Magic accuracy in pvp.

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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by The underdog » Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:27 pm

Xsquire1 wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:20 am
Thoby wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:35 pm If all goes well (and the bosses agree), this will be included in an upcoming update. If it is deemed too powerful, it is something that will be re-adjusted.
Here is the real reason why this should seriously be reconsidered before throwing it into an update.

This post completely ignores the primary food source on this server and the impact it has. Saradomin brew mechanics are the reason why the other combat styles required such a drastic buff.

As you know, when sipping brews, it increases your defense and hit points, while lowering all other stats. With an increase in defense, it is quite a challenge to use the combat styles that hits are calculated on the opponent’s defense level (melee and range) which is why they had to be buffed in order to somewhat counteract this mechanic. Essentially making it the more you brew, the more you tank.

Magic is complete different as it uses the opponents magic level to calculate accuracy and damage. Therefore, this mechanic actually works in favor of the magic user, because the more brews being used, the more damage and accuracy the attacker will have on its opponent.

If you decide to stack another bonus on top of the accuracy and damage bonus received from lower stats, there is only one portion of the community that will benefit from this addition.

In summary, brews are the main source of food on this server, and no one will argue that fact. Brews naturally increase defense which is why those attack styles required a buff. Brews lower magic which increases magic defense and accuracy.... that is all of the buff they need.
Everyone has 99 defense and 99 magic with dirt cheap defensive gear. Melee and ranged weren't adjusted because of brews, but because the general feel wasn't right for the server. Magic was not adjusted because the same shitty feel didn't apply to magic. However since then magic has been nerfed, changing this view. You can't nh pk or deep pk without splashing such a huge amount of vital magic spells despite being in bonkers gear, that it's not fun to do, that you have to plan so far ahead because you know you will splash nonstop, that you have to use alts to pk...

You're the only one against this because we splash lethal teleblocks repeatedly on your hcim even in the best magic setup in game costing hundreds of bills. Even if you're the only one against this idea, I wouldn't even care if teleblocks aren't adjusted just for you. Because the biggest part of the problem is nhing and deep pking where you can't land a freeze or where you can't get any damage in. It works in the favor of the player that's losing a fight, but I guess they earned their magic defenses by spending hundreds of hours to get 99 magic and spending the equivalent of half their bank on magic defensive equipment.

It won't even be only worse for you, since I can't be bothered using magic in edge pvp I'd go deep wild way more often, but since I can't rely on my own bonkers magic setup I have to plan and bring alts reducing the survival chance of yall pvmers.

It's not a huge buff we're talking about, like if I hit you with a whip on torags it's gonna be a 0 even after melee has better accuracy. But it's enough difference to make pvp in many scenarios less infuriating. Or add 1t magic gear that can actually accurately hit something. But I'm already in the best possible accuracy available, not even bothering with a normal max set.

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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by Uim elon » Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:26 pm

The underdog wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:27 pm
You're the only one against this because we splash lethal teleblocks repeatedly on your hcim even in the best magic setup in game costing hundreds of bills. Even if you're the only one against this idea, I wouldn't even care if teleblocks aren't adjusted just for you. Because the biggest part of the problem is nhing and deep pking where you can't land a freeze or where you can't get any damage in. It works in the favor of the player that's losing a fight, but I guess they earned their magic defenses by spending hundreds of hours to get 99 magic and spending the equivalent of half their bank on magic defensive equipment.
Using the argument that I am the only person against this is false. There are 5 people total voting no and a large majority of the active players who haven’t even voted on the topic.

Also, you using my HCIM as my validation for my argument is also false. I have played over 500 hours on my HCIM, and I have LITERALLY only been splashed once with a Teleblock. ONE TIME. And I spend a lot of time doing my clues in the wilderness. So to try and make up a scenario which benefits your point of view is quite sad.

Last thing in this. If it was a lethal teleportation block, you would have used the Alternate account in full Druidic to cast the block instead of using an account in Ahrims. Ahrims isn’t the “Best magic set up ingame costing hundreds of bills” as you stated in your above statement.
The underdog wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:27 pm
It's not a huge buff we're talking about, like if I hit you with a whip on torags it's gonna be a 0 even after melee has better accuracy. But it's enough difference to make pvp in many scenarios less infuriating. Or add 1t magic gear that can actually accurately hit something. But I'm already in the best possible accuracy available, not even bothering with a normal max set.
Well, let’s look at the facts here.

This suggestion has nothing to do with Edge NHing because it happens on a daily basis regardless, and in every case, magic is used. I don’t care what you plead, everyone knows this post is about splashing freezes or Tbs on PVMers and getting gapped. That’s also the basis on every post about pathing.

Secondly, we just got a magic buff that has been literally been cried about for years, and now that you received it, it seems like you just turned your focus onto other things to complain about with magic.

Lastly, as I stated previously. In an update very soon, there will be a new magic weapon released (maybe even two if we see the Nightmare anytime soon). To release a buff right before the release two new BIS magic weapons would be premature none the less. And I get it, it can always be reversed, but I’m sure the community would not like to deal with broken magic from a month until it gets reverted back.

But any suggestion to make killing PVMers easier will always get upvoted on forums. I digress....

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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by The underdog » Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:28 pm

Xsquire1 wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:26 pm
The underdog wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:27 pm
You're the only one against this because we splash lethal teleblocks repeatedly on your hcim even in the best magic setup in game costing hundreds of bills. Even if you're the only one against this idea, I wouldn't even care if teleblocks aren't adjusted just for you. Because the biggest part of the problem is nhing and deep pking where you can't land a freeze or where you can't get any damage in. It works in the favor of the player that's losing a fight, but I guess they earned their magic defenses by spending hundreds of hours to get 99 magic and spending the equivalent of half their bank on magic defensive equipment.
Using the argument that I am the only person against this is false. There are 5 people total voting no and a large majority of the active players who haven’t even voted on the topic.

Also, you using my HCIM as my validation for my argument is also false. I have played over 500 hours on my HCIM, and I have LITERALLY only been splashed once with a Teleblock. ONE TIME. And I spend a lot of time doing my clues in the wilderness. So to try and make up a scenario which benefits your point of view is quite sad.

Last thing in this. If it was a lethal teleportation block, you would have used the Alternate account in full Druidic to cast the block instead of using an account in Ahrims. Ahrims isn’t the “Best magic set up ingame costing hundreds of bills” as you stated in your above statement.
The underdog wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:27 pm
It's not a huge buff we're talking about, like if I hit you with a whip on torags it's gonna be a 0 even after melee has better accuracy. But it's enough difference to make pvp in many scenarios less infuriating. Or add 1t magic gear that can actually accurately hit something. But I'm already in the best possible accuracy available, not even bothering with a normal max set.
Well, let’s look at the facts here.

This suggestion has nothing to do with Edge NHing because it happens on a daily basis regardless, and in every case, magic is used. I don’t care what you plead, everyone knows this post is about splashing freezes or Tbs on PVMers and getting gapped. That’s also the basis on every post about pathing.

Secondly, we just got a magic buff that has been literally been cried about for years, and now that you received it, it seems like you just turned your focus onto other things to complain about with magic.

Lastly, as I stated previously. In an update very soon, there will be a new magic weapon released (maybe even two if we see the Nightmare anytime soon). To release a buff right before the release two new BIS magic weapons would be premature none the less. And I get it, it can always be reversed, but I’m sure the community would not like to deal with broken magic from a month until it gets reverted back.

But any suggestion to make killing PVMers easier will always get upvoted on forums. I digress....
If the accuracy buff works only on skulled people are you happy then?

Nevertheless it's still risking tens of bills to get a slight chance of killing a guy with a 50m risk tops, not sure why the pvmers couldn't handle this change. How often do you go wild with your account, once a week for 1 minute? This is a change for pkers that spend all their time pking. So if there's a slightly higher chance that you do get frozen and there won't be a 10x b2b splash on a pvmer or pker for that matter. How much does that affect you as pvmer, not much I think as it happens rarely. But for the pker it's every single engagement day in day out splash splash splash, oh let me upgrade my gear, splash splash splash, oh I already have the best available magic gear, splash splash splash.

Oh I should freeze my opponent in the nh fight because he's going for a spec, splash splash splash splash. Oh this pvmer is in runite and protecting melee, splash splash splash. Oh a hcim, splash, oh another one, splash splash splash, oh I'm trying to freeze my opponent because I'm losing the fight and need to run, splash splash splash, oh I need to freeze my opponent before pathing glitches and he's gone, splash splash splash. Etc, so whether or not a pvmer that has to tank 5 wild levels will be frozen one more time during his entire escape is not something worthwhile. Magic years ago was a shit ton much stronger and who complained about it back then? Not the pvmers.

It's all fun and games till you have to invest hundreds of bills in it, zuriels is already out of the shop which is after druidic the best magic accuracy. If I was splashing in 1b gear you wouldn't hear me, not at 5b gear, maybe starting at 10b gear. Don't forget it's a combat triangle, but magic is treated differently to the other two combat styles. The entire concept of pvp is based around this combat triangle and the triangle is broken. That's a base flaw in the fundamentals of the combat system and I rather see range and melee nerfed than nothing being changed at all.
Last edited by The underdog on Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Uim elon
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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by Uim elon » Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:38 pm

The underdog wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:28 pm
Xsquire1 wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:26 pm
The underdog wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:27 pm
You're the only one against this because we splash lethal teleblocks repeatedly on your hcim even in the best magic setup in game costing hundreds of bills. Even if you're the only one against this idea, I wouldn't even care if teleblocks aren't adjusted just for you. Because the biggest part of the problem is nhing and deep pking where you can't land a freeze or where you can't get any damage in. It works in the favor of the player that's losing a fight, but I guess they earned their magic defenses by spending hundreds of hours to get 99 magic and spending the equivalent of half their bank on magic defensive equipment.
Using the argument that I am the only person against this is false. There are 5 people total voting no and a large majority of the active players who haven’t even voted on the topic.

Also, you using my HCIM as my validation for my argument is also false. I have played over 500 hours on my HCIM, and I have LITERALLY only been splashed once with a Teleblock. ONE TIME. And I spend a lot of time doing my clues in the wilderness. So to try and make up a scenario which benefits your point of view is quite sad.

Last thing in this. If it was a lethal teleportation block, you would have used the Alternate account in full Druidic to cast the block instead of using an account in Ahrims. Ahrims isn’t the “Best magic set up ingame costing hundreds of bills” as you stated in your above statement.
The underdog wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:27 pm
It's not a huge buff we're talking about, like if I hit you with a whip on torags it's gonna be a 0 even after melee has better accuracy. But it's enough difference to make pvp in many scenarios less infuriating. Or add 1t magic gear that can actually accurately hit something. But I'm already in the best possible accuracy available, not even bothering with a normal max set.
Well, let’s look at the facts here.

This suggestion has nothing to do with Edge NHing because it happens on a daily basis regardless, and in every case, magic is used. I don’t care what you plead, everyone knows this post is about splashing freezes or Tbs on PVMers and getting gapped. That’s also the basis on every post about pathing.

Secondly, we just got a magic buff that has been literally been cried about for years, and now that you received it, it seems like you just turned your focus onto other things to complain about with magic.

Lastly, as I stated previously. In an update very soon, there will be a new magic weapon released (maybe even two if we see the Nightmare anytime soon). To release a buff right before the release two new BIS magic weapons would be premature none the less. And I get it, it can always be reversed, but I’m sure the community would not like to deal with broken magic from a month until it gets reverted back.

But any suggestion to make killing PVMers easier will always get upvoted on forums. I digress....
If the accuracy buff works only on skulled people are you happy then?
This would not work.

It would give anti pkers an extreme upper hand. This would result in another post saying that the buff is unfair and should be balanced, which would result in every player receiving the buff in the end.

So absolutely not.

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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by Jayden » Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:25 pm

this could be down to rng but i know this is too common, he cant have much better gear on
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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by The underdog » Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:55 pm

Daily splash memes every day will be loc

Uim elon
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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by Uim elon » Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:02 am

The underdog wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:55 pm

Daily splash memes every day will be loc
Post the full clip?

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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by The underdog » Thu Dec 17, 2020 2:51 am

Xsquire1 wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:02 am
The underdog wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:55 pm

Daily splash memes every day will be loc
Post the full clip?
Extreme racism in the clan chat by a certain nazuths prevents me from doing so. Clapped him on my main and more alts in bis when I was done splashing.

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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by The underdog » Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:43 pm

Would be a nice to have for the upcoming nh tournament, last one whoever used magic too much would lose. Because casting magic off pray would do less damage than the other attack styles on protection prayers. Because of the ton of splashes.

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Re: Magic accuracy in pvp.

Post by Thierryu1 » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:06 pm

Can we also add that freezes on hcims always stick?

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