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Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:45 pm
by Fsmurf7
Select all
In-game username of the buyer:tayron

Name of in-game account you want to buy:taylor, PayPal

What's the reason you want to buy this name?:yolo

Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 7:20 pm
by Matthew
Exotiic wrote:In-game username of the buyer: exotiic

Name of in-game account you want to buy: Arek

What's the reason you want to buy this name?: It's my irl name

How much would you be willing to pay?: 5b. i asked about the name 2 years ago im wondering if its available now. Long time player and it'd be cool if i could have my name and people refer to me as my name and all my other gamer tags rather than a name i made when i was 16 which was exotiic.
That name is not available for sale, sorry.
Tom061202 wrote:In-game username of the buyer: Tom061202
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Tommy, Tom, T O M
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: They are either my irl first name or irl nickname.
How much would you be willing to pay?: 5B, maybe 10-15B if it's Tom
Tommy and Tom are not available for sale. T O M is however available for sale, if you're still interested in buying this account name please send me a forums pm.
Tayron wrote:In-game username of the buyer:tayron
Name of in-game account you want to buy: taylor, PayPal
What's the reason you want to buy this name?:yolo
Taylor and PayPal are not available for sale, sorry.

Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 9:04 pm
by Skiller
In-game username of the buyer: the builder

Name of in-game account you want to buy: skiller

What's the reason you want to buy this name?: I believe I'm currently the highest exp exclusive skiller in-game, and like the account name a lot :) so much so I've got the greek equivalent already, eidikos.

Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 9:09 pm
by Respire1337
In-game username of the buyer: Respire1337

Name of in-game account you want to buy: Invictus

What's the reason you want to buy this name?: I find it as a really powerful name and I love that username.

Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 3:06 am
by Dawidek
In-game username of the buyer: Dawidush

Name of in-game account you want to buy: Dawid

What's the reason you want to buy this name?: It's my irl name (I'm Polish)

How much would you be willing to pay?: Standard fee for non progressed accounts. Per admins discretion.
Thank you!

Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 1:29 am
by Rizz0

Code: Select all

In-game username of the buyer: Megalomaniac

Name of in-game account you want to buy: Rizzo (the account currently has not gained a single xp point)

What's the reason you want to buy this name?: Been my nickname for friends and family for over 16 years

How much would you be willing to pay?: 3B (I'm an ironman and it's all the coins I have, maybe we could work something out with items + cash)

Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:54 pm
by Matthew
The builder wrote:In-game username of the buyer: the builder

Name of in-game account you want to buy: skiller

What's the reason you want to buy this name?: I believe I'm currently the highest exp exclusive skiller in-game, and like the account name a lot :) so much so I've got the greek equivalent already, eidikos.
Skiller is currently available for sale. If you're still interested in buying this account name, please send me a forums pm.
Respire1337 wrote:In-game username of the buyer: Respire1337
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Invictus
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: I find it as a really powerful name and I love that username.
Invictus is currently available for sale. If you're still interested in buying this account name, please send me a forums pm.
Dawidek wrote:In-game username of the buyer: Dawidush
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Dawid
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: It's my irl name (I'm Polish)How much would you be willing to pay?: Standard fee for non progressed accounts. Per admins discretion. Thank you!
Dawid is currently available for sale. If you're still interested in buying this account name, please send me a forums pm.
Megalomaniac wrote:In-game username of the buyer: Megalomaniac
Name of in-game account you want to buy: Rizzo (the account currently has not gained a single xp point)
What's the reason you want to buy this name?: Been my nickname for friends and family for over 16 years
How much would you be willing to pay?: 3B (I'm an ironman and it's all the coins I have, maybe we could work something out with items + cash)
Rizzo is currently available for sale. If you're still interested in buying this account name, please send me A forums pm.

Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:53 pm
by Hello no cc
In-game username of the buyer: hello no cc

Name of in-game account you want to buy: vinny

What's the reason you want to buy this name?: cause im the greatest vinny to have ever played this game, so i deserve it. obviously everyone knows this. lmk when i can log into it

Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:51 pm
by Rgh
In-game username of the buyer: Rgh

Name of in-game account you want to buy: "R" "5" "6"

What's the reason you want to buy this name?: Wouldn't mind a one letter/number username as they seem unique, plus R is the first letter of my user. Worth a shot I suppose :thumbsup:

Re: [Buying inactive accounts]

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 8:01 pm
by Iron adam
Rgh wrote:In-game username of the buyer: Rgh

Name of in-game account you want to buy: "R" "5" "6"

What's the reason you want to buy this name?: Wouldn't mind a one letter/number username as they seem unique, plus R is the first letter of my user. Worth a shot I suppose :thumbsup:
Its important to note: We don't allow single letter names such as '1' or 'Z'. Any requests for single letter names will be declined.