Choose 1 item that protects over everything

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Should players get the option to choose 1 item to keep on death as achievement reward?

Yes, and add it as a preset option too
Yes, but don't add it as a preset option
No, I think this is a bad idea
I'm undecided
Total votes: 48

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Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Mike » Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:02 pm

The full list of wilderness achievement diary rewards has been worked out by now and just needs community approval yet (implementing it into the game is just a few minutes of work). However, before I post it, I would like to know what our community thinks of the option to choose 1 item that protects over everything else, no matter what.

Until now, the 'items kept on death' has always taken the item value into account in order to determine which item(s) players get to keep on death. However, as reward for completing the entire achievement diary, we were thinking of giving players the option to choose 1 single item that will protect over everything. This item would be a permanent account setting, but can be changed to another item at any time.

On top of that, there's also the possibility of making it an optional part of presets.

Let me know what you think, once we have a clear view of the community's view on this particular reward, I'll post the entire rewards list for final approval :)

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Re: Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Ruler » Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:26 pm

Mehh doesn't change much in most situations. Only beneficial for halos and god bows (which should just go to refund anyways), which aren't used in pvp situations that much and for cases where brawlers unnecessarily protect over something else.

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Re: Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Whiprealgood » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:18 pm

I think it's a nice option to have I've always loved unlock-able customization and this seems like a good one. My only fear is when people lose an item due to a protected item that they forgot about, some may claim that they died and accidentally set an item to protect over all else. I think if this is to be implemented a warning of some kind should be added if the 1 item that protects over everything is active. Maybe a pop up of your items lost on death that requests you to confirm before you enter the wild? Naturally this popup would have to replace the 'yes, i'm fearless' dialogue when the custom protect item is active. I also think an option like [Don't show me again this play session] would be very nice to have with this popup.
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Re: Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Simon » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:31 pm

Honestly, I really don't see any use for this.

Players should be able to choose the 3 items they lose, regardless of their ::prices value.

Having one item that's always saved just seems silly.

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Re: Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Respire1337 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:33 pm

No thank you, don't fix what it ain't broke. Also whenever something new gets added to presets, something bad happens and it gets bugged for a number of weeks before it gets fixed. Back to my first statement, don't fix what it ain't broke.

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Re: Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Iron adam » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:54 pm

I don't see this having much benefit either. If a player doesn't want to risk an item, don't bring it into the wild or any other dangerous place. Messing with 17 year old game mechanic doesn't seem wise to me.
I also feel like players are going to inevitably chose an item to protect, forget that they have it on, bring out some other item of higher value, and then die and lose the higher value item. From a staff point of view, this will add another layer of complication to cases for very little benefit.

EDIT: Here is a related suggestion: viewtopic.php?f=73&t=71104
Poll was split

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Re: Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Grizzly mint » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:50 am

no support, this would only be useful for 3 reasons, and 2 of them are loopholes.

1. Image

Correct me if i'm wrong, but customs cost 500m to get out of refund. Losing a custom costs 500m, while losing a Torva helm would cost 4b. It's a loophole with the refund box, easily abuse-able.

2. Iron man. They could care less about wealth, they care about items. Whether they're Pking or PvMing, they will protect the item/s that are harder to obtain, over the value. Or they might have duplicates and choose not to risk their other single item. Don't risk what you can't afford to lose.

3. Mid tier items/spec weps. Some items like the Vesta longsword, and Statius warhammer don't protect over much, and that's really the only logical reason to add this. But the protect item mechanic is perfectly fine, and has been for years. It would be much easier to change the ::prices of these items, to accurately reflect their demand and usefulness, rather than changing a 17 year old mechanic that isn't broken.

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Re: Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Pim » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:59 am


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Re: Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Iron adam » Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:52 pm

Grizzly mint wrote:3. Mid tier items/spec weps. Some items like the Vesta longsword, and Statius warhammer don't protect over much, and that's really the only logical reason to add this. But the protect item mechanic is perfectly fine, and has been for years. It would be much easier to change the ::prices of these items, to accurately reflect their demand and usefulness, rather than changing a 17 year old mechanic that isn't broken.
I have updated the prices for all pvp armors and weapons, all chaotics, and everything else like that. Let me know if anything is horribly off.

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Re: Choose 1 item that protects over everything

Post by Leetyears » Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:01 pm

this would be great for the overall majority of players since most are pvmers so yes yes yes

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