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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:48 pm
by Simon2012
in-game name:Q15
in-game name:Ace Seven
In-game name: jxmes
In-game name: getrichquick
In-game name: Donthackmejo
What's your in-game name: doped up
In-game name: Hlx
In-game name: Kokhan2
In-game name:Gamerboyz8
In-game name: Meatballs
In-game name:Kewvu.
accpted join the cc:
In-game name: Uk str king
In-game name:canthitme1
In-game name: Pro Force V2
@Purepker4381, whos your friends ?
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:50 pm
by Simon2012
Haha oh snap wrote:Clan Member Threatens To Bs/Camp Me

pm me on forums or in game with the full story
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:07 pm
by Errobbie
Why are you leaving? Simon's new pking only rule..
Would you still like to be a friend of pkp kings? Yeah I am friends with a lot of people currently in the clan and I'd like to hop in once in a while
Any final thoughts? Uhm, it was fun while it lasted.. And.. Ugh.. Bai.
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:28 pm
by Thxbai
pkp kings v2 #1 enjoy!
farewell post
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:22 pm
by Ceremonious
Why are you leaving? to be honest when I first joined pkp kings it was a great clan. and don't get me wrong it still is. i used to like going deep pking because of the people i went with. they knew what they were doing. they never got themselves in a situation where they could fuck everyone up and not just themselves. that was true honor on their part. i knew mostly everyone on a first name basis. lately however, i havent been getting that. it seems like the clan is crowded with unknown people everyday. i dont trust going deep with some of them anymore. for example. somebody asked for help at miths, so i went to help. it was multi so i froze the person and went to melee while 2 others maged. i ended you getting killed by my own teammates because they didnt know to use ice blitz instead of barrage. its kinda sad at this point to say the least.
Would you still like to be a friend of pkp kings? ill be friends of the respected people left in the clan
Any final thoughts? most of you know me as whipper the general in the clan chat. but to be honest i always wanted to be in a first name basis with all of you. i am however with the exact same people who i would trust going deep with. you know who you guys are. goodluck.
Re: farewell post
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:36 pm
by Rawr
Ceremonious wrote:Why are you leaving? to be honest when I first joined pkp kings it was a great clan. and don't get me wrong it still is. i used to like going deep pking because of the people i went with. they knew what they were doing. they never got themselves in a situation where they could fuck everyone up and not just themselves. that was true honor on their part. i knew mostly everyone on a first name basis. lately however, i havent been getting that. it seems like the clan is crowded with unknown people everyday. i dont trust going deep with some of them anymore. for example. somebody asked for help at miths, so i went to help. it was multi so i froze the person and went to melee while 2 others maged. i ended you getting killed by my own teammates because they didnt know to use ice blitz instead of barrage. its kinda sad at this point to say the least.
Would you still like to be a friend of pkp kings? ill be friends of the respected people left in the clan
Any final thoughts? most of you know me as whipper the general in the clan chat. but to be honest i always wanted to be in a first name basis with all of you. i am however with the exact same people who i would trust going deep with. you know who you guys are. goodluck.
That's why I left the CC, back when I General. I tried to get the problem addressed but it never happened.
Re: farewell post
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:42 pm
by Simon2012
Hashtag wrote:Ceremonious wrote:Why are you leaving? to be honest when I first joined pkp kings it was a great clan. and don't get me wrong it still is. i used to like going deep pking because of the people i went with. they knew what they were doing. they never got themselves in a situation where they could fuck everyone up and not just themselves. that was true honor on their part. i knew mostly everyone on a first name basis. lately however, i havent been getting that. it seems like the clan is crowded with unknown people everyday. i dont trust going deep with some of them anymore. for example. somebody asked for help at miths, so i went to help. it was multi so i froze the person and went to melee while 2 others maged. i ended you getting killed by my own teammates because they didnt know to use ice blitz instead of barrage. its kinda sad at this point to say the least.
Would you still like to be a friend of pkp kings? ill be friends of the respected people left in the clan
Any final thoughts? most of you know me as whipper the general in the clan chat. but to be honest i always wanted to be in a first name basis with all of you. i am however with the exact same people who i would trust going deep with. you know who you guys are. goodluck.
That's why I left the CC, back when I General. I tried to get the problem addressed but it never happened.
tbh your not the only one to notice it but ive got bored of banning ppl for other gens to unban them
Re: farewell post
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:48 pm
by B0rnt0b3pk
Simon2012 wrote:Hashtag wrote:Ceremonious wrote:Why are you leaving? to be honest when I first joined pkp kings it was a great clan. and don't get me wrong it still is. i used to like going deep pking because of the people i went with. they knew what they were doing. they never got themselves in a situation where they could fuck everyone up and not just themselves. that was true honor on their part. i knew mostly everyone on a first name basis. lately however, i havent been getting that. it seems like the clan is crowded with unknown people everyday. i dont trust going deep with some of them anymore. for example. somebody asked for help at miths, so i went to help. it was multi so i froze the person and went to melee while 2 others maged. i ended you getting killed by my own teammates because they didnt know to use ice blitz instead of barrage. its kinda sad at this point to say the least.
Would you still like to be a friend of pkp kings? ill be friends of the respected people left in the clan
Any final thoughts? most of you know me as whipper the general in the clan chat. but to be honest i always wanted to be in a first name basis with all of you. i am however with the exact same people who i would trust going deep with. you know who you guys are. goodluck.
That's why I left the CC, back when I General. I tried to get the problem addressed but it never happened.
tbh your not the only one to notice it but ive got bored of banning ppl for other gens to unban them
I got the best solution. Demote their asses to a rank they can't unkick

Re: farewell post
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:51 pm
by Simon2012
Wildprincess wrote:Ceremonious wrote:Why are you leaving? to be honest when I first joined pkp kings it was a great clan. and don't get me wrong it still is. i used to like going deep pking because of the people i went with. they knew what they were doing. they never got themselves in a situation where they could fuck everyone up and not just themselves. that was true honor on their part. i knew mostly everyone on a first name basis. lately however, i havent been getting that. it seems like the clan is crowded with unknown people everyday. i dont trust going deep with some of them anymore. for example. somebody asked for help at miths, so i went to help. it was multi so i froze the person and went to melee while 2 others maged. i ended you getting killed by my own teammates because they didnt know to use ice blitz instead of barrage. its kinda sad at this point to say the least.
Would you still like to be a friend of pkp kings? ill be friends of the respected people left in the clan
Any final thoughts? most of you know me as whipper the general in the clan chat. but to be honest i always wanted to be in a first name basis with all of you. i am however with the exact same people who i would trust going deep with. you know who you guys are. goodluck.
That's why I left the CC, back when I General. I tried to get the problem addressed but it never happened.
I got the best solution. Demote their asses to a rank they can't unkick

Bit hard if u dont know what gen it is
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:50 pm
by Couches123
What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: Captain, Applying for General
Why do you think you deserve this rank? because i have been in the clan for a long time and i love to pvm with everyone

i usually do clan pking events if one is going on, i always love to go on wars with the mates and get some good loots with everyone, i go on pvm events with everyone all the time if they are at the wildy wyrm i love to show up and help them out

, i also never EVER betray the clan at all, i never leave the clan unless i go into the help chat or i am helping out a friend with something.
Who will support this rank up?: simon2012, seamz, 1gp dude, herrodragon.