Please stop trolling on here, make a legit post or don't make one at all.Mmm cheezy wrote:cmon plz let me be in pkp kings i wanna be in a good clan plssssssssss
Thank you

Please stop trolling on here, make a legit post or don't make one at all.Mmm cheezy wrote:cmon plz let me be in pkp kings i wanna be in a good clan plssssssssss
Errobbie wrote:Helper is pretty much a useless rank.
Who r you wrote:What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?:smily facejust recruit, me no limey smiley face
Why do you think you deserve this rank?because I'm helpful always chatty, got to know you guys really quickly. always there to back people up when there in need.
Who will support this rank up?:ar0 fury, tacoordie, gfx prodigy, ampz.. maybe some others who aint online to ask atm :S
Muchos love x
i team with u and we kil evri1Mmm cheezy wrote:wtf that was a legit post cmon...
Declined.D0peswag3 wrote:let me in plz im gud pker lyk u guyz
wow wtf yDullman wrote:Declined.D0peswag3 wrote:let me in plz im gud pker lyk u guyz