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New? Read this.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:45 am
by Iron sloth
Hello friends! This guide will be a text guide to understanding PKHONOR!
Once you create your account, you are able to chose from 4 different gamemodes: Regular, Ironman, Hardcore Ironman, and Ultimate Ironman.
This guide will mainly focus on regular players but can still help other gamemode accounts understand pkhonor!
Information about gamemodes
Regular Player(Recommended for starting out)Play PkHonor as a regular player. Players have access to everything available. No restrictions will be applied to your account! Meaning you can PvM & Trade with others, pick up dropped items, and use the grand exchange!
Ironman PlayerPlay PkHonor as an Ironman Mode Player. An Ironman cannot receive items or assistance from other players. They cannot trade, stake, receive PK loot, scavenge dropped items, nor play certain multiplayer minigames.
Hardcore Ironman PlayerPlay PkHonor as a Hardcore Ironman Mode player. In addition to the standard Ironman Mode restrictions, HCIM players have only one life. Dying outside safe areas freezes your highscores and you become a regular Ironman.
Ultimate Ironman PlayerPlay PkHonor as an Ultimate Ironman Mode Player. In addition to the standard Ironman Mode restrictions, Ultimate Ironman Mode players cannot use banks and lose all items on death in dangerous areas.
Each gamemode comes with different inventory items. Like stated above this will be mainly for Regular Players. With your starter items you will receive 3 combat xp lamps which can be used on 3 different combat style skills. It will grant you level 99 In the skill you choose. You will also spawn with various runes, food, potions, weapons, and 10m! Go ahead and bank your items but leave your cash in your inventory. Head on over to ::shops Here you will find various shops that you can buy from to start training your skills, shops include, skillcape store, general store, farming store, crafting store, hunter store, herblore store, magic store, range store, armor/weapons store, pkhonor point store, bounty hunter store, and make-over mage! I suggest going ahead and buying some armor and dragon weaponry, an anti-fire shield, and some tools like pickaxe, hammer, chisel, knife, and shovel.
Now lets discuss pkhonor points, what they are and how to use them!
You can get PkHonor Points by skilling, Player Killing, killing the WildyWyrm or Revenants, doing the Zombie minigame, the Fight Pits, and the Fight Cave. You gain pkHonor points by earning exp, so the higher tier skilling method that grants the most exp is recommended to gain fast PkHonor Points. now lets move on to how to use them, if we head over to ::shops there is a man there named "PkHonor Shop Salesman" He is wearing a legends cape. You can trade him for either weapons or equipment, he sales the notorious chaotic weaponry. Other uses for PkHonor Points is: Quests, curses, max cape, & comp cape
Lets move onto some handy-dandy commands!
::Commands - Will bring up the entire list of commands into your browser.
::skilling - Teleports you to the skilling area.
::vote - Opens the vote menu on the website in your browser.
::donate - Opens the site page with all information regarding donating.
::shops - Teleports you to shops.
::appeal - Been Banned/Muted? ::Appeal will bring up the forums in your browser so you can appeal the punishment!
::changepass <newpass> - Sets your password to <newpass>
::empty - Drops your entire inventory on the floor. This is mostly useful for skillers. You can pick anything back up after you used this command.
::events - Show an overview of all ongoing and planned events.
::guides - Opens the forums page containing all the PkHonor guides.
::help - Will notify a staff member that you need help.
::helpme <message> - Will send a help message to staff, please be specific.
::map - Launches the PkHonor Map in your browser.
::mypcs - Shows you how many pest control points you currently have.
::mypks - Shows you how many PkHonor Points you have.
::timeplayed - Shows you how long you have been playing PkHonor so far.
Lets go over the mage book teleports!
= Home Teleport! Teleports you to home! (Varrock)
Combat Training Teleport! - Good for early combat training!
Skilling teleport! - Thieving, woodcutting, mining, smithing, fishing farming crafting guild, gnome agility course, slayer, hunter
Monster teleport! - Dragons, dag kings, kalphite queen, GWD, KBD, Glacors, vorkath, catacombs of kourend, lizard shaman, karuulm dungeon
Minigames teleport - Barrows, Pest control, duel arena, warriors guild, Fight Cave, Castle wars, CoX, ToB, fight pits, clan wars
Donator/Premium Teleport - Teleports you to donator zone, premium zone, and premium skilling zone.
PvP Teleport - Edgeville, Green Dragons, black chins, mage bank, and deep wildy agility course!
Re: New? Read this.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:45 am
by Iron sloth
Will work on video guide for players who cant read such as @Church
Re: New? Read this.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:04 am
by Brant
Iron sloth wrote: ↑Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:45 am
Hungry will finish guide later.
Who is this 'Hungry' character. He seems like a nice guy. Would support.