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31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:59 pm
by Mike
Punishment rework - long overdue, but it's finally here:
  • Reasons for everything: every kind of punishment - ban, mute, yellmute and jail - will now have a reason attached to it, which can be checked by the player (through ::checkreason). When trying to talk in public chat or yelling while (yell)muted, you will also immediately be shown the duration & reason for your (yell)mute
  • Temporary (ip)bans, (ip)mutes and (ip)yellmutes: all punishments can now be temporary, even on the level of your IP. As of now, most punishments handed out by staff will also be temporary (except when items need to be confiscated, such as accounts with botted or duped items on them) and will not have to be appealed. In most cases, you'll simply need to sit out the punishment. Appeals will only be accepted in the cases of permanent punishments, if a staff member made a mistake or new evidence comes up in favor of the punished player
  • Ban reason & duration on login: when trying to log in on an (ip)banned account, you will now clearly see the duration and reason for the ban in the login message

In other news:
  • PJ timers have been slightly changed: as of now, you will be considered "in combat" for 4.2 seconds (7 game ticks) after the last time you were attacked, rather than 3.6 seconds (6 game ticks). The timer in Edgeville (up to level 6 wilderness) has also been increased to 7.8 seconds (13 game ticks) instead of 3.6 seconds, making it harder for other players to interrupt a fight or "steal" someone's opponent, while also allowing for a few seconds immunity to pick up loot after a fight. This particular change to Edgeville PK'ing was meant to have been added a long time ago, but was never in effect due to a typo in the code. Please note that these timers can be further adjusted in accordance with community feedback
  • Wearing a Serpentine Helm (or Magma or Tanzanite Helm) now has a chance to apply venom when you damage an NPC (rather than when you get hit). The helm can also no longer be used to envenom other players.
    This mechanic was changed on OSRS on 25 May, so we have now also changed ours to be more like OSRS. The one difference with OSRS is that our Serpentine Helm can apply venom when dealing melee, ranged or magic damage, instead of just melee damage.
    The general rule is that we go with OSRS their combat mechanics, but we always welcome feedback and suggestions for improvements or custom additions befitting an RSPS
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent Ironman Mode players from being able to retrieve lost items when they die at the Corporeal Beast or three of the boss chambers in the GWD (Armadyl, Bandos & Zamorak). Note that this bug only happened if you also logged out between dying and retrieving your items
  • A Fountain of Heroes has been added on Premium Island
  • Opening a clue casket now shows a reward interface!

And don't forget this weekend's event: +50% PkHonor Points on all activities
Starts in:

Ends in:

Our trial developer Andres has also been working on several more additions to the game, most of which were requested by the community. We're currently doing some of the final reviews & testing of his code and will be able to release them shortly!

Re: 31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:16 pm
by Iron adam
Very good to see the pj timer. This will help pkers a lot.
I really like the clue interface too. Good Job!

Re: 31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:32 pm
by Phat n specs
Gotta love that clue pop-up :)

great work Mike!

Re: 31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:13 pm
by Txpn
Good to see updates on Punishments reworked, even if the Pj timer isnt something Id support because of the way I use a tber deep I agree it is a little short for people getting Pjed.

Great to see the clue interface aswell.

Does this however mean the death of the serpentine helm while pking?

Re: 31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:16 pm
by Grizzly mint
PJ TIMER. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
And how is momma bear coming along?

Re: 31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:19 pm
by Isaac
Excellent work Mike. PJ timer and ragging rule has made wild more active. Agree with the serpentine situation too otherwise it is simply too OP.

Re: 31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:21 pm
by Skiller
Those are some great updates Mike thanks! Also excited for the updates from Andres!

Re: 31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:52 pm
by Migetmanz
Thanks for the updates mike!

Really like the pj timer one :)

Re: 31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:17 pm
by Troll n roll
Txpn wrote: this however mean the death of the serpentine helm while pking?
I might be reading it wrong but I think dealing damage with serp on now envenoms players:
Mike wrote:This mechanic was changed on OSRS on 25 May, so we have now also changed ours to be more like OSRS. The one difference with OSRS is that our Serpentine Helm can apply venom when dealing melee, ranged or magic damage, instead of just melee damage.

Re: 31 July updates

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:35 pm
by Respire1337
The pj timers and the clue interface look really good.At first I kinda hated the serp thingy...but after all, I think is more than oke. Even the ::prices got updated, so very good job afterall! Can't for for even more content from Andres! Keep the good work coming!