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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:13 am
by Ziaw
What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: allie for serg
Why do you think you deserve this rank? bcuz im awsum
Who will support this rank up?: everybody

Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:53 am
by Ty 4 u hween
In-game name: Ty 4 u hween
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):no
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): Hi im Joe, i like to stake, pvm, and play football. I cant wait to get into the clan to make some cash pvming and make friends.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:yes
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:none
Current Bank Wealth?:around 3-4b
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: I dont know
Why would you like to join our clan?: Ide like to experience pvm from a different level and make friends.
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:26 am
by Raptor pvm
In-game name: Raptor PVM
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): Nope. Quite new to this account.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): My name is Reece irl, i'm 13 years old (but i'm not one of those under aged, immature faggots.) and have been playing rsps's since i was 10 years old, rs since I was 8. I enjoy playing soccer and love to chill out with my mates. I love joining clans as I was in one the first minute I joined. This clan seems really cool

Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Of course, i've rarely ever broken rules on an rsps.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: I came from p v m kings. Look, the clan wasn't all that bad but it didn't have many active members and I was at bandos with another clan and got absolutely dominated by just 1 member of pkp kings. + I was pking and got gg'd by a pkp kings member. you guys are really good :3
Current Bank Wealth?: I got cleaned for my bank yesterday (1b), joined 2 days ago but I never quit from staking. It's only about 30m, aiming for 250m before I goto sleep tonight. (currently 5pm goto sleep at 11pm)
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: 3 kills, 2 deaths. 1.5 ratio.
Why would you like to join our clan?: As listed above, I well and truely enjoy clan pvming, pking and skilling. As the clan has listed at the top of this page, it's for those 3 choices. It seems like a really chill clan and seems like a lot of fun

Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:05 am
by Dhg gundum
hey its me dhg gundum i got my forums to work id like to join ur cc thanks
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:44 am
by Couches123
Dhg gundum wrote:hey its me dhg gundum i got my forums to work id like to join ur cc thanks
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:55 pm
by X25xquinton
In-game name: x25xquinton
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):
Im in college right now trying to get my criminal justice degree. I workout and playbasketball everyday
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:
pvm of ecs, they werent a good cc at all
Current Bank Wealth?:
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:
Why would you like to join our clan?:
need some people to pk with, and you guys pvm a lot
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:08 am
by Pklight

Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:21 am
by Edisdnilb
Pklight wrote:In-game name:PKLight
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):Chilled friendly nice, listen give ideas and good communication, not going to lie here but im not the best at pk'ing and i dont care becuase if i play in a team or group im bound to become better
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:Yes
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:PVM of ECS - Just not much activity in the clan same stuff always
Current Bank Wealth?: 50b
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.80 - mainly from getting killed at agility in mass groups pretty much defenseless
Why would you like to join our clan?: becuase i would like to be ina clan where people pk as a team i like to work in teams and i think that pking with cc member will be fun seen as i just started to do wildy pk'ing, also not going to lie here but im not the best at pk'ing and i dont care because if i play in a team or group im bound to become better i used to go in wildy alone and i got killed always so i have a shocking K/D so now i am ready to give it ago so i hope u accept me :p thanks
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:09 am
by Avp
Edisdnilb wrote:Pklight wrote:In-game name:PKLight
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):Chilled friendly nice, listen give ideas and good communication, not going to lie here but im not the best at pk'ing and i dont care becuase if i play in a team or group im bound to become better
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:Yes
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:PVM of ECS - Just not much activity in the clan same stuff always
Current Bank Wealth?: 50b
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.80 - mainly from getting killed at agility in mass groups pretty much defenseless
Why would you like to join our clan?: becuase i would like to be ina clan where people pk as a team i like to work in teams and i think that pking with cc member will be fun seen as i just started to do wildy pk'ing, also not going to lie here but im not the best at pk'ing and i dont care because if i play in a team or group im bound to become better i used to go in wildy alone and i got killed always so i have a shocking K/D so now i am ready to give it ago so i hope u accept me :p thanks
what about me
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:11 pm
by Fboy
In-game name: sameke555
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):no honor
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):i like to team pk and pvm and sometimes staking but not much
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: sure, but what are they?
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: dutch house i leave cuz its not a pk cc and i only wanna pk
Current Bank Wealth?:around 500m or more
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: 1.22
Why would you like to join our clan: cuz i hear from much people ur a good pkp cc and i very like to pk