Pking Issues in 2020

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Iron adam
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Pking Issues in 2020

Post by Iron adam » Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:31 pm

Here are some clear explanations and even videos of how combat is flawed.


Pathing has been a major issue in PkHonor over the past decade. At times it has been decent, and at other times terrible. Right now, it is again at a low point. Players can easily walk through walls, no-clip into random areas, and get stuck on trees. We need to come up with a solutions that works in both PvP and PvM scenarios. Monster pathing is very good right now, and should probably not be changed. The path that a player takes to a monster needs to be tweaked. We will often run under monsters and then run out from under to attack.

We need to obtain and implement the player to player pathing code that is used by OSRS and every other oldschool style RSPS.

Relevant threads:

Combat Calculations

Players have always complained about the accuracy, defence, and max hit of items. Items like Dharoks, Korasi, Hand Cannon, Torva, Pvp Gear, etc. These items have all had tweaks to their stats and hidden bonuses. A common theme that all players mention is the inconsistency of a given weapon. Most fights on PkHonor go something like 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 65. Instead of trying to fix the problem by only making changes to the gear stats, we need to change the actual calculations. Otherwise, we will continue to see weird behaviors at the extreme ends of these calculations.

We need to obtain and implement the accuracy, defence, and damage calculations that are used in OSRS. Once that is done, then we tweak the actual stats of the weapons and gear.

Relevant threads:

Availability of Gear and Items

Please don't make me write it all again: viewtopic.php?f=73&t=77252

Is this clear enough?

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Troll n roll
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Re: Pking Issues in 2020

Post by Troll n roll » Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:24 pm

Great compilation! I love how there are so many threads regarding the issues...
Adam the lion wrote:If you are making super pots for profit on an rsps, you really need to re-evaluate your life.

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