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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:36 am
by Aadud12345
What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?:i am lieut,i want captain :O
Why do you think you deserve this rank?:cuz i always pk and help cc members when they need help at deep wildy :3
Who will support this rank up?:everybody in cc!
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:42 am
by Kalista
What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: i'm himans45 and im a smiley. Id take the highest rank possible

Why do you think you deserve this rank? I'm an older player, have good pvm and pk gear, pk often, decent pking skills, active, and well known, and I am friends with some high ranks in clan
Who will support this rank up?: smdjagex maybe, maurits, mike, rapsey, nolan, patel, all the other staff members and clan members?
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:11 am
by Redneckside
In-game name: Redneckside
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): N/A
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): I am 16, and from northern MN. I am somewhat active but getting a job soon and once summer comes around I will have a lot of farm work to do so I will become not as active as I am now. I love staking, pvm'ing and sometimes pk'ing. I am currently a main pker but I have though about making a pure.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Yes.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: Haven't been in a CC for awhile.
Current Bank Wealth?: 20b or so.
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: 0.61 (I know shitty lol)
Why would you like to join our clan?: Got a mutual friend of mine in the CC but isn't actually ranked for various reason (White Claws) but said I should join. I need a actual clan to pvm in instead of a couple friends here and there to go with.
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:29 am
by Belllllll
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:40 pm
by Hallower
In-game name: Hallower
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): No, just 2 premiums.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): well i'm from Australia, i'm 20 years old and am a composite mariner and aerospace technician, i enjoy baseball and football as well as hanging with friends, on pk honor i only reall pk.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: of course.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: none.
Current Bank Wealth?: around 10-12b depending on certain items prices.
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: 3.0 45-15
Why would you like to join our clan?: I'm looking for a clan and have heard you guys are the best.
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:37 pm
by Larxene
In-game name: Bladeey
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): No
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): Enjoy playing sports, watching tv, going out with friends and playing games in my spare time. I also enjoy buttermilk biscuits.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Yes
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: Never been in a cc.
Current Bank Wealth?: 3b (7b if counting donar+prem)
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: 0 - never killed or have been killed
Why would you like to join our clan?:
Need a PvM group and a friendly bunch of dudes to hang out with
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:24 pm
by Dullman
Riot phreak wrote:What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: i'm himans45 and im a smiley. Id take the highest rank possible

Why do you think you deserve this rank? I'm an older player, have good pvm and pk gear, pk often, decent pking skills, active, and well known, and I am friends with some high ranks in clan
Who will support this rank up?: smdjagex maybe, maurits, mike, rapsey, nolan, patel, all the other staff members and clan members?
Denied too vague
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:38 pm
by Elastic band
In-game name: Elastic Band
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): Nope.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): Well, I like to PK and stuff.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Of course!
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: N/A
Current Bank Wealth?: 400m
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: 3.5
Why would you like to join our clan?: I just want to PK and stuff.
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:21 pm
by Kalista
Dullman wrote:Riot phreak wrote:What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: i'm himans45 and im a smiley. Id take the highest rank possible

Why do you think you deserve this rank? I'm an older player, have good pvm and pk gear, pk often, decent pking skills, active, and well known, and I am friends with some high ranks in clan
Who will support this rank up?: smdjagex maybe, maurits, mike, rapsey, nolan, patel, all the other staff members and clan members?
Denied too vague
Fine, ill make it more specific .-.
What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: I'm smiley id like recruit for now
Why do you think you deserve this rank? I'll almost always join wars, and i'm ready to risk bank out der (idk like zuriels divine arcane stream cstaff claws bandos set ETC I bring my best) I have pernix set so I can always join nex events and corp and that kind of stuff, I have morph ring and will have death in the near future. I'm a pretty good pker and well known so I think having me in the clan is a plus XD Most people like me and I am on soooo much, every day I try and play 5+ hours
Who will support this rank up?:I haven't talked to anybody but maybe seamz/simon? also probably smdjagex. Once again not sure haven't talked to anybody but Im pretty sure a lot of people would/ (just talked to some people, aadud, vtol, vsat, chris21 said they would

ban appeal plus my information
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:24 pm
by Mr clawer
Why were you banned from Pkp Kings?(If you don't know why you were banned from Pkp Kings, contact a general+ in the clan and talk with them):
Why do you want to be un-banned from Pkp Kings, and what will you do to improve your behavior?:I wish to be unbanned from pkp kings to pk and pvm and be able to have fun doing both of those. I feel like I can be a good addition to pkp kings. To improve my behavior I will make sure and follow all the rules and respect the higher ranks.
In-game name: Mr Clawer
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): Don't have one.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): On pkhonor I enjoy just about anything. I love pking and will pvm in my spare time. In real life I wrestle in highschool I also play xbox and enjoy hanging out with friends.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:Yes, I will do much better to follow pkp kings clan rules.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: No cc at the moment.
Current Bank Wealth?: 91b bank wealth including my 2 customs and pernix.
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:1.82
Why would you like to join our clan?: I wish to rejoin because when i was in the cc at I enjoyed pking with everyone and I didn't have the money i had when I was joing the cc at first. When I was in the cc before i had a 5b bank and now i can afford better gear and be able to help a lot more in wars.
Aadud also told me to re-apply for the clan.