New beginnings

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Re: New beginnings

Post by Rick » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:44 pm

The reason all this drama was started, is because the community was told that Advisor is an ex-Admin rank, however there were "probably bias?" reason to the rank that had other people get the rank.

Advisor is a rank that holds alot of power and it means total shit. Mike and Rapsey, make up your mind what you want to do with the Advisor rank.. It holds so much power while the users who have it don't do any shit at all, really makes me upset that things go on like this.

You either remove that rank and give the Advisors a honorary Ex-Staff rank, or you remove the powers of Advisor... Don't pick people over each other, that's some nasty BIAS decisions you're making there. Treat people equally and there are no problems.

It's just dumb that Advisor was given out so EASY while you claim it to be "RARE" ......


Now I understand why some people get mad over this...

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Re: New beginnings

Post by B0rnt0b3pk » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:46 pm

Rick wrote:The reason all this drama was started, is because the community was told that Advisor is an ex-Admin rank, however there were "probably bias?" reason to the rank that had other people get the rank.

Advisor is a rank that holds alot of power and it means total shit. Mike and Rapsey, make up your mind what you want to do with the Advisor rank.. It holds so much power while the users who have it don't do any shit at all, really makes me upset that things go on like this.

You either remove that rank and give the Advisors a honorary Ex-Staff rank, or you remove the powers of Advisor... Don't pick people over each other, that's some nasty BIAS decisions you're making there. Treat people equally and there are no problems.

It's just dumb that Advisor was given out so EASY while you claim it to be "RARE" ......


Now I understand why some people get mad over this...
To their defence, two of the advisors logs in once or twice every two months and mutes 1 guy, then logs off :) They do something!

However, I'm looking forward to the updates and joy :)

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Re: New beginnings

Post by Rise or fall » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:12 pm

Rick wrote:The reason all this drama was started, is because the community was told that Advisor is an ex-Admin rank, however there were "probably bias?" reason to the rank that had other people get the rank.

Advisor is a rank that holds alot of power and it means total shit. Mike and Rapsey, make up your mind what you want to do with the Advisor rank.. It holds so much power while the users who have it don't do any shit at all, really makes me upset that things go on like this.

You either remove that rank and give the Advisors a honorary Ex-Staff rank, or you remove the powers of Advisor... Don't pick people over each other, that's some nasty BIAS decisions you're making there. Treat people equally and there are no problems.

It's just dumb that Advisor was given out so EASY while you claim it to be "RARE" ......


Now I understand why some people get mad over this...
To be honest, Keith should be the only " Advisor".
He never left and came back later on down the road.

Rest in peace to the ones who actually deserve the title of ex-staff. If you were staff before 2014/15, you're not worthy of the title yah know?

And @Chris - That is really a fucked up way of seeing things, and quiet the ass kissing. You been here for what, a year? So you'd receive the title ex-staff when you decide to quit. What makes you any better than say, Moab?
He held SEVERAL different positions, never was demoted for anything inappropriate or for breaking the rules. He spent nights helping stop dupers, solving cases and keeping the staff team in check.
So just because he wasn't staff for this current time frame, all his loyalty and hard work in the past basically goes unnoticed .

In all actuality, "ex-staff" shouldn't even be a title if its not going to be handed out properly and fairly.
Instead of undermining the ones who actually DO deserve it, just remove the title.

It's better off to have no "ex-staff" titles, than it is to have the ones who worked hard on this server to go without.

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Re: New beginnings

Post by Hump gru » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:15 pm

Rapsey wrote:But let's not forget it's only a title. Just because we're introducing it now doesn't mean we're suddenly less grateful for everyone who helped PkHonor in the past.
Either way, it is disheartening to serve for over two years and not be recognized as an ex-staff.

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Re: New beginnings

Post by Hayden » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:21 pm

Rick wrote:The reason all this drama was started, is because the community was told that Advisor is an ex-Admin rank, however there were "probably bias?" reason to the rank that had other people get the rank.

Advisor is a rank that holds alot of power and it means total shit. Mike and Rapsey, make up your mind what you want to do with the Advisor rank.. It holds so much power while the users who have it don't do any shit at all, really makes me upset that things go on like this.

You either remove that rank and give the Advisors a honorary Ex-Staff rank, or you remove the powers of Advisor... Don't pick people over each other, that's some nasty BIAS decisions you're making there. Treat people equally and there are no problems.

It's just dumb that Advisor was given out so EASY while you claim it to be "RARE" ......


Now I understand why some people get mad over this...
well there's only ever been 4 advisors so it is kinda rare but i get what ur saying

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Re: New beginnings

Post by Maurits » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:29 pm

May aswell remove ex-staff to get off from the problems, its already a pitiful rank now.

Also, the rank has been here for like 2 years but it devastates an account when you place it. :thumbsup:
I recon you guys didn't realise that lol.

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Re: New beginnings

Post by Rapsey » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:30 pm

Rick wrote:The reason all this drama was started, is because the community was told that Advisor is an ex-Admin rank, however there were "probably bias?" reason to the rank that had other people get the rank.
I will admit that we could have been more clear on why we give Advisor. but we have never said that Advisor was an ex-admin rank. When asked to describe the rank in one phrase we tend to say "it's like admin but without any duties", but that is nowhere near the same as ex-admin.
Rick wrote:Advisor is a rank that holds alot of power and it means total shit. Mike and Rapsey, make up your mind what you want to do with the Advisor rank.. It holds so much power while the users who have it don't do any shit at all, really makes me upset that things go on like this.
I completely agree. Being a paranoid parrot I never liked the idea of having people with those powers that can be completely out of touch with PkHonor, but that's what makes it special I guess.
Rick wrote:Don't pick people over each other, that's some nasty BIAS decisions you're making there. Treat people equally and there are no problems.
Yes, absolutely. Advisor was always meant to be be a judgement call. That's why it's the only rank that has nothing to do with staff and the only rank that is given by Mike and I, and not by whoever is in charge of the staff team. Whether or not Mike and I should occasionally reward people, not because they meet a list of requirements but because we think they deserve it more than most others, that's open to debate. It's definitely biased but then we never claimed it wasn't.

Though honestly I think it's a shame that we couldn't - on rare occasions - reward someone, simply because others get jealous.
Rick wrote:It's just dumb that Advisor was given out so EASY while you claim it to be "RARE" ......
When was it ever given out easily? And how would you know? Every time an Advisor was promoted, Mike and I first had a lengthy discussion weighing their entire PkHonor career. On average we gave it less than once a year. How on earth is that not rare...

As for all the upheaval about Ex-Staff, I wonder... If you worked at Starbucks, retired, and 2 years later they start giving out lifetime discount cards to their retiring employees, are you going to go back there and demand yours? And what do you expect they will tell you? Only difference is that would actually be something that makes a difference. Everywhere you go, it's the most normal thing in the world that when something gets introduced after you leave, you won't get it. But when we do it, it's a heinous crime. Come on people, we're just trying to keep things manageable and fair by sticking to a rule and not making exceptions. Because y'all get very upset when we make exceptions.

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Re: New beginnings

Post by Ain » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:36 pm

I suggest.. not having ex-staff because it will cause way more problems then solve problems.

Think to yourself what good will ex-staff bring? Nothing at all.

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Re: New beginnings

Post by Rise or fall » Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:04 pm

Ain wrote:I suggest.. not having ex-staff because it will cause way more problems then solve problems.

Think to yourself what good will ex-staff bring? Nothing at all.
Remove the title, and Instead just make a page similar to the "current staff" one we have now, solely for ex-staff.

It'd be a a better way of promoting fairness, and then at least people could acknowledge those who were staff prior to their departure.
It's not hard, they could easily take 1 hour or less out of their time and even break it down into groups(sub categories) such as " Ex-staff who were 3+/ Ex-staff 2+/Ex-staff 1+/ Ex-staff under 6 months".

No ones saying you got to add like Kevin to the list, seeing as he abused his powers. It would just be for the ones who worked hard and dedicated their time to help benefit the sserver.

This ideal is a solid one, and literally 100% better than giving "titles" to those after 2014/15.

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Re: New beginnings

Post by Errobbie » Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:16 pm

Why don't you just give it to any ex-staff member that has played the required 9 months or more that either resigned or was demoted due to inactivity?

I mean, every ex-staff member is not going to come at you at the same time and ask you to promote them to the ex-staff rank. I guarantee 90% of them don't play any more which leaves you with a dozen or 2 ex-staff members that might actually want the rank, even after Maurits just said it ruins the account it is put on.
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