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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:24 pm
by Shagamemnon
1. In-game Name:Mr Munchkin
2. First Name (Optional):
3. Time Played:359 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular:prem
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6):pvm
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:corp
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):Cant remember
8. Why do you wish to join:to be able to pvm with other people and have fun
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 9:42 pm
by Cyborg skill
1. In-game Name: Ilovekourtny
2. First Name (Optional): Ryan.
3. Time Played: 561 Hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Prem
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): Both
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Ascendency
8. Why do you wish to join: I wish to join because ive been in this clan before my laptop broke and I got booted for inactivitiy, I like this clan and the people in. ive made tons of money pvming with you all.
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:01 pm
by Repairman
1. In-game Name: Quantumrange
2. First Name (Optional): Norm
3. Time Played: 548
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Donator
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): Skiller but i want to become a PvMer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Mr. Etho
8. Why do you wish to join: I want to start PvMing and meet more people and just have a good time
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:32 pm
by Stonyy
1. In-game Name: Stonyy
2. First Name (Optional):
3. Time Played: 473 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular:Prem
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6):PVMER
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: All of them, none favorite in particular
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):Mike33
8. Why do you wish to join:Because, everyone want's to be a part of your great clan!
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:18 pm
by Opulent
All recent apps have been checked, welcome!
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:11 pm
by Abdomen
1. In-game Name: Abdomen
2. Current Rank: (Applying for Lieut)
3. Members recruited: Always asking people ( Don't think i have any tho )
4. How often do you PvM? All the time, Online daily.
5. Why do you want to rank up? Asked previous members in PM's They said give it a shot.
6. Explain how you fill the requirements for the particular rank you're applying for? ( Last Journey requirement is done, Sure i have been in the cc Over 2 Months Now + Will do some sort of event when and if need be

7. Who recommended this rank up? Right Ball & Pf ( Sadly Right Ball Left

As far as i know like.. )
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:15 pm
by Niesko
1. In-game Name:Niesko
2. First Name (Optional): Matheus
3. Time Played:334 hous
4. Donator\Prem\Regular:prem
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PVMer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Done all bosses, but like zammy boss more.
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):Mike33
8. Why do you wish to join: make new friends, pvm, chill and pk with clanmates.
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:23 pm
by Lipe ripo
1. In-game Name: Lipe Ripo
2. First Name (Optional): /
3. Time Played: 350 hrs
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Prem
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): Pker
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: I can do all bosses
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): /
8. Why do you wish to join: Because I will be grinding a lot for comp and I'd like a clan wich I can share my experiences with
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:42 pm
by Beast1205
1. In-game Name: Beast1205
2. Current Rank:recruit
3. Members recruited:0
4. How often do you PvM? everyday
5. Why do you want to rank up? I want to be able to lootshare and pvm with the clan
6. Explain how you fill the requirements for the particular rank you're applying for? I use to do live streams and pvm with the clan about a half year back. This is my second day back on the game and am looking to get back into it.
7. Who recommended this rank up? No on recommended me to be ranked up. People just said to apply on the forums to be allowed to loot share.
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:48 pm
by Klom84
1. In-game Name: Klom84
2. First Name (Optional):
3. Time Played: 276 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Premium
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): i'm both a skiller and a PvMer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: i always do barrows, hard tasks, that stuff
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):mr Munchkin
8. Why do you wish to join: i love to play games together and play with other players