Beginner experience

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Beginner experience

Post by Thearlygamer » Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:36 pm

I'd like to begin a conversation on the beginners experience to Pk Honor, and how we as a community can come up with suggestions to make their first interaction more enjoyable to have them long term players

Things I personally see as a problem for beginners:
•Donator/Premium- In my opinion, reflecting from when I first started, the price of donator and premium status's have almost doubled, while the available money making methods for newer players seems to be the same, if not even fewer since there are less players buying things such as supplies for 2b construction.
I'm not sure if we can do much about lowering the costs of these status's without effecting the actual donations, but new players 9 times out of 10 won't want to rush to donate to a server they barely started, but once they hear it'll probably take them 16+ hours to achieve premium status's to kill things like the corporeal beast and zulrah they'll be discouraged.
In my opinion a few things we could do is make the corp and zulrah (especially since Zulrah drops so many good supplies that would benefit early game F2p players) F2P monsters along with introducing lower/mid tier money making methods that are more obvious for new players to do for starter cash even if it's just increasing the amount of money received while training thieving.

•PVM- I know it's been brought up time and time again, but I strongly believe we need to introduce instance rooms for regular players. Newer players will just have no chance against anyone with a custom whip, or ench comp+whip combo. There are currently efforts to balance these, but even then unless they save up 18b+ for a whip of chaos they typically have no chance in getting a drop. The instance rooms would benefit newer players since the OP gamers will use the regular room, the newer ones can pay a small fee (or even use it free if the community feels that's the best approach) to boss as long as their hearts desire.

•Toxcitiy/spamm in yell- I know we don't want to police too hard on the yell chat, but at times it gets to be too much. I don't want to make the game boring for players since bantering with friends can be fun, but at times I feel that some players get tired of all the drama that's allowed on yell. Personally I know no fix to this, but maybe it can be discussed below.

•Ancient Curses Prayers- I believe that the req to purchase these for a few bil along with pkhonor points is asking for too much of newer players. I believe this could/should be unlocked through completing one of our quests. I just think these prayers aren't too OP compared to some other things we have on here and it'd be best for these to be unlocked by playing the story of the game rather than having to purchase them.

•Introduce every new player to @Thoby because we love him

•Risky Barrows- Barrows armours are probably one of the first upgrades a player should/would grind for starting this server, and I believe it should be instanced. It would allow newer players to try and grind for their early game gear while not having to compete with the guy in virtus and toxic staff who's only there to pass the time. Introducing more barrows gear would not be game breaking, and if anything it would help pkers get their DH, Ahrims, and Karils gear quicker to begin pking

That's all from me for now, if I have any other ideas or if I see some I like in the comments below I'd be glad to add it to the list, but please feel free to leave your own input along with suggestions you may have on what we can do
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Re: Beginner experience

Post by Ain » Tue Aug 11, 2020 6:20 pm

•Donator/Premium- In my opinion, reflecting from when I first started, the price of donator and premium status's have almost doubled, while the available money making methods for newer players seems to be the same, if not even fewer since there are less players buying things such as supplies for 2b construction.
I'm not sure if we can do much about lowering the costs of these status's without effecting the actual donations, but new players 9 times out of 10 won't want to rush to donate to a server they barely started, but once they hear it'll probably take them 16+ hours to achieve premium status's to kill things like the corporeal beast and zulrah they'll be discouraged.
I don't think 16-25 hours of gameplay to aqquire donator or premium status without having to pay real money is much to ask. I understand that this is a RSPS so it should be easy. However, there is a fine line between making the game easy and too easy. There is currently PLENTY of non-donator/premium content that can be played, and some of it is the most profitable content in the game.

Just like Runescape, or any MMO, it starts off relatively slow and exponentially increases the amount of affect you have on the world. So for an RSPS this increase in damage, money per hour, etc exponentially grows much quicker than RS. 16-25 hours isn't too much to ask though even on this relative scale. I am sure there are lots of new players that donate for the status to circumvent that process. If the status is too easy to achieve people will not donate for it.

•PVM- I know it's been brought up time and time again, but I strongly believe we need to introduce instance rooms for regular players. Newer players will just have no chance against anyone with a custom whip, or ench comp+whip combo. There are currently efforts to balance these, but even then unless they save up 18b+ for a whip of chaos they typically have no chance in getting a drop. The instance rooms would benefit newer players since the OP gamers will use the regular room, the newer ones can pay a small fee (or even use it free if the community feels that's the best approach) to boss as long as their hearts desire.
Support. The main argument against this I've seen is, "Well they can just wait until there is no one there". For a new player, if they cannot complete a boss slayer task because they are continusally crashed for a day, or even a few hours, they may quit. I think instanced bossing should be introduced for new players only. Allow new players with less than ~100 hours to have the ability to instance bosses. I believe that if a player plays for over 100 hours they are most likely to stick around for a decent amount of time even if they get crashed.
•Toxcitiy/spamm in yell- I know we don't want to police too hard on the yell chat, but at times it gets to be too much. I don't want to make the game boring for players since bantering with friends can be fun, but at times I feel that some players get tired of all the drama that's allowed on yell. Personally I know no fix to this, but maybe it can be discussed below.
I don't think many people in the RS community get turned off by PvP/Yell banter. I don't think we need to have harder enforcement. It goes against what it means to be an RSPS.
•Ancient Curses Prayers- I believe that the req to purchase these for a few bil along with pkhonor points is asking for too much of newer players. I believe this could/should be unlocked through completing one of our quests. I just think these prayers aren't too OP compared to some other things we have on here and it'd be best for these to be unlocked by playing the story of the game rather than having to purchase them.
Support. The number one thing I notice new players get annoyed about is that they don't get curses right off the bat/or more easily.

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Re: Beginner experience

Post by Raj » Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:16 pm

1. At 3m a credit, statuses are 7.5b each, and that's what they're selling for in GE. Does seem a bit high tbh
2. Impartial
3. Not worth debating for either side, I've seen people say they play OSRS/RSPS just to flame and argue with people and then there's also people who can't handle being called a rat without getting upset. I agree though some of the endless banter has been a bit... endless. Probably (definitely) has to do with the spur in PvP activity, so I'd call it unavoidable if we want an active wild personally
4. I think those are ok where they're at now, being able to rent them for low amounts of PKP
5. Yes, but also, it would be nice if poll booths were implemented so they had links to dev blogs and dev polls. I don't think new players have any idea really about what the plans for the server are and how the devs operate, and people who don't read forums are always asking about upcoming content
6. If #2 were implemented then this should come with it, although risky barrows is like most of our content really, 75% of the time it's free to use and the rest of the time you go morph or do something else

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Re: Beginner experience

Post by Iron blix » Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:39 am

Making an ironman was the best thing I ever did as a beginner. Sure you could argue that it's intended for those veterans who seek a different challenge but I must say it's an incredible way of teaching yourself and learning with experimentation. I recommend any new player to give ironman mode a try before moving on to a regular account to guarantee they fully understand the game.

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Re: Beginner experience

Post by The underdog » Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:55 am

Kinda agree with all of them but only a little bit, but not enough to actually change any of it. Changing some of these might do as much harm as good so not really worth it.

Maybe the money making methods have not scaled with the inflation of many items, but on the other hand obtaining those items grants you 'more'. It's just the stage where you can't kill bosses efficiently enough for it to be an actual money maker compared to a maxed vet. Gold leafs and frost bones etc are still good money.

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Re: Beginner experience

Post by Iron sloth » Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:47 am

•Donator/Premium- In my opinion, reflecting from when I first started, the price of donator and premium status's have almost doubled, while the available money making methods for newer players seems to be the same, if not even fewer since there are less players buying things such as supplies for 2b construction.
I'm not sure if we can do much about lowering the costs of these status's without effecting the actual donations, but new players 9 times out of 10 won't want to rush to donate to a server they barely started, but once they hear it'll probably take them 16+ hours to achieve premium status's to kill things like the corporeal beast and zulrah they'll be discouraged.
In my opinion a few things we could do is make the corp and zulrah (especially since Zulrah drops so many good supplies that would benefit early game F2p players) F2P monsters along with introducing lower/mid tier money making methods that are more obvious for new players to do for starter cash even if it's just increasing the amount of money received while training thieving.
Donator price has doubled, but its been the new normal for quite some time now I wouldn't suggest changing the price, but possibly new content for low to mid experience gameplay.
•PVM- I know it's been brought up time and time again, but I strongly believe we need to introduce instance rooms for regular players. Newer players will just have no chance against anyone with a custom whip, or ench comp+whip combo. There are currently efforts to balance these, but even then unless they save up 18b+ for a whip of chaos they typically have no chance in getting a drop. The instance rooms would benefit newer players since the OP gamers will use the regular room, the newer ones can pay a small fee (or even use it free if the community feels that's the best approach) to boss as long as their hearts desire.
With this being an rsps and only have 1 world, it is hard to get into certain bossing rooms as a new player without getting crashed by someone with torva+custom. Being instanced is iffy, maybe charge a fee to enter an instanced bossing room with an option to add friends to said instanced.
Another thing is it brings players to joining/creating clans, thus bringing the community closer.
•Toxcitiy/spamm in yell- I know we don't want to police too hard on the yell chat, but at times it gets to be too much. I don't want to make the game boring for players since bantering with friends can be fun, but at times I feel that some players get tired of all the drama that's allowed on yell. Personally I know no fix to this, but maybe it can be discussed below.
I'm 50/50 with this, sometimes its annoying, sometimes its funny. But 90% of the time it gets dragged on too long/too far. I typically turn off yell when I get annoyed but then I can't see players asking questions via yell. Its normally the same players who are repeat offenders of being toxic and causing problems so when it comes to that point then actions should be taken more seriously.
•Ancient Curses Prayers- I believe that the req to purchase these for a few bil along with pkhonor points is asking for too much of newer players. I believe this could/should be unlocked through completing one of our quests. I just think these prayers aren't too OP compared to some other things we have on here and it'd be best for these to be unlocked by playing the story of the game rather than having to purchase them.
I agree curses are a pain to get, I would love to see a new quest that upon completion grants access to curses.
•Risky Barrows- Barrows armours are probably one of the first upgrades a player should/would grind for starting this server, and I believe it should be instanced. It would allow newer players to try and grind for their early game gear while not having to compete with the guy in virtus and toxic staff who's only there to pass the time. Introducing more barrows gear would not be game breaking, and if anything it would help pkers get their DH, Ahrims, and Karils gear quicker to begin pking
I wouldnt say instance risky barrows, its pretty easy to get barrows armor doing regular barrows runs as a new player. Although this brings to my previous statement of having a fee to instance.

All-in-all I would love to see new-mid experience content. Also appreciate seeing players caring about the new members of the community, in my experience most new players get flamed early on by toxic players and they end up not returning. I see so many times new players asking questions in the "Help" CC and then being ridiculed for asking a "dumb" question. Players who are in "Help"/"PKHonor" CC should only be allowed to answer/ask questions or talk about in-game content rather then what you had for lunch.

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Re: Beginner experience

Post by Thearlygamer » Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:16 am

I'm glad everyone's voicing their opinion and they're all opinions there's no right or wrong, but if y'all have any extra suggestions I'd be all ears to them. I want new players to come and stay
Being the best player on PkHonor is hard, I just make it look easy

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