Re: scammers and loop holes
Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:46 pm
This comment shows how out of touch you are with this situation considering the only reason I made this thread is because of the Arrsenic ordeal, the Arresnic situation is very relevant to the topic at hand and is a great use for an example when looking for one.
No we can't, or at least I can't, since them having to return what wasn't properly theirs to begin with isn't a punishment at all, nor is him being embarassed for what he did because in all honesty he tried to cover it up to save his own ass and that's even worse. I don't like that you're trying to down play what happened here that a mod tricked a player while being part of the deal, tried to tell the player "he should of asked to check ip" and then wants to say it was somehow an accident or "misunderstanding" lol, he really understood when it came to replying to his pm trying to loophole himself out of the situation, like is that really what y'all are going with to move on from this situation? Obviously the vote count and backlash speaks enough for the player base. Personally do I want Arresnic banned? No, everyone whos done good can be redeemed, but I don't agree with him staying a staff member when a lot of players have already lost their trust in him. This isn't the end of the world and he can always reapply at a later date, but I don't agree that he should stay a mod after this.
Again trying to use over exaggerations to make it sound like such an impossible task. Oh and sure lets go to blaming the player who was scammed by a mod for 'carelessly' putting trust in a MOD. This is why I said I agreed with Patel that there should be plyability when it comes to issues like these, but when it's clear cut then there should be punishment not just giving up because you think you can't act on an unfair system. Again I've said from the beginning that the situation has to be so blatently obvious or enough proof has to be provided and then staff should act, I'm not saying these exaggerated scenarios that has never happened in the 13 years PkH has been active for you to make up on.Nazuths wrote: ↑Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:28 pmIt prevents people from lending out 20 druidic sets to 20 players and then just expect all 20 sets to return safely to the owner. And if they don't get returned, the Staff team will be expected to go through all cases and make sure the set is returned.. I don't think we should be awarding carelessness with our effort in solving the situation. In my opinion, you shouldn't blatanly trust any person you come across.
That 'then why should we', like bruh you're a mod maybe that's why tf? lol what a shitty way to see how you're looking out for the community...Nazuths wrote: ↑Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:28 pmIf you're that gullible you should 100% stay away from the G.E on OSRS. There's dozens of scam bots that promise you a great deal but we all know what really happens... Surely no one here would fall for any of these bots. I think the general statement if you don't wanna put in the effort to be careful or take 1 minute to fill out the PMD thread on the Forums, then why should we put all our efforts into resolving your situation.
Also I like how you use an example that's clearly bannable by OSRS standards as an excuse as to why no punishment isn't given on PkHonor makes sense... And like I said before we're all aware that the majority of players don't bother to visit our forums let alone learn how to make a PMD post before every stake, risk fight, or any deal at that, but that doesn't mean they should get scammed and watch the scammer walk free with their things just because mods won't do anything even if theres 100% proof on what happened.
I read this like 4x and can't see how asking staff to take care of scam related issues, not partake in trying to pull a fast one on their community, then trying to cover it up, and redoing a system that obviously has the community tilted is an extremeLykos wrote: ↑Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:46 pm Both sides are taking this to an extreme.
On one side, we have people argue that staff needs to take care of every scam related issue for us since it's their job, demote and punish Arrsenic, redo the entire PMD process to make it more in favor for the community, stop avoiding issues just because it wasn't officiated in a forum post, and to stop loopholing shenanigans in its entirety.
EDIT: I'd like to also point out that no ones brought up if Arrsenic was the one who supplied Roddy with the 450b to do that stake to begin with, I don't know if staff has looked into it at all but considering how much they want to move on from this I have doubts. Either way them deceiving and trying to cover up the whole thing is already bad enough, but this detail would just be another nail to getting this whole thing situated. Of course staff probably won't release what they find, but they could mention if they've at least looked into this.