14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

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14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by Mike » Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:19 pm

  • Castle Wars updates & bugfixes
  • The amount of tickets you get after a Castle Wars game (win or lose) has been increased
  • The amount of tickets & charges you receive for contributing to a CW game has been significantly increased (especially for capturing a flag)
  • Your hybrid armour now also charges at the end of each game, depending on how many tickets you received (therefore, winning a game means more charges)
  • Wearing a Perfect Ring now gives 10% extra Castle Wars tickets during a game (so not just bonus 10% to the ones you get afterwards). Note that a perfect ring does not influence hybrid armour charging
  • You no longer receive CW tickets or Hybrid Armour charges just for being in combat in Castle Wars, nor for destroying the big doors (mostly to prevent players from boosting by splashing or having a friend on the enemy team repair doors while you damage them). You now only get tickets or hybrid armour charges after the game or through dealing damage to enemies (by normal combat or the Catapult), unlocking the side door with thieving or scoring a point by capturing the flag
  • Catapult damage is now random rather than a fixed amount, but the damage remains the same on average (and will still deal more damage closer to the centre of the hit)
  • You can no longer use explosive potions on barricades that are on fire (that way it's just like OSRS)
  • Buckets of water are now spawned at the ground floor of both castles, which can be used to extinguish burning barricades or catapults. They can be refilled at the water taps
  • Dropping a flag on top of a barricade will no longer bug out the amount of barricades each team can set up (but the barricade will still disappear)
A few more Castle Wars rebalances & minor bugfixes will be rolled out in future updates - we're also still thinking of some new items to add to the shop. Any input on that is always welcome (or links to threads with suggestions about them, they do tend to get lost within the ginormous amount of forum posts).

General updates & bugfixes
  • The setting to keep attacking when eating/switching in PvM now gets properly loaded on client start
  • Fixed not being able to trade from more than 1 square away
  • Fixed not being able to split a Completionist Cape at a Magical Cape Rack
  • Fixed not being able to charge an Uncharged Trident of The Seas
  • Fixed not being able to hide any clan chat messages
  • Fixed an error players get when running the client for the very first time (so new players no longer have to restart their client after the initial cache download before being able to play)
  • Fixed the bug that allowed players to 'lure' monsters outside a room in a Player-Owned House dungeon (and kill them from a safespot)
  • Completed clue scrolls are now recorded in your Player-Owned House bookcase
  • Fixed the Completionist Cape (Chaos) special not working on NPC's after being in combat with a player just once
  • You now properly look toward your enemy when using the special attack from the Granite Maul, Whip of Chaos or Completionist Cape (Chaos)
  • Fixed the bug where you might lose your Trident of The Swamp when using a Magic Fang on a Trident of The Seas (Full) with a full inventory
  • Fixed the bug that prevented you from receiving any clue scroll from a Player-Owned House (or skilling center) treasure chest if you already have a clue scroll of any level on your account
  • Fixed being able to equip a Spottier Cape as a non-donator
  • Fixed the Ring of Recoil not properly discharging in PvP (the charges were taken from the wrong player)
  • You can now Operate the Amulet of Glory while having it equipped
  • Added a warning message when using 'Restore' on a Magma or Tanzanite helm. Anyone who accidentally restored such helm to a regular Serp helm, please post a refund on the forums
  • Dying at Zul-Andra (or near the Priestess) no longer causes players to lose items
  • Made yet another small change to Zulrah to prevent it from spawning clouds or snakelings even after it dies (though I must admit I do not know if the fix actually works as I am unable to reproduce the bug). Most importantly, I'm hoping there will be no averse side effects
  • Zulrah's Green & Red forms have become slightly more resilient towards Ranged attacks, making a hybrid Ranged/Mage approach more interesting than just using Ranged
  • Fixed the animation while fishing with a rod
  • The right gem type is now shown when cutting gems
  • Improved the animation loop when smelting bars
  • Fixed the death animation of the Brutal Green Dragon (from the Correcting History quest)

And of course, let's not forget about our weekly event for this weekend: Double crafting & fletching XP

Starts in:

Ends in:

Now I'm going to get started on the actual implementation of the wilderness achievement diary, as well as finishing the work on Callisto (new wilderness miniboss) that Dylan had started on. I'm taking this before Avatars, since we could use a nice wilderness activity boost, as well as the fact that these are the fastest to implement.
A few things still need to be decided, I'm hoping members of our community (especially from the PvP and Game Quality Committees) are willing to pitch in their ideas and input about how to go about this and how to do a proper transition from the '500 kill count' requirement to a more diversified kill count through diverse PvP activities (although this is not applicable to Ironman mode Players - instead, they get to do double the PvM and skilling tasks).
A lot of players have worked hard to obtain 500 kills and it would be a shame to just let them count for nothing. I would like to propose every 5 kills would count toward 1 Edgeville kill and 1 Mage bank kill (check this topic for the current - unfinished - achievements list).

Furthermore, I have not yet managed to settle on a reward for the completion of the tasks. I would like to make 2 separate sets, each with their own reward, as well as a third reward for completing both sets. Throw some suggestions our way and we'll make sure to come up with something suitable. :D

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Re: 14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by Ruler » Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:19 am

Thanks Mike :D
Completed clue scrolls are now recorded in your Player-Owned House bookcase

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Kory pk
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Re: 14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by Kory pk » Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:22 am

Mike wrote:[*]Fixed not being able to split a Completionist Cape at a Magical Cape Rack
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: 14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by Mike » Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:29 am

Server was offline for 2 minutes to take a full database backup - she's back online now. Enjoy the update :D

A iron girl
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Re: 14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by A iron girl » Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:32 am

Could people who have gotten a lot of castle wars tickets already get compensated on whatever bonus is applied to the castle wars tickets? We can post a ::ss of how many tickets we have or have spent.

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Re: 14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by Mike » Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:35 am

A iron girl wrote:Could people who have gotten a lot of castle wars tickets already get compensated on whatever bonus is applied to the castle wars tickets? We can post a ::ss of how many tickets we have or have spent.
I'm afraid not. Pretty much every single update, something is made easier for our players. We can't very well compensate everyone who missed out on extra's because things used to be harder in the past. So no, we will definitely not be doing that. I know it kinda sucks to spend a lot of effort doing something only to have it made easier later on, but that's the price you have to pay for improvements. Not to mention that the effort spent to 'compensate' people is just so huge and very much prone to abuse that it makes it impossible to put in practice either way.

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Re: 14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by A iron girl » Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:51 am

seems like 5 tix for win and 2 for loss (i think this was the same as before)

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Re: 14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by R3v k1ller » Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:16 am

Baby death or nomad pet for completing all wildy achievments. lol
Other ideas for rewards include...increased drop rates in wild...increased slayer points in the wild..ability to choose obby location (when not in combat)...Perhaps place a wild boss at the volcano in the northeast area or the ruins just south of it, and its only killable with all or some achievments done.

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Re: 14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by Alex » Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:26 am

Very nice updates Mike!

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Re: 14 June updates - Castle Wars and more!

Post by Iron adam » Thu Jun 15, 2017 1:30 am

Thank you for the updates!
Mike wrote:You can now Operate the Amulet of Glory while having it equipped
Is it possible to add all the teleport options to the right click menu as it is on osrs? While Im at it, slayer helm could use an update to tell you how many kills left on task, monster logs, etc.
Mike wrote:Fixed the animation while fishing with a rod
The right gem type is now shown when cutting gems
Improved the animation loop when smelting bars

Any word on these threads?
