Eagle fe wrote:The fact that we do not need to pray flick or tick manipulate makes PkHonor so much more fun than osrs. Pray flicking is a side-effect as a result of an archaic engine. We could always add super prayer renewal potions to offset the inability to pray flick. The super renewals could passively restore prayer points over the course of five minutes. Again, there are ways to work around prayer as a limiting factor that do not require introducing a bug.
1. Prayer flicking is NOT a bug, it is a game mechanic due to how the game's tick system was created back in RS2. Game ticks are a part of RS and how everything works.
It's the same sense in how Super Smash Brothers Melee in how the physics engine allows for wavedashing/wavelanding. It's a byproduct of the physics engine of Melee, and wasn't intended, but is NOT a bug. Tick manipulation methods for skilling and prayers are healthy for the game in rewarding effort over afking.
2. If you really think prayer renewals are going to help because you have to wait 5 minutes to regain prayer and lose other valuable supplies (brews, restores, gear slots) you are delusional to how high level PVM works. People should not have to wait to gain back prayer instead of just doing something to where they don't lose it in the first place at the expense of other inventory slots.
3. How the fuck does not having to prayer flick make something "fun". It's either click and attack a monster waiting for RNG hits while praying or at least doing something requiring timing and mental effort for a reward. It would raise the skill ceiling for PkHonor pvm as a whole