Page 395 of 452
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:23 pm
by Franticxd
In-game Username: Franticxd
Real Name: Colby
Combat level: 124
In-game Status
(Donator-Premium-Honor-Moderator): reg
Previous Clan(If any): none
::Timeplayed: 113
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:21 pm
by Pure1001
In-game Username: Pure1001
Real Name: Haakon
Combat level: 126
In-game Status: Premium
Previous clan: None
Timeplayed: 96 hours
Recruiter: Asxcfthn
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 11:59 pm
by Jokernoob2
In-game username: jokernoob2
First name: Phil
Combat level: 124
Previous clan: none
In-game Status: Prem
Timeplayed: 24hrs
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:25 am
by Wizop
In-game username: wizop
First name: Luke
Previous clan: none
Timeplayed: 79 hours
Recruiter: rambo h1ts
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 7:00 am
by Westeros
In-game username: Westeros
First name: Jay
Previous clan: None.
Timeplayed: 75 hours
Recruiter: wizop
In-game Status: Premium.
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 10:27 am
by Azma
In-game username:Azma
First name:Jaagup
Previous clan:None
Timeplayed:75 hours
In-game Status:Premium
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:14 am
by Der bergaa
Business wrote:
About Us
Business is both the longest running and most active clan in Pkhonor. We focus mainly on pvm/skilling/chilling but this shouldn't discourage you from pking.
The only requirement needed to join the clan is 50 hours of in-game play time or you have been recruited by a Sergeant rank or higher in the clan.
The real challenge is whether you're ready to stay or not.

Code: Select all
In-game username: Der bergaa
First name: Tyler
Previous clan: N/A
Timeplayed: 107 hours
Recruiter: A Mad Gamer
In-Game Status: Premium

Promotion criteria
1. Show some leadership skills and maturity.
2. Time played in the clan chat.
3. Activity in the clan chat.
4. Following clan chat rules.
5. Making the clan look good as a whole.
6. Not begging to be promoted.
7. Representin' Dem #MoneyBags
Corporal Requirements
Must have at least 3 recruits.
Must have spent at least 25 hours in the clan and be actively helping and pvming with clan members.
Sergeant Requirements
Must have at least 8 recruits.
Must be highly active in the clan.
Must have spent atleast 60 hours in the clan.
Lieutenant Requirements
Must have at least 15 recruits.
Must PVM regularly and be highly active within the clan overall.
Lieutenants must undergo trial, which will need to be approved by all star ranks. [/color]
Appeals are to be private messaged to Business on the pkhonor forums with the title "Appeal"
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Ingame name:
What were you banned for?:
You know that was stupid, right?:
How could you have avoided this altercation?:
1. Pkhonor rules must be followed at all times. If you notice a clan member breaking clan rules take a screenshot and make a report on the forums. Evidence should also be private messaged to a general so the player can be removed from the clan .
2. You are not allowed to be part of another well known pvm clan. If you are found hopping between clans you will be banned. You may join smaller clans of friends, but be aware that if another business member is present whilst pvming, you are required to re-join business cc.
3. If you go completely inactive in-game you will be removed from the friends list. You may ask a general to be re-added upon your return.
4. Being rude to other Pkhonor players is not a good thing. We like to boost the appearance of the clan chat to recruit others instead of making us look bad.
5. You are not allowed to leave the clan in an attempt to crash clan members and receive all loot from a boss. We do not enforce a crash rule relating to another member preventing you from completing a slayer task since loot will still be shared equally. We do however encourage members to let the first player at a boss complete their task before the next.
6. If you wish to fight a clan member in the wilderness you must ask first! Only once both players agree to fight can you attack someone. Attacking a clan member without permission will result in a ban from the clan.
7. Clan advertisements are NOT allowed in yell unless you are a star rank. If you advertise business over yell you will receive a one hour kick from the clan.
Lieutenants+ have the ability to kick and/or ban people who are lower than their rank if they break the rules of the clan.
Clan Screenshots!
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[url=][img]*Image url here*[/img][/url]
The standard clan signature, by
Elite Reborn
By Swee
By Erotic Handjobs (3)
By Inss
By RandyDawgg
By Pf13
By Where Wyrms
By Elite Reborn
By Bank Staking
By Kingz
By Hotdog1187
By Kingz
By Canthitme1
By Hegemon Lock (2)

Runettee wrote:I'm not much for clans to be honest, but this seems like more of a guild
It's Alright That You Made An Embarrassing Typo, Thanks For The Support Daan!

Here Lies Income 1/25/14 You Will Forever Be Missed
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:14 am
by Mizzy70
In-game username: Mizzy70
First name:Steven
Previous clan:Ascendency
Timeplayed: 451 hours
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:51 am
by Edonist
In-game username: Wraithsts
Previous clan: Ascendency
Timeplayed: 2347 hours
Recruiter: Edonist
Re: Business| Pvm/chill/skill | Longest Running | Most Activ
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 6:03 am
by Spr3n1x
In-game username:spr3n1x
First name:david
Previous clan: N/A
Timeplayed: 383 hours
Recruiter: westeros, transformer and wizop
Ally application?:no