Page 329 of 452
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:26 am
by The anal
Main Username: The anal
Account Applying for: The anal
First Name: Sean
Combat level: 126
In-game Status: Premium
Previous Clan: The Vendetta
Timeplayed: 532
Recruiter: Mr Quantum
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:05 am
by Bukowski
Main Username: Bukowski
Account Applying for: ^
First Name: Charles
Combat level: 110
In-game Status: Regular
Previous Clan: None
Timeplayed: 2 hours
Recruiter: None
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:29 pm
by Rangerpoisu
Main Username:Rangerpoisu
Account Applying for:Rangerpoisu
First Name:Jaak
Combat level:126
In-game Status:Premium and honor
Previous Clan:The Vendetta
Timeplayed: 857hours
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:03 pm
by Michaeldebes
Business wrote:Weekly PvM Event Log!
(will be updated once a week with new events, this one is from 5 days)
Code: Select all
Main Username:michaeldebes
Account Applying for:pvming
First Name:michael
Combat level:126
In-game Status:premium
Previous Clan: dutch fc
Timeplayed: 229h
[]Ally Application
About Us
Keeping It Real With You 24/7
We're Mainly A Pvm/Skill/Chill/Stake/Helping Type Of Clan But That Shouldn't Discourage You From Pking.
The Only Requirement Is That You Have At least 50 Hours Time Played Or Have Been Recruited By A Sergeant+
The Real Challenge Is Whether You're Ready To Stay Or Not
If You Are Listed Under Retired It Is Either Because You've Gone Inactive Or Have Left Respectively.
If You Are Listed Under Retired & Would Like To Change This Pm Me In-game Or On The Forums.
It's Alright That You Made An Embarrassing Typo, Thanks For The Support Daan!
This Just Means You Guys Are Doing A Great Job

The Standard Clan Signature, By
Elite Reborn
Updated: 9-11-16 8:07 PM - Chance

Appeals Are To Be Private Messaged To Business With The Title "Appeal", An Appeal Fee May be In Order Regarding Your Offense.
Code: Select all
Ingame Name:
What Do You think You Were Banned For?:
You Know That Was Stupid, Right?:
How Could You Have Avoided This Altercation?:
Applications For Promotions Are To Be Private Messaged To Business With The Title "Promotion".
Code: Select all
Ingame name:
Current Rank:
Current Timeplayed:
People Recruited:(Search Your Name On This Thread)
Promotion Rubric
1. Show Some Leadership Skills And Maturity.
2. Time Played In The Clan Chat.
3. Activity In The Clan Chat.
4. Following Clan Chat Rules.
5. Making The Clan Look Good As A Whole.
6. Not Begging To Be Promoted
7. Representin' Dem #MoneyBags
Corporal Requirements
Must have atleast 3 recruits.
Must have spent atleast 25 hours in the clan.
Sergeant Requirements
Must have atleast 8 recruits.
Must be a frequent event starter.
Must have spent atleast 60 hours in the clan.
Lieutenant Requirements
Must pass trial.
Must have atleast 5 recruits that have reached Corporal.
Must PVM regularly and be active within the clan overall.
Must have 70% approval rating from current clan staff team.

1. Do Not Apply If You Are In Another Clan Chat.
A. This does not include clan chats of personal friends.
(Clan hopping is illegal if you join an official clan but is not illegal when you join a clan of a personal friend to perform activities such as PvM and Pking.)
B. This rule applies to all of your accounts. You can’t be in Business with your main and in a different clan with your secondary account. Secondary accounts include skillers, scouters, etc.
(Failure to follow this rule will result in the removal of your account from Business.
2. Keep A Good Reputation.
A. This involves staying active within the clan and not being rude to others in the clan.
For example: scamming people, merching clan members, etc.
3. Lieutenants+ Can kick and ban.
A. Lieutenants+ can kick and/or ban people who are lower than their rank if they break the rules of the clan.
4. Follow All In-Game Rules.
A. ::laws and ::rules
5. Seperate Your Personal Business From Your Clan Business.
A. No fighting/flaming within the clan, if you wish to have a heated argument with someone, PM it to each other or ::private them. Arguments should not be in the clan chat at all. A warning will be issued then followed with a kick if repeated.
People who are repeating offenders (Ex: Three kicks in a month) will be banned from Business.
You Will Be Kicked/Banned If
1. You Spam The Clan Chat
A. This includes asking for something multiple times.
B. This includes anything that is repeated multiple amounts of times.
C. Players will get a warning to stop spamming the clan chat and then be kicked if spamming persists.
2. You Are Racist
A. No racial slurs should be thrown in the clan chat jokingly or not, you may offend others.
3. You Are Completely Inactive Within The Clan.
A. Self-explanatory, if seen that you are not in the clan for a long period of time, you will be removed from the clan chat. You may ask to re-join once you are back.
4. You Are Morally Off.
A. This includes making extremely offensive jokes, flaming, etc.
5. You Constantly Piss Other Clan Members Off.
A. This includes but is not limited to flaming, scamming, begging, etc.
6. You Make The Clan Itself Look Bad.
A. Being rude to other people while repping our clan is never a good thing. We do not commit crimes like advertise on yell. We boost the appearance of the clan chat to recruit others instead of making us look like barbarians.
7. You Clan Hop And Do Not Come Back
A. If you are known for leaving the clan and not coming back we will ask you what is happening and if the problem persists, a ban will be issued.
8. You Bait Other Clan Members.
A. Picking for fights is never a good thing, be kind to one another.
9. You Continue To Argue In The Clan After Being Told To Stop.
A. A clear warning is always issued before a kick happens. If you fail to listen, cool off for an hour and then join the CC.
10. You Argue In The Clan Chat.
A. Arguing is to be taken to PM or ::private if needed, take it out of the clan chat.
It is unnecessary for others to see people arguing. Lieutenants+ can be middlemen and solve issues if asked.
11. Prove That You Have A Bad Reputation.
A. If you are well known for scamming, flaming, baiting, etc., you will be banned from the clan chat to either prevent further problems or to not give the clan as a whole a bad reputation.
12. Break in-game rules.
Remember, the clan is number one priority.
13. Use The N Word
A. The Use Of The Word Nigger Or Any Variaton Of It Will Not Be Tolerated
Runettee wrote:I'm not much for clans to be honest, but this seems like more of a guild
Here Lies Income 1/25/14 You Will Forever Be Missed
Clan Staff Meeting Sundays At 8:00pm.
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:45 pm
by Rahgod
Main Username: Hotelbooks
Account Applying for: Hotelbooks
First Name: Jacob
Combat level:126
In-game Status:premium
Previous Clan: The Vendetta
Timeplayed: 1537
Recruiter: Xanderkeith
[]Ally Application
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:49 am
by Skill hard
Main Username:
Account Applying for: Skill Hard
First Name: Korbrin
Combat level: 126
In-game Status: Currently a normal player, sold prem and dstat to afford all the quests
Previous Clan: The Vendetta
Timeplayed: 589 Hours
Recruiter: Tayron and Xanderkeith
[]Ally Application
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:26 pm
by Americanpie2
Main Username: Americanpie2
Account Applying for: Americanpie2
First Name: Matt
Combat level: 126
In-game Status: Regular player
Previous Clan: The vendetta
Timeplayed: 792 hours
Recruiter: None
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:17 pm
by The anal
Main Username: The anal
Account Applying for:Iron Anal
First Name: Sean
Combat level: 125
In-game Status: Donor
Previous Clan: The Vendetta
Timeplayed: 257 on this account
Recruiter: The anal
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:48 am
by The alg
Main Username: The Alg
Account Applying for: The Alg
First Name: Pete
Combat level: 126
In-game Status: premium
Previous Clan: Ascendency
Timeplayed: 906 hours
Recruiter: Smurrie
[]Ally Application
Re: Business #1|Daily PvM Events | Longest Running | Most Ac
Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:56 am
by Biggie white
Main Username: Biggie White
Account Applying for: In My Honor
First Name: Austin
Combat level:126
In-game Status: Honor
Previous Clan: none
Timeplayed: 36 hours