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Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:41 pm
by Pvm n pvp
In-game name: Pvm N PVP
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): N/A
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): I like to pk and pvm in PkHonor and play basketball irl
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Yes
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: Income, too many faggots
Current Bank Wealth?: 30bil or so
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: only 1.44 but it is because i used to welfare pk when i had first started, as of the last 3 days my kdr would be atleast 2.00
Why would you like to join our clan?: I'd like to pk with everyone else
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:54 pm
by Thepuregod
What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?:serg or luit
Why do you think you deserve this rank?:cause i'm active alot in cc if people need help i help them and because of herro is sexy as fuq
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:24 am
by Dullman
Thepuregod wrote:What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?:serg or luit
Why do you think you deserve this rank?:cause i'm active alot in cc if people need help i help them and because of herro is sexy as fuq
#150% percent support
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:47 am
by Bobinogs
In-game name: Bobinogs
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): no
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): play football pk and pvm on pkhonor
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: yes
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: Income, I'm not leaving I just want to join a pking team
Current Bank Wealth?: around 15b?
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: only 1:88 I've been solo pking high wildy so its hard to get up
Why would you like to join our clan?: I like pking high wildy but always die to a team
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:04 am
by Niplicker
In-game name:
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):no.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):Mostly i pvm. but i enjoy pking as well. since i maxed i have been doing very little skilling but i'm sure ill go for 200M xp in something soon.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:of course, although everyone makes mistakes occasionally. i'm only human
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:income. bunch of noobs joined. they did not respect the importance of the old "love your neighbor". and did not respect other clan members. and so i left.
Current Bank Wealth?:i'm not sure. around 20B
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.22 so far on this server i have only been pvming and skilling. soon i wish to begin bridding, as such i would like to join a clan of strong pkers to pk with.
Why would you like to join our clan?:this is a well made clan, who is known to respect each other and do well in all aspects of the game. also the fact that the amount of members is small appeals to me, obviously you put the time in to weed the crop and make sure only the best join your clan. thanks for your time.
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:26 am
by Dullman
Niplicker wrote:In-game name:
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):no.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):Mostly i pvm. but i enjoy pking as well. since i maxed i have been doing very little skilling but i'm sure ill go for 200M xp in something soon.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:of course, although everyone makes mistakes occasionally. i'm only human
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:income. bunch of noobs joined. they did not respect the importance of the old "love your neighbor". and did not respect other clan members. and so i left.
Current Bank Wealth?:i'm not sure. around 20B
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.22 so far on this server i have only been pvming and skilling. soon i wish to begin bridding, as such i would like to join a clan of strong pkers to pk with.
Why would you like to join our clan?:this is a well made clan, who is known to respect each other and do well in all aspects of the game. also the fact that the amount of members is small appeals to me, obviously you put the time in to weed the crop and make sure only the best join your clan. thanks for your time.
brid me in game? :3
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:06 pm
by Zadkiel
Why are you leaving? So really why am I leaving? So Dullman and L0rdy are trolling me, sure I'm fine with that, I jokingly said I was quitting. But then someone who wasn't part of the discussion followed me around and said that I told the cc to fuck off, when I actually told him to fuck off cause I wanted to be alone. Now I go to the agility course and get piled by the clan. Nobody said a thing, someone even told me to "sit noob" I even told everybody who was piling me to off - instantaneously died. When Pizza told them afterwards, apparently you guys said that I told the cc to fuck off. Do note that L0rdy and Dullman both apologized and wanted me to come back. Had no intentions of leaving, only wanted to troll Dullman and L0rdy back by making them think I was actually quitting. Turns out, it's not cause of them that I'm actually quitting, it's cause of someone else. Who I will not name since I don't want to cause any beef. Also getting troll'd after I was told not to troll, when I wasn't trolling is something that makes me feel disrespected. I wasn't even trolling, just told Hydrogen Gas I would buy his AGS for 1bil, and when Mute thought Hydrogen Gas was being serious and asked Hydrogen Gas if he knew that his offer was higher even though it got declined by Hydrogen Gas. So both Hydrogen Gas and I tell Mute that it was a joke, and was a conversation that only Hydrogen and I were having in the cc. Yet it's considered trolling and hours later I actually do get trolled - and great, nobody cares.
Would you still like to be a friend of pkp kings? Maybe to some of the players.
Any final thoughts? Bye.
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:30 am
by Nastygangsta
In-game name: nastygangsta
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): no
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): i like to pk.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: yep.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: no clan.
Current Bank Wealth?: about 2bil
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: .72 I died a lot while doing agility..
Why would you like to join our clan?: ownage pking.

Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:42 am
by Broodrooster
Im a active player thats nearly every day online. Im a pker and pvmer, i like pking the most.
I wasn't in cc.
i got maxed cash and a couple 100m tickets and some pvm gear so not really much.
53 kills 82 deaths. but most of my deads are because i got killed at agility cours while training.
Because i like to multi-pk with friends and its a nice cc with some friendly people in it.
Re: "Pkp kings v2" is now recruiting! -Pk And Pvm
Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:45 am
by Niplicker
Dullman wrote:Niplicker wrote:In-game name:
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?):no.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):Mostly i pvm. but i enjoy pking as well. since i maxed i have been doing very little skilling but i'm sure ill go for 200M xp in something soon.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?:of course, although everyone makes mistakes occasionally. i'm only human
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:income. bunch of noobs joined. they did not respect the importance of the old "love your neighbor". and did not respect other clan members. and so i left.
Current Bank Wealth?:i'm not sure. around 20B
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0.22 so far on this server i have only been pvming and skilling. soon i wish to begin bridding, as such i would like to join a clan of strong pkers to pk with.
Why would you like to join our clan?:this is a well made clan, who is known to respect each other and do well in all aspects of the game. also the fact that the amount of members is small appeals to me, obviously you put the time in to weed the crop and make sure only the best join your clan. thanks for your time.
brid me in game? :3
okey dokey. but give me a bit so i can merk my unholy and have some spare cash to get gear together :3