Nex poll

PkHonor's work in progress and future updates will be posted here.

How should Nex work?

Combat mechanics: leave them as they are now in PkHonor
Combat mechanics: match the OSRS mechanics as much as possible
Combat mechanics: add some OSRS combat mechanics, but we don't need all
Hitpoints: fixed amount of hitpoints
Hitpoints: scale with the amount of players like the Nightmare (and scale drops in the same way)
Torva stats: keep the stats how they currently are
Torva stats: use the OSRS stats and lose the HP boost
Torva stats: use the OSRS stats, but keep the HP boost
Obtaining Torva: same as before, Torva drops as a regular item drop and can be worn without needing additional parts
Obtaining Torva: just like in OSRS, break down Bandos tassets and chestplate to obtain it
Obtaining Torva: alternative suggestion (post below)
Torva degrading: keep degrading like it does now
Torva degrading: same as in OSRS, do not degrade
Total votes: 344

Will be ok2
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Re: Nex poll

Post by Will be ok2 » Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:37 pm

Fungamer wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:11 pm
Fe nis wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:02 am
Respire1337 wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 12:26 am Really curious why people don't want to have torva's stats changed? Atm it's just a much tankier bandos with extra hp. The change in the defence stats and the strength are gonna make it more niche, as Adam said, making justiciar the actual #1 tank gear in the game, with torva being the absolute #1 offensive gear ( better than ancient warriors equipment as well )
Because most people probably voted without even knowing or checking the potential stat changes.
I think ppl also want the best of two worlds, both the offensive stats from osrs and the defensive we have on pkh rn. But yeah that'd probably be waaaay too OP.

I also think they partially want the big defensive stats because thats what it was on rs2 and while a fair amount of the community is up to date with OSRS, they dont play or they do but still base their expectations on pre-eoc.

Make it both stats. #RSPS


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Re: Nex poll

Post by Enron » Sat Dec 03, 2022 6:09 pm

I think with raids 3 coming out whenever there will probably need to be a rebalance of BIS gear. Personally, I think torva should be reworked with edging higher offensive stats but also getting rid of repair kits for it and having bandos be an item sink. Justicar I've only ever used for afk gorillas so it would be nice to see it have more utility. Even currently we have to focus on inflation of the economy so item sinks that have some form of utility. Pernix the same way with higher offensive BIS with masaori and pernix higher defensive while scaling using arma for each respective item. Virtus is tricky because the price is dog shit compared to drop rate and everyone would much rather use ancestrial but it's pricing and availability (that I've seen) is no where as comparable.

I don't know back end coding with removing items and shit like that but I think the worst idea would be to exchange nex items for money, potentially have a credit system to buy the new version of nex gear and having to use bandos/arma to purchase as well.

Also nex pet when?

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Re: Nex poll

Post by Markymark » Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:36 am

Maybe rebalancing can take a different toll for nex gear, as far as base stats, I agree, we can nerf the offense on it, some defense too. Lets say we nerf it 15% in total..

We can perhaps make nex scale towards defense than offense. For example, wearing full set gives you accuracy bonus and I think str bonus too.

What if we made it where if youre fighting a npc, lets say with full torva, if youre fighting a magic or ranged boss, your defense for that attack will be on base stats. But for npc's hitting with melee, torva can get a 10% defense and accuracy boost (no str) so that way sets still serve a purpose, and its different compared to most servers that offer only offensive perks.

Im sure its a highly complicated process to do that, but if we are planning on changing them fully, best think of a good idea before we ruin them fully.

I know most will say yeah we have defense armor already, but that defense armor wont have the accuracy bonuses nex armors will have if implemented, but torva can also keep their hp boosts as they are normally, so that way they can still have that perk too, but be weaker for defense.

Virtus and pernix, same concept, when in pernix, fighting magic bosses, youll have 10% defense boost again magic attacks, but 10% more accuracy as well towards magic npcs. When ranging a melee npc, your stats will scale as base stats.

Interesting or what? :)

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Re: Nex poll

Post by Fungamer » Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:01 pm

Too complicated

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Re: Nex poll

Post by The underdog » Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:42 am

Never replied on this but need to bump something in the dev blog to potentially motivate devs with an annoying reply.

I don't care for the boss mechanics itself.

Just pick osrs or current version for stats I guess. I'd prefer what we already have then. Because there's pernix and virtus too which is similar gear for another combat style it'd be odd to adjust just one of them. It's quite the opposites too, osrs with very offensive stats and here very defensive stats...

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