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Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:15 pm
by Moleman
Ingame name: Moleman
Current Rank: Sergeant
Current Time In cc (weeks): 13
People Recruited: Don't recall everyone
What rank are you applying for?: Lieutenant
Why do you think you deserve this rank up?: Been active in the cc for four months now, helping out.
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 7:00 pm
by Succhia1
In-game username: succhia1
Have You Read Our Rules?ye
Are You Normal/donator/Prem status? both
Combat Level:126
Total Level: 2278
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 513hrs
Who Recruited you? if anyone? empty bag
What was your previous clan? (If any) business
Honor Name:(If you have One) hsucchia1
max cape
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 7:18 pm
by Fungamer
Ingame name: funganer
Current Rank: Double banana
Current Time In cc (weeks): no idea.
People Recruited: /
What rank are you applying for?: Something upwards. IDM if I get lieut, cap or gen. But I guess I'll get a banana extra :p
Why do you think you deserve this rank up?: I know you guys may not see me a lot but I'm in the cc a lot. Sometimes pkh cc & gg lsp glitch and I appear invisible in the gg lsp chat, but I'm there. I help, mainly. I don't really chat a lot in it but I'm always down. Also I'm always willing to help out with cc organisation and what not.
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:17 pm
by Vstars
In-game username: vstars
Are You donator/Prem status? prem
Combat Level: maxed
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? yes
Total Level: max
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 259
Who Recruited you? if anyone? rgh
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:10 pm
by Slayer
Succhia1 wrote:In-game username: succhia1
Have You Read Our Rules?ye
Are You Normal/donator/Prem status? both
Combat Level:126
Total Level: 2278
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 513hrs
Who Recruited you? if anyone? empty bag
What was your previous clan? (If any) business
Honor Name:(If you have One) hsucchia1
max cape
Vstars wrote:In-game username: vstars
Are You donator/Prem status? prem
Combat Level: maxed
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? yes
Total Level: max
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 259
Who Recruited you? if anyone? rgh
Both accepted, welcome!
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:14 am
by Gethigh udie
Moleman wrote:Ingame name: Moleman
Current Rank: Sergeant
Current Time In cc (weeks): 13
People Recruited: Don't recall everyone
What rank are you applying for?: Lieutenant
Why do you think you deserve this rank up?: Been active in the cc for four months now, helping out.
Fungamer wrote:Ingame name: funganer
Current Rank: Double banana
Current Time In cc (weeks): no idea.
People Recruited: /
What rank are you applying for?: Something upwards. IDM if I get lieut, cap or gen. But I guess I'll get a banana extra :p
Why do you think you deserve this rank up?: I know you guys may not see me a lot but I'm in the cc a lot. Sometimes pkh cc & gg lsp glitch and I appear invisible in the gg lsp chat, but I'm there. I help, mainly. I don't really chat a lot in it but I'm always down. Also I'm always willing to help out with cc organisation and what not.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 9:42 pm
by Flawless1992
In-game username: Flawless92
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 125
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Yes
Total Level: 1533
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 129 hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Moleman suggested
What was your previous clan? (If any) None
Honor Name:(If you have One) None
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:57 pm
by Gethigh udie
Flawless1992 wrote:In-game username: Flawless92
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 125
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Yes
Total Level: 1533
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 129 hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Moleman suggested
What was your previous clan? (If any) None
Honor Name:(If you have One) None
Accepted, welcome.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 1:56 am
by Kevkevkev3
In-game username: Kevkevkev3
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Bandos
Total Level: 2278
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 406 hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Trollgame2
What was your previous clan? (If any) -
Honor Name:(If you have One) -
Death or Comp cape: -
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 2:11 am
by Gethigh udie
Kevkevkev3 wrote:In-game username: Kevkevkev3
Are You donator/Prem status? Prem
Combat Level: 126
Do you have a bandos or at minimum a void set? Bandos
Total Level: 2278
Timeplayed(::timeplayed) 406 hours
Who Recruited you? if anyone? Trollgame2
What was your previous clan? (If any) -
Honor Name:(If you have One) -
Death or Comp cape: -
Accepted, welcome.