14 September Updates
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 1:59 pm
Jeremy has once again brought a whole bunch of updates to the server for you guys to enjoy! I know that it's been over a month since the last update, due to my 2 week vacation in August (and I don't release updates shortly before I leave, because of the risk of bugs) and the fact that it took me more than 2 weeks to finish reviewing this huge update. The next few updates should be rolled out much quicker!
- All corrupt PvP equipment has been removed from the PkHonor Exchange Shop and Bounty Hunter Shop. They can still be obtained through killing revenants
- Most wilderness bosses now drop mysterious emblems (tier 1), but only for those who have Bounty Hunter enabled. They do not drop for Ironman Mode players
- Several wilderness multicombat areas have been altered so they match those of OSRS
- Fixed Toxic Blowpipe being unequipped when you run out of charges or darts
- Fixed Morrigan's Javelin acting as a melee weapon
- Fixed a bug that would take Ironman Mode players to the wrong height when teleporting into an instanced boss room while standing at height 1, 2 or 3 (for example when teleporting into the Kalphite Queen room while at ::chill)
- A sextant, watch and chart can now only be obtained by talking to the observatory professor, found just North of the observatory. The fastest way to get there is by teleporting to Castle Wars and running north
- Ava's accumulator has been added to the ranged store, costing 20M coins each. The item can now also be freely traded among players
- Saradomin, Guthix, Zamorak, Armadyl and Bandos dragonhide boots have been added as hard and elite treasure trail rewards; ancient dragonhide boots have been added as elite treasure trail reward. All boots offer +7 ranged attack and +4 melee, ranged and magic defence bonuses (same as OSRS), requiring a ranged level of 70 and defence level of 40 to wear
- Several WildyWyrm spawn points have been removed and a few new ones added, so the WildyWyrm will now always spawn in multi-combat areas
- Items removed from the ranged store: bronze arrow, steel arrow, mithril arrow, oak shortbow, willow shortbow, yew shortbow, magic comp bow, seercull, mithril crossbow, adamant crossbow, steel bolts, mithril bolts, runite bolts, opal bolts (e), jade bolts (e), pearl bolts (e), topaz bolts (e), sapphire bolts (e), emerald bolts (e) and adamant knife. Seercull is still dropped by the dagannoth supreme and magic comp bow has been added as a hard treasure trail reward, while all other items can be made through fletching
- The bronze arrows in the Ironman ranged store have been replaced by iron arrows
- Items added to the armour & weapons store: iron full helm, iron platebody, iron platelegs, iron plateskirt, iron kiteshield, rune full helm, rune platebody, rune platelegs, rune plateskirt, rune kiteshield, anti-dragon shield, barrows gloves (10M each), guthix cape (5M each) and unholy book (4M each)
- Items removed from the armour & weapons store: iron boots, adamant boots, rune boots, obsidian cape, obsidian shield and all obsidian weapons
- A Tzhaar weapons store containing obsidian cape, obsidian shield and all obsidian weapons has been added near the southeast end of the Tzhaar city
- Uncut red topaz has been added to the crafting store
- Items removed from the supplies store: attack potion, strength potion, defence potion, weapon poison, anti-dragon shield, unholy book, sextant, watch and chart
- Items added to the supplies store: super attack potion, super strength potion, super defence potion, super restore potion, iron pickaxe, rune pickaxe, iron axe, rune pickaxe and dwarven rock cake. Dwarven rock cake deals 1 damage when you attempt to eat it, but it cannot kill you. Several other items in the shop have been rearranged to be in a more logical order
- Bronze, steel, mithril and adamant axes & pickaxes have been removed from the pickaxes & axes stores. They can still be obtained by killing magic axes in Taverley dungeon
- The black chinchompa hunter area teleport in your spellbook will now take you to level 36 - 38 wilderness, instead of up to level 40
- The placement of several shopkeepers inside the ::shops room has been slightly changed to give it a better overview
- The robe store salesman inside the ::shops room has moved to canifis
- Premium members can now use the travel cart to quickly travel from Brimhaven to Shilo village
- Several shortcuts and passages have been opened to allow access to new areas, although most places don't have much of an actual use yet:
Spoiler: show