Updated on 25 January 2016
> The Thermonuclear Smoke devils are now somewhat less aggressive - only one of them will turn aggressive, the other two will not attack unless provoked, making them easier to solo
> I've removed the magic stone that I had accidentally put into the Burnt Chest at the TSD dungeon (wrong ID). I've added a few other items, including runes, gold leaf and mahogany planks and a 1B ticket so the chest is still worth it. See
https://wiki.pkhonor.net/stats/drops (Burnt Chest) for more info on the possible rewards
> Elite clue caskets have received a small buff in their items
> I fixed the rarity of all casket drops in
https://wiki.pkhonor.net/stats/drops, all items were flagged as being more rare than they actually were (nothing changed in-game, just our wiki droptable)