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Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:10 pm
by Yrye pure
In-game username of the buyer: (Hcim won), Yrye
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Damien or Damien666
What's the reason you want to buy this name?:Because it is my name and I love it.
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:25 pm
by Church
In-game username of the buyer: Dj Church
Name of in-game account you want to buy: "Church" "Dakota" "Dj"
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: Variations on my name.
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 6:32 pm
by Poar
In-game username of the buyer: Poar / Iron Torso
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Iron Zerk
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: I want the name for my ironman zerk, i assume u can change my iron's name to the name i want too?
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 5:32 am
by Exotiic
In-game username of the buyer:Exotiic
Name of in-game account you want to buy:Arek
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: Arek is my actual name I've tried to buy the name before but was declined
You name the price you think this account is worth and I'll buy.
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 1:51 pm
by Iron adam
Exotiic wrote:What's the reason you want to buy this name?: Arek is my actual name I've tried to buy the name before but was declined
if they said it isn't available, then it isnt available lol. they dont reset accounts that have that much progress on them.
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 7:34 am
by Mr chuck
In-game username of the buyer: Mr chuck
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Jaeden
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: It is my name irl and i made mr chuck when i was like 12 trying to be chuck norris lmfao.
How much are you willing to pay? Min 5b - max 50b. (We ask this so we can estimate how high you value the name of the account you're trying to buy.) With how terrible mr chuck is id be willing to do min or max and anywhere inbetween lmfao.
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 7:35 am
by Trijicon
In-game username of the buyer: Trijicon
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Tom Cat | Tomcat |
Thomas | Tommy
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: Alt accounts
How much are you willing to pay? Min 5b - max 50b. (We ask this so we can estimate how high you value the name of the account you're trying to buy.) 5b for any one account that is available.
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 5:38 am
by Dds4theko
In-game username of the buyer: dds4theko
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Colton
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: It is my name irl
How much are you willing to pay? Min 5b - max 50b. (We ask this so we can estimate how high you value the name of the account you're trying to buy.) 5b
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 3:31 am
by Bone machine
In-game username of the buyer: Surfer Rosa / Bone Machine
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Pilgrim, Junkie
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: Alts for my iron/honor.
Re: [Buying inactive accounts]
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 1:31 am
by Taylor gang
In-game username of the buyer: Tgods Wild
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Taylor Gang
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: its the gang I live by Taylor Gang or die! (TGOD) id love this account and see that it doesn't have many time played on it! thank you so much i think the price is 5b? let me know thanks !