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PvP portion of diaries staff question

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:17 am
by Will be ok
This is directed twords staff preferably twords rapsey/Mike.

There is no “official” rules in regards to what is considered “boosting” for doing the PVP diaries, when Adam was an admin I had asked him and his response was basically it’s not allowed to farm t10’s from BH however if you kill your friend once or twice in a non active wildly area then it’s ok. One of my main questions also is if i tele in on someone at frosts for BH am I allowed to let them bank their loot then kill them afterwards rather then be a dick and kill them there and then? (I personally think it should be allowed)

Where exactly is the line if there is a line? Obviously farming t10’s is going to clearly be agonist the rules but currently there is no ruling on bounty hunter and what u cannot do to complete your PvP diaries, I would also like to add that some of the stuff is absurd and would only be possible to complete if someone else is also working twords diaries, that being said the wild is super inactive currently (hopefully not for long) so I am hoping that there is a fair bit of liencany twords this ruling for what is and what is not allowed.

Re: PvP portion of diaries staff question

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:24 am
by Iron adam
That was more my opinion. This is really a question for Ryan and what his policy is.

Personally, I don't think its a problem killing friends occasionally. This is a pk server after all (lol). It would be really counter productive to have staff members constantly warning and punishing people for killing others in the wilderness because they agreed to it. The only time I would ever punish for it was when there was some sort of systematic abuse. That abuse could be farming t10s, farming regular kills, farming bh achievements, farming pkp. Whatever it is, it is very easy for staff members to see the abuse.

The thing that drives me crazy is when I see players getting warned or punished for saying something like, "bro plz sell kill for 50m". Is that really so harmful to the game that you have to punish a player and risk them quitting? No. Who gives a fuck what they do. This is a game and the point is to have fun. There is a very clear difference between one off events and systematic abuse.

Re: PvP portion of diaries staff question

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:59 am
by Ryan
Adam summed it up pretty well.

I don't see an issue with occasionally killing your friends. But if it gets to a stage, where you and your friends are all sitting at edge without items, waiting in line to get killed. Then you could call that systematic abuse.

I understand more often then not, the only person in the wild is either one of your friends, or a low level trying to make money. I don't have an issue with it happening occasionally, but if you complete the entire wildy diary killing your friend with no items on, I'd be inclined to reset it.

Hopefully my vague response answers your question.

Re: PvP portion of diaries staff question

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 2:08 am
by Will be ok
Ryan wrote:Adam summed it up pretty well.

I don't see an issue with occasionally killing your friends. But if it gets to a stage, where you and your friends are all sitting at edge without items, waiting in line to get killed. Then you could call that systematic abuse.

I understand more often then not, the only person in the wild is either one of your friends, or a low level trying to make money. I don't have an issue with it happening occasionally, but if you complete the entire wildy diary killing your friend with no items on, I'd be inclined to reset it.

Hopefully my vague response answers your question.
Yes, so correct me if I’m wrong,

Occasionally killing friends / others naked is allowed based on the activity of wild, it becomes crossing the line when your specifically going out of your way to have your friends sit in wild naked to become a target (pre-setting your target practically).

Also thank you for your quick response and lienancy twords this

Re: PvP portion of diaries staff question

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 2:15 am
by Sam
Ryan wrote:Adam summed it up pretty well.

I don't see an issue with occasionally killing your friends. But if it gets to a stage, where you and your friends are all sitting at edge without items, waiting in line to get killed. Then you could call that systematic abuse.

I understand more often then not, the only person in the wild is either one of your friends, or a low level trying to make money. I don't have an issue with it happening occasionally, but if you complete the entire wildy diary killing your friend with no items on, I'd be inclined to reset it.

Hopefully my vague response answers your question.

I'm like 4-6 bh Kills off Comp - Would you mind helping me friend?:D

Re: PvP portion of diaries staff question

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:11 am
by Fungamer
Will be ok wrote:
Ryan wrote:Adam summed it up pretty well.

I don't see an issue with occasionally killing your friends. But if it gets to a stage, where you and your friends are all sitting at edge without items, waiting in line to get killed. Then you could call that systematic abuse.

I understand more often then not, the only person in the wild is either one of your friends, or a low level trying to make money. I don't have an issue with it happening occasionally, but if you complete the entire wildy diary killing your friend with no items on, I'd be inclined to reset it.

Hopefully my vague response answers your question.
Yes, so correct me if I’m wrong,

Occasionally killing friends / others naked is allowed based on the activity of wild, it becomes crossing the line when your specifically going out of your way to have your friends sit in wild naked to become a target (pre-setting your target practically).

Also thank you for your quick response and lienancy twords this
Pretty much always been like this tbh