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Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:38 pm
by Gethigh udie
I enjoy most of these updates, good work mike :afro:

Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:26 pm
by Mike
Sverre wrote:Very nice updates Mike, thanks!

Not sure if you thought about it, but glacors in slayer cave shouldn't drop the kits (just like with the diamond).
I did consider that, but I think it's an alright donator feature. I don't plan on removing either of those drops just yet.

Spirit tank wrote:Disregard my past comment, i read further down and saw it was answered, but i will say i'm salty about the nex armors being degradable. Also the comps being dropped and not insta refunded is something i would like to understand why you changed? If that's not an issue lol.
But overall pretty good updates, thanks mate :]
Our biggest mistake was to not make the Nex armours degrade since it came out. I understand nobody is really in favour of this change, but sometimes I have to take an unpopular decision for an overall better server. Yes, it's a bit painful at first, but it's something to get used to. Nobody ever complained about PvP or Chaotic equipment being degradable, but that's simply because they always were ;)

As for the comp cape, it's an improvement for PvM'ers. This update means that rather than having your comp cape directly sent to your refund box (and costing you $$$ to reclaim), you now have 3 minutes to go back to where you died to reobtain it for free. Only if you can't reach it in time, it'll go to your refund box and cost $$$ to reclaim. I think everyone very much prefers it this way.

Fat goat wrote:
Sverre wrote:
Iron sha wrote:I still dont get drops at chaos ele when some1 is around and ele attacks him.
Probably ele dealt more than 20...
Should be more then. 20 is nothing lol
It was a step in the right direction - before this update, anyone tanking any damage at all made the NPC not give drops to Ironman. The main point of this restriction (not being allowed to tank damage for an Ironman) is to prevent Ironmen from having help from others in PvM.

I do believe we can tweak this somewhat further, by not counting damage dealt to accidental passers-by in a multi-combat area. We can also further increase the amount of damage that others are allowed to tank.
In any case, Vcom is working out instanced wilderness bosses for Ironman Mode players, so they'll be able to kill them soon :)

Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:46 pm
by B0rnt0b3pk
Nice updates! However I have a simple question. My apologized if this has been answered before, but does this update makes Nex item never leave the game? For example if you die with Torva or Pernix, can you just go back and loot it, but you have to recharge it to use it? If so, I worry there would be a decrease in demand of certain Nex items. For example when I was playing there was a big overflow of Virtus and Pernix items. The main reason was because there was too much supply and no demand. This led to some pieces dropping lower than 1b each.

I like the update and it's a very refreshing change. It was needed long time ago. However I worry this would only extend the problem there is with supply and demand for Nex items.

Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:48 pm
by Iron adam
Mike wrote:As for the comp cape, it's an improvement for PvM'ers. This update means that rather than having your comp cape directly sent to your refund box (and costing you $$$ to reclaim), you now have 3 minutes to go back to where you died to reobtain it for free. Only if you can't reach it in time, it'll go to your refund box and cost $$$ to reclaim. I think everyone very much prefers it this way.
This is not an improvement. Before, comp cape would go straight to refund for free. I would not prefer to have 3 mins to run all the way back to wherever I was, and then pay $$$ if I dont make it.
I think everyone with a max/comp cape was very happy with how it was.

Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:54 pm
by Cosco
Adamthalion wrote:
Mike wrote:As for the comp cape, it's an improvement for PvM'ers. This update means that rather than having your comp cape directly sent to your refund box (and costing you $$$ to reclaim), you now have 3 minutes to go back to where you died to reobtain it for free. Only if you can't reach it in time, it'll go to your refund box and cost $$$ to reclaim. I think everyone very much prefers it this way.
This is not an improvement. Before, comp cape would go straight to refund for free. I would not prefer to have 3 mins to run all the way back to wherever I was, and then pay $$$ if I dont make it.
I think everyone with a max/comp cape was very happy with how it was.
I agree, especially for ironmen this is more of a inconvenience than a improvement.

Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:13 pm
by Ali
Can we get a refund guy at edge?

Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:16 pm
by Jon
Ali wrote:Can we get a refund guy at edge?
We have one noob

Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:21 pm
by Ruler
Adamthalion wrote:
Mike wrote:As for the comp cape, it's an improvement for PvM'ers. This update means that rather than having your comp cape directly sent to your refund box (and costing you $$$ to reclaim), you now have 3 minutes to go back to where you died to reobtain it for free. Only if you can't reach it in time, it'll go to your refund box and cost $$$ to reclaim. I think everyone very much prefers it this way.
This is not an improvement. Before, comp cape would go straight to refund for free. I would not prefer to have 3 mins to run all the way back to wherever I was, and then pay $$$ if I dont make it.
I think everyone with a max/comp cape was very happy with how it was.
How much does it cost to buy back? Because now you will see people blocking you from your max/comp cape in wildy as well...

Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:17 am
by Grizzly mint
You have to pay to get comp out of refund now? :zoidberg:

Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:28 am
by Simon
This update is fantastic. Great balancing all around.