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Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:12 pm
by Fungamer
Nazuths wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:09 pm Completely reset their accounts, reset Wildy diaries, reset max cape unlocks, reset all the skills that were progressed, reset killcounts for NPCs, there is literally no punishment currently with these new guidelines. You take the bank from an RWTer, really? Isn't that the whole point of RWTing, that you sell everything so there's no bank left or am I being ridiculous now?

They were already allowed to continue playing on a new account, adding in this new policy makes RWT even more attractive, I don't see in any way how that's something beneficial.
Take their wealth sure. Screw resetting skills etc. That's just dumb IMO. Why even bother getting the account unbanned then? For the name? Might as well make RWT locked ultimate ironmen then and see how much you can rwt before abandoning that account since it'll be worthless after being caught lmfao. Just keep em banned with no chance at appeals at that point

Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:19 pm
by Nazuths
Fungamer wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:12 pm
Nazuths wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:09 pm Completely reset their accounts, reset Wildy diaries, reset max cape unlocks, reset all the skills that were progressed, reset killcounts for NPCs, there is literally no punishment currently with these new guidelines. You take the bank from an RWTer, really? Isn't that the whole point of RWTing, that you sell everything so there's no bank left or am I being ridiculous now?

They were already allowed to continue playing on a new account, adding in this new policy makes RWT even more attractive, I don't see in any way how that's something beneficial.
Take their wealth sure. Screw resetting skills etc. That's just dumb IMO. Why even bother getting the account unbanned then? For the name? Might as well make RWT locked ultimate ironmen then and see how much you can rwt before abandoning that account since it'll be worthless after being caught lmfao. Just keep em banned with no chance at appeals at that point
Taking wealth from a cleaned account, how is that not dumb? You're taking money from an account that has sold their money, huh? What is the punishment then if you can get a temporary ban and return like nothing happened? Am I missing something? Is there a punishment that they received that I'm not aware of? Taking away progress is the only thing that makes sense as a punishment, otherwise go make a new account, you won't need your old account then anyways.

Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:33 pm
by Korasi2
Nazuths wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:19 pm
Fungamer wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:12 pm
Nazuths wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:09 pm Completely reset their accounts, reset Wildy diaries, reset max cape unlocks, reset all the skills that were progressed, reset killcounts for NPCs, there is literally no punishment currently with these new guidelines. You take the bank from an RWTer, really? Isn't that the whole point of RWTing, that you sell everything so there's no bank left or am I being ridiculous now?

They were already allowed to continue playing on a new account, adding in this new policy makes RWT even more attractive, I don't see in any way how that's something beneficial.
Take their wealth sure. Screw resetting skills etc. That's just dumb IMO. Why even bother getting the account unbanned then? For the name? Might as well make RWT locked ultimate ironmen then and see how much you can rwt before abandoning that account since it'll be worthless after being caught lmfao. Just keep em banned with no chance at appeals at that point
Taking wealth from a cleaned account, how is that not dumb? You're taking money from an account that has sold their money, huh? What is the punishment then if you can get a temporary ban and return like nothing happened? Am I missing something? Is there a punishment that they received that I'm not aware of? Taking away progress is the only thing that makes sense as a punishment, otherwise go make a new account, you won't need your old account then anyways.

Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:42 pm
by Fungamer
Nazuths wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:19 pm
Fungamer wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:12 pm
Nazuths wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:09 pm Completely reset their accounts, reset Wildy diaries, reset max cape unlocks, reset all the skills that were progressed, reset killcounts for NPCs, there is literally no punishment currently with these new guidelines. You take the bank from an RWTer, really? Isn't that the whole point of RWTing, that you sell everything so there's no bank left or am I being ridiculous now?

They were already allowed to continue playing on a new account, adding in this new policy makes RWT even more attractive, I don't see in any way how that's something beneficial.
Take their wealth sure. Screw resetting skills etc. That's just dumb IMO. Why even bother getting the account unbanned then? For the name? Might as well make RWT locked ultimate ironmen then and see how much you can rwt before abandoning that account since it'll be worthless after being caught lmfao. Just keep em banned with no chance at appeals at that point
Taking wealth from a cleaned account, how is that not dumb? You're taking money from an account that has sold their money, huh? What is the punishment then if you can get a temporary ban and return like nothing happened? Am I missing something? Is there a punishment that they received that I'm not aware of? Taking away progress is the only thing that makes sense as a punishment, otherwise go make a new account, you won't need your old account then anyways.
Wealth is taken away because that's what is being "abused" here. If someone has 1t and autoclicks magic trees for xp to get comp, you're going after their wc/fm xp primarily rather than taking away their 1t, no? The punishment should fit the crime.
Sure sometimes an account is cleaned, but this policy has also gotten accounts with trills on them after they only rwted a few hundred bil. Want to go after an rwters wealth before they're sold out? Detect them faster. Have mods look into known RSPS forums. Ask for more advanced logs. Get new guidelines/procedures to determine if a player is RWTing. Whatever it takes. I'm not in favor of this "burden" being on the community rather than the staff team.

And exactly, if progress gets taken away then its not even worth appealing and getting whatever 2nd chance there might be in store for you. So why bother appealing with an overly harsh system when you can make another account? If it's not worth appealing for, then it might as well be a regular perm ban which I don't oppose. Screw the bureaucracy LARPing as if we're some GTA V RP server where the police is "adding up" all your charges and overcomplicating things. Be chill about it or perm ban. It's that simple.

RWT is bad for the server and yada yada yada. But let's not make the mistake I used to make and treat PkH as if its some high class society with politics and perfect ethics. RWT is a guy selling pixels to a degen gambler or a kid with their moms credit card. It shouldn't be tolerated since it's bad for the server but c'mon dude. The server isn't "dying" because of RWT. It's not like the rwter said unforgivable things or made threats. It shouldn't just be a slap on the wrist but y'all are acting like rwters should be whipped IRL for their transgressions and it's just cringe.

It's hard to take some of these responses seriously since it's obvious that the majority of this drama is mainly being made because a player who not everyone likes got banned for RWT. I'm almost certain this wouldn't cause such an uproar if James never got banned Because then the "other side" will feel like they "gained" more than the rival side amirite?

Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 5:51 pm
by Empty
I'm gone for a couple of days and I come back for this?...

Real world trading should be permanent ban, and IP-BAN depending on how much Person x Sold.
Full reset on the account aswell, for both sides, MOST gold buyers have made insane progress with the money they have bought from the gold seller.
And the seller obviously does not respect the rules of the game, and can not be trusted with a second chance.
As i stated in discord earlier, it's like cutting people out of your life after they've broken your trust or something, it leaves a wound ofc and it's NEARLY impossible to gain back that trust once it's lost. So why are we not following real life standards in this case, same goes with botting and such. but this thread is about real world trading.

What it goes to "Real world trader's history matters" is just fucking bullshit and should not even be a quotation in this whole post but apparently it's unclear for some of yall, OFCOURSE if they've rwted in the past they will do it again, and to prevent that KEEP THEM BANNED. they can have a second chance if they want to use VPN and start fresh on a new account sure, do it for all i care but don't let them keep their progress LMFAO..

It's sad to see where things are going with pkhonor when it comes to rules, I don't want to point out anybody but it's not hard to guess who proposed this change if you use your brain and add 1 to 1..

Anyway there's always positive sides to everything (in most cases) but not in this one, why would you want to encourage people to rule breaking with lighter punishments just makes no sense at all to me.
GL making pkhonor your full time job i guess (?)

Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 5:57 pm
by The underdog
I don't really see/get the reason.

I mean juntow was a Saint (relatively) apart from the rwt incident. But that doesn't go for almost everyone else. Every toxic player you get back after the 20 last chances, bookwork of punishmeny history, different banned accounts and maybe even bonus extra overruled chances they already had. It probably has a net result of the server losing at least one other player for every big offender coming back. End result: same or less amount of players, but hella more toxic.

Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:08 pm
by Fungamer
Empty wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 5:51 pm I'm gone for a couple of days and I come back for this?...

Real world trading should be permanent ban, and IP-BAN depending on how much Person x Sold.
Full reset on the account aswell, for both sides, MOST gold buyers have made insane progress with the money they have bought from the gold seller.
And the seller obviously does not respect the rules of the
Whats the point of resetting the sellers account if its going to be a perm ban anyways?
As i stated in discord earlier, it's like cutting people out of your life after they've broken your trust or something, it leaves a wound ofc and it's NEARLY impossible to gain back that trust once it's lost. So why are we not following real life standards in this case, same goes with botting and such. but this thread is about real world trading.
We're not really following IRL standards because.... This isn't IRL. Holy shit man. Do you really have "wounds" and trust issues caused by someone unrelated to you RWTing with someone else who's also unrelated to you?

I'm gonna be a bit controversial here but... Jesus christ, replace "rwt" with "sexual assault/rape" and yeah, it checks out. I can't believe people are literally using THAT logic for RWT. A person sold pixels for irl cash. They didn't deeply harm other players so let's not act like they did.
GL making pkhonor your full time job i guess
Sounds like this is something the people advocating for stricter (and nonsensical) punishments are going for rather than those who just want things to be chill, ngl.

Edit: Progress literally does not matter for RWTers. Make a new account, farm elites or any other NPC that makes decent gp for low stats, go stake, sell gp. Comp might make it more efficient but then again, that just makes them a "higher risk" account and staff can monitor known, comped accs more. It'll be easier to catch Fungamer for RWT than "Lieven using the account walabi1284 that literally just catches kingly imps, talks to no one and stakes the gp".

Also, if Juntow was unbanned you'd all be cheering because he just made a "little mistake". But now that Will Be Ok got caught RWTing it's suddenly a crime against humanity? Get outta here.

Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:24 pm
by Stale fish1
Fungamer wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:08 pm
Empty wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 5:51 pm I'm gone for a couple of days and I come back for this?...

Real world trading should be permanent ban, and IP-BAN depending on how much Person x Sold.
Full reset on the account aswell, for both sides, MOST gold buyers have made insane progress with the money they have bought from the gold seller.
And the seller obviously does not respect the rules of the
Whats the point of resetting the sellers account if its going to be a perm ban anyways?
As i stated in discord earlier, it's like cutting people out of your life after they've broken your trust or something, it leaves a wound ofc and it's NEARLY impossible to gain back that trust once it's lost. So why are we not following real life standards in this case, same goes with botting and such. but this thread is about real world trading.
We're not really following IRL standards because.... This isn't IRL. Holy shit man. Do you really have "wounds" and trust issues caused by someone unrelated to you RWTing with someone else who's also unrelated to you?

I'm gonna be a bit controversial here but... Jesus christ, replace "rwt" with "sexual assault/rape" and yeah, it checks out. I can't believe people are literally using THAT logic for RWT. A person sold pixels for irl cash. They didn't deeply harm other players so let's not act like they did.
GL making pkhonor your full time job i guess
Sounds like this is something the people advocating for stricter (and nonsensical) punishments are going for rather than those who just want things to be chill, ngl.

Edit: Progress literally does not matter for RWTers. Make a new account, farm elites or any other NPC that makes decent gp for low stats, go stake, sell gp. Comp might make it more efficient but then again, that just makes them a "higher risk" account and staff can monitor known, comped accs more. It'll be easier to catch Fungamer for RWT than "Lieven using the account walabi1284"
sums it up very well, i'd say most rwters made all their gp from staking, aint nobody be farming zulrah/pvming for 1k hours to rwt the gp
also agree, it's a lot easier to track these players and i'm sure there would be stricter punishments for repeat offenders

Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 7:27 pm
by Fungamer
Empty wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 5:51 pm

What it goes to "Real world trader's history matters" is just fucking bullshit and should not even be a quotation in this whole post but apparently it's unclear for some of yall, OFCOURSE if they've rwted in the past they will do it again, and to prevent that KEEP THEM BANNED. they can have a second chance if they want to use VPN and start fresh on a new account sure, do it for all i care but don't let them keep their progress LMFAO..

Just wanted to add on to this:

Would you have said this exact thing before the recent wave of resignations? There have been plenty of people who had a bad past but turned out to be valued members of the community. Some even became mods and one even became a dev. Let's sum some up.

Nazuths, your best friend, has gotten banned in the past for botting alongside having racked up some mutes and what not. Since then he became a mod, got promoted, became a dev & stepped down from his role as a mod. Should he not be forgiven? Should he not be a developer? Surely a vile botter should not be trusted with a single semicolon present in the PKH codebase. O wait.

Arrsenic scammed, hacked and attempted to RWT before he became a mod. Why are you not calling for his demotion, ban or reset if RWT is so bad and guaranteed to repeat? He sure did try to RWT.

Jayden was IP-banned for mass botting and had an RWT related incident IIRC and he is now a very respected senior mod. Should he not be forgiven & be forced to resign/get demoted because of his past offenses?

And finally, you've made very bold statement for someone with a history such as yourself. Are you going to break the rules again like you did in the past? Arguably sending an ipgrabber to a player is a worse offense than just swapping some pkhgp for osgp. Not only that but I recall you being muted multiple times for racism in the past. That's pretty darn toxic and it definitely harmed the server more than most RWTers. Yet I'm not seeing anyone call for your ban.
we are all humen and we make mistakes, which i've made alot of in the past, but i feel like i shouldn't be judged for the things i've done or said when i was immature little teenager.
Your words, not mine. And that's in a plea to become a moderator rather than just being allowed to be part of the community.

John 8:7 y'all.

Re: Punishment and Appeal Guidelines.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 7:29 pm
by Will be ok2
Fungamer wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 7:27 pm
Empty wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 5:51 pm

What it goes to "Real world trader's history matters" is just fucking bullshit and should not even be a quotation in this whole post but apparently it's unclear for some of yall, OFCOURSE if they've rwted in the past they will do it again, and to prevent that KEEP THEM BANNED. they can have a second chance if they want to use VPN and start fresh on a new account sure, do it for all i care but don't let them keep their progress LMFAO..

Just wanted to add on to this:

Would you have said this exact thing before the recent wave of resignations? There have been plenty of people who had a bad past but turned out to be valued members of the community. Some even became mods and one even became a dev. Let's sum some up.

Nazuths, your best friend, has gotten banned in the past for botting alongside having racked up some mutes and what not. Since then he became a mod, got promoted, became a dev & stepped down from his role as a mod. Should he not be forgiven? Should he not be a developer? Surely a vile botter should not be trusted with a single semicolon present in the PKH codebase. O wait.

Arrsenic scammed, hacked and attempted to RWT before he became a mod. Why are you not calling for his demotion, ban or reset if RWT is so bad and guaranteed to repeat? He sure did try to RWT.

Jayden was IP-banned for mass botting and had an RWT related incident IIRC and he is now a very respected senior mod. Should he not be forgiven & be forced to resign/get demoted because of his past offenses?

And finally, you've made very bold statement for someone with a history such as yourself. Are you going to break the rules again like you did in the past? Arguably sending an ipgrabber to a player is a worse offense than just swapping some pkhgp for osgp. Not only that but I recall you being muted multiple times for racism in the past. That's pretty darn toxic and it definitely harmed the server more than most RWTers. Yet I'm not seeing anyone call for your ban.
we are all humen and we make mistakes, which i've made alot of in the past, but i feel like i shouldn't be judged for the things i've done or said when i was immature little teenager.
Your words, not mine. And that's in a plea to become a moderator rather than just being allowed to be part of the community.

John 8:7 y'all.

Amazing point of view, this should be pinned for best replies.. +10000000