Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Wise One
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Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by Thunt » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:22 pm


I. Introduction / Premise For The Guide
II. Prologue
III. General Information About Maturity and Respect
IV. Words and Terms To Avoid Using
V. Being the "Bigger Person"
VI. Semi-proper spelling / grammar
VII When NOT to Post


Hello! I'm writing this guide because, as a whole... this community is plain rude. I feel that if people were more respectful and mature, more people would play here.


First and foremost, I ask that you throw the term "netiquette" into a search engine and read a few pages regarding it. I'm not going to plagiarize all of those pages, as many of you do when posting guides.

[Maturity and Respect]

Let's, for the sake of this guide Google search both words...
Respect (Verb) - to hold in esteem or honor
Maturity (Noun) - the state or quality of being mature; full development
Now, you might be saying, "I'm mature because I make crude jokes regarding sex while using curse words..." Let me be the first to tell you, you aren't. You also might be saying, "Who cares if I'm acting mature, it's only a game." While it may be a game, you're still dealing with other people. Most people, me included, have enough stress in their lives without needing to deal with immaturity on the internet. Many people use games to escape reality, to escape the garbage in their regular lives, and by acting as such, you're providing the undesired lifelike environment they sought to escape. Disrespectful people WILL stop, if they aren't enabled by recovering from their stupidity with a rebuttal of comparable disrespect.

If you didn't understand that:
1) Being an ass doesn't make you cool. It angers others and potentially drives them away from the community.
2) Don't fight fire with fire, when it comes to disrespectful people.

[Words To Avoid Using]

Below you will find a list of words that ask for nothing, save*** problems. Try to avoid using them:

{General Curse Words}

-(Piece of) Shit(head)

-Racial Slurs
-Anything that may offend people of a given religion

{Condescending Words}


{Degrading Sexual Terms}

-et cetera, you get the point

{1337 5p34K} (1337 Speak)

-Noob, n00b, newb, n3wb
-The terms, "so gg" and "so gf"
-Not so much of 1337 Speak, but Beast / Beastly
-ANYTHING Regarding the other player's mother

-Do not EVER joke around about suicide, or use it an argument. Suicide is a very serious topic / issue and WILL offend many people, given that most people deal with it at one point or another throughout their lives, through either an attempt themselves, or their family / friends. If you told another player, "OMFG WOW NOOB, GO KILL YOURSELF" and they were distraught enough, it might be what pushes them over the edge. While that isn't likely, let's be compassionate...

Imagine you've had the absolute worst day of your life, you think the world is out to get you and you haven't anything left to live for. So you try to calm down, by playing this game, but on the game there is a complete stranger who tells you that you should commit suicide... you just might do it. So how would you feel, knowing that you're the person who did that? Your shallow-minded comments drove somebody to take their own life, that you were perhaps, the last person they ever spoke to and that's what you said to them. You would, or at least you should feel like shit. So, don't put yourself in that situation, be compassionate.


***(save is being used in place of the word "but" it does not mean that these words will save a problem from being started.

[Being The Bigger Person]

When somebody is acting immature, or moronic, you shouldn't stoop to their level. You should simply ignore them, trust me, the WILL go away when they realize you don't care. If they persist and you are legitimately offended, simply take a screenshot and report them on the forums. Reports can be filed here:;board=26.0
The above link will bring you right to the posting screen.

Nitrate: Selling Bronze Mace

John Doe: No1 will buy bronze mac3 n3wb

Nitrate: STFU FAG

John Doe: Ur teh noob

Nitrate: Well I pwn u in wildy GF'd

John Doe: K, let's go risk fite me bro

Nitrate: No, ur noob.

John Doe (In clan chat) : Who's more noob me or Nitrate?

Chrome (In clan chat) : Nitrate is noob with shitty bank



Nitrate: I pwn u son.

Chrome: STFU kid...

*** That will continue for about 10 minutes...***

Nynfo has banned Chrome from the clan chat.
Nynfo has banned Nitrate from the clan chat.

Nitrate: Selling Bronze Mace!!!

John Doe: No1 wants bronz mac3 noob.

Nitrate: Selling Bronze Mace!!!

John Doe: Noob no1 will buy

Nitrate: Selling Bronze Mace!!!

John Doe: U C? No1 buys, so GF'd

Nitrate: Selling Bronze Mace!!!

John Doe has logged off

[Spelling / Grammar]

I'm not saying you need to type completely properly, but in order to be understood and taken seriously, you honestly should. A few very easy things to do are:

-Complete your words... don't use: u, c, b, y as standalone words
-Use letters instead of numbers... refrain from: no1, 2 (when in place of to), 4 (when in place of for).

[Posting and When You Shouldn't]

The PkHonor forums are a wonderful place, but there are a few things you might want to consider, such as the following before posting:

1) While post count is nice to have, the way many people obtain it is awful. Posting in places where it isn't required just causes congestion and makes the topic harder to focus on.

-Requesting locks on threads that aren't yours, a moderator will get to it and lock it if they deem it necessary.

-Backseat moderation (Let the moderators do the moderating, if a post is out of place, report it.)

-Beating a dead horse (After a problem has been resolved, there is no need for you to give the same answer.)

-If you cannot contribute to the thread, don't post. (Saying things such as "LOOK AT MY SECOND SIG" when your signature is just giant text saying Gfed)

-Brown-nosing (Don't post if you're just trying to kiss a staff member's ass, it doesn't work.)

-[glow=red,2,300]Large Colored Text... [/glow]

-CAPITAL LETTERS are just obnoxious

2) When posting something that you want to matter, it should be posted properly. As stated earlier, proper spelling and grammar aids in raising the level of comprehensibility in your thread, while also making you seem serious. If you're posting a suggestion that you feel can positively impact the game, why not present it neatly, and in an attractive manner.

3) Elucidate... Go into detail about whatever you're trying to say. Far more often than not, one word answers aren't enough to get a point across.

*Guides by Tyler!
I'm an individual, yeah, but I'm part of a movement.

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Re: Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by Smdjagex » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:48 pm

At first I was like this is gonna be good.
Now that I've read at I've changed my mind.
Very well planned. Good job.
Credits to maurits for Signature

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Re: Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by Azu rite » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:02 pm

Nice copy and paste <3

Wise One
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Re: Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by Thunt » Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:36 am

Emma watson wrote:Nice copy and paste <3

I never claimed it to be mine. Hence the name and footer "Guides by Tyler"
I'm an individual, yeah, but I'm part of a movement.

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Re: Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by Patel » Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:21 pm

Always loved Tyler's Guides.

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Re: Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by Azu rite » Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:56 pm

Thunt wrote:
Emma watson wrote:Nice copy and paste <3

I never claimed it to be mine. Hence the name and footer "Guides by Tyler"
More plz

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Re: Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by Maurits » Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:57 pm

Thunt wrote:
Emma watson wrote:Nice copy and paste <3

I never claimed it to be mine. Hence the name and footer "Guides by Tyler"
Funny, he probably could've learned alot from his own guide.

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Re: Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by L u s t » Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:09 pm

Looks like wikipedia, I'm not sure if I'm reading it, though I've noticed some words like "twat" etc instantly, so the guide would be kinda nice I guess.
::Thread 7447, to view my Elf warrior's guide!

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Re: Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by Ivy » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:01 am

Never use the name John Doe as an example for something bad.

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Re: Guides by Tyler: Maturity!

Post by Azu rite » Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:22 am


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