without getting paid or raking in any type of benefits aside from just helping?

I think the server could used a couple changes but I don’t think replacing or adding additional admins or staff managers is a good option.

As far as the mods go, I could safely assume 20/24 hours there is atleast 1 moderator online. You can’t except people to play a game for fun at very specific times each day, nor could you promote people to staff just because they play during a specific time or are in a certain time zone.


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Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Lykos » Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:50 am

Legit nukes wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:00 am Also what i have noticed is the racism (especially), the vulgar yells that occur over chat, and the ridiculous amount of negativity that comes from this community
100% agree with this statement, could care less about whatever else you complained about.
It's a shame we aren't more strict when it comes to the absolute garbage that flows through ::yell everyday.
C'mon guys ): @Spirit tank @Isaac @026 @Nazuths @Uim legolas @Pkh takeover

Rest In Peace Lieven

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Re: My unpopular opinion on this year of Pkhonor

Post by Spirit tank » Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:53 am

@lykos ! Thank you for the @! I will definitely try to catch this more often while I am on! Unless its when I'm sleeping\at work\gym then, I sincerely apologize that it goes unpunished at those times if others are not on :\

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