The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Retsnom » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:14 am

User: Dead Cats

30. Freeze, banked item.

I banked an item that when I scroll down enough in my bank, my client freezes up. I'll attempt to fish out what item it is.

I know `100% the broken item is rapier 0, trying to recreate now.
Last edited by Retsnom on Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:56 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Saltyy » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:15 am

IGN: Saltyy
Corp Beast dropped all possible drops in one kill.

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Saltyy » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:16 am

IGN: Saltyy
When withdrawing from Grand Exchange it is not able to give you more than 2147m. It's somehow unable to give you 1B Tickets.

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Azu rite » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:17 am

Retsnom wrote:User: Dead Cats

29. Donator Shop and Creds

Not a glitch

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Kuhana » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:22 am

Bug: Clan chat seems to break when you join a cc and log out and log back in again. It results in just a brown screen, not displaying any names or interface.
(Logging out does not fix it)

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Retsnom » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:36 am

Azu rite wrote:
Retsnom wrote:User: Dead Cats

29. Donator Shop and Creds

Not a glitch
Cred dont normally work in the first place? The rewards we are getting are broken content? :P

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Nerds123 » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:54 am

Account name: Nerds123
-I noticed, after you freshly login, all NPC's, Shops, Interfaces need a double click / you need to interact with them twice for it to register, plus after the double interaction the shop automatically closes (same with trades in a further bug report down below)
-Tab button used to work in switching between Account-Name and Password fields in the login screen, it no longer works only the Enter button.
-10x hits dont work in resizeable / at all.
-There are no magic trees at Premium skill zone.
-Various Zulrah items arent coded at all, most of them are considered a dagget of some sort.
-Cant take screen shots using ::ss, also alot of the nex gear arent displaying on female models.
-As soon as I login, Invisablity bug, no idea how recreate though.
-Brightness + other various settings dont work / bugged + switching between tabs such as sounds, chat and game options in the second picture simply dont work / do anything
-Each time I wear this specific set of pieces together (in different combinations) it causes a visual bug, It started as being invisiable in the first picture, this is the second interaction so far
In this combination of items worn it doesnt even show as updated, both in interface and in the world itself.
-Trading with people is impossible, the trade closes itself after a second or two.
-on a second note, Wearing the steads boots causes the visual bug in picture number 3, But if you logout while wearing them, it causes the invisability bug in picture number 1.
-on a third note, Opening the armour bonuses interface while having the bugs (invisability and steads) mentioned above crashes the client.
-Specific brawlers dont appear to be worn even though they are in the gloves slot
-Alot of the phats + royal crown and other similar things are sunk down into the face of the model. (Picture below combos as proof for both)
-After a few interactions with the client, The cc tab is empty for some reason. (Picture below combos as proof for both)
-As soon as you use the ::settings command, the settings interface disappears aswell.
-GE Pricecheck interface doesnt work, It shows Wield options instead
-Dungeon enterance / Dungeon itself at ::skilling isnt coded / isnt even there at all.
-Because of the new doors update (which is finally here :o), you can actually leave ::private and certain other places that you shouldnt be able to (like it was before).
-D claws dont show while worn. (might be only on female models, will confirm later,EDIT: Female models seem to be buggy).
-Using the Tormented demons teleport makes you so you cant move in that cave, probably a noclip related thingy.(Video included).
-Black Demons dont have their Animations set correctly, They are CREEPY AF!
-Items dont sell to the Junk shop at all (the "Value" option doesnt give a value aswell).
Last edited by Nerds123 on Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:47 am, edited 32 times in total.
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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Flandre » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:58 am

IGN: I am mexican
Steadfast boots does this

Can't open kingly imps, and if I have full inventory won't let me open any.

Doesn't let you withdaw All but 1.
(no pic)
Last edited by Flandre on Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Ruler » Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:59 am

The amount of people that don't read the thread and post known bugs, or don't read other posts and report a known bug is too damn high.
> When you search through the Grand Exchange offers, all offers for the same item with the same price are now grouped together.
What does this mean

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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Post by Pvm keagan » Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:03 am

Username; Pure 2k12

Whenever you go to buy items from Grand exchange, constantly get the messages "you can't trade that item through grand exchange" & "The price of that item must be higher than 1/10th of the guided price".

When trying to spawn item code "17922" keep getting null item. This is meant to be Morp ring.

When trying to purchase "'perfect ring'" off grand exchange it will always come up with the last item you bought before along with price you set for that item.

When clicking the setting bar on the client and then typing "::settings" it will null the client making some of the interfaces none working.

When wearing stead boots you get a massive box around you Image

Item code for "glaiven boots" code "16564" comes up with null.

Item code for "ragefire boots" code "16566" comes up with null.

Item code for "steadfast boots" code "16562" comes up with a null.

Item codes for "13912" coded item "Bandos kiteshield" comes up with a null.
Item code for "17662" coded item "Bandos kiteshield" comes up with a null.
Item code for "17660" coded item"Bandos kiteshield" comes up with a null.

All the spawn codes for "lucky versions of a bet" comes up with a null item.

When wearing torva set your head looks as if it's floating.

if you have auto retaliate on when fighting a boss and try and run away you'll be stopped and forced to run back to the bosses location.
