Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Zeke v2 » Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:44 am

If you form a party at the theatre of blood and without going in and starting you teleport home or else where, it counts as you failing the theatre of blood; resulting in you needing to pay 10M gold to form a new party.
Not sure if its just with honors but the Maiden does not seem to fight back, the healers spawn still but the Maiden does nothing. Yeah nvm its just honors this issue happens on.

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Oromis » Mon Oct 21, 2019 7:38 pm

when i try to download the tob test server i can open client but it doesnt load at all

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Zeke v2 » Tue Oct 22, 2019 7:05 am

If you get caught in Verzik Viturs webs you can't ever get out - -

"Sticky webs - Verzik goes to the centre of the room and starts shooting out webs from her abdomen. If players are caught in the webs, other players can free them. Otherwise, it will snap for heavy damage. The web's health depends on the amount of team members in the raid."

So if you do a solo game, you are stuck in webs for ever if you are caught in one. Eventually the webs shown in the second picture vanish but are still there so you can click them etc but nothing works and you can not get out of the web by any means even if the monster is dead you are still stuck there and must teleport to leave.
Fight Caves: Wave (57) is only 1 Tz-Rek suppose to spawn and no other monsters? Don't believe so as Ket-Zek and others spawn on some of the rounds before wave 57 and the ones after 57

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Isaac » Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:36 am

Cerberus - If you have auto-retaliate on sometimes you can retaliate against a ghost spawn, path into the skull and get stuck meaning you have to teleport out.

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Raj » Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:56 pm

If you kill verzik while you're in a web the web disappears and you can't move
If you pick up dawnbringer and drop it you can enter without the staff on you

I also managed to become invincible (couldn't get hit by blood, maiden wouldn't attack me) when I dc'ed in the maiden room once. It said I was dead but when I logged I was still in the arena and could attack her. However I couldn't reproduce that, but it also happened to someone else in one of our earlier raids, but I don't know what triggered his or if the details were the same, but I'm positive it's something that can possibly happen

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Thierryu1 » Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:12 am

Extensive trial and error remarks

After having done a shit ton I can safely say that these are the things that bothered me and caught my attention. I'm no expert on ToB for I have never done it in OSRS so take that into consideration.
To make this thread not too long I will name each boss and their cons.(As far as what I think is not correct from trail and error on PKH).

1. The Maiden of Sugadinti (level-940)
This is the first boss and the things we think should be changed, fixed:
Cons) .
1. Scaling: Scaling is key in most of the bosses. We know Mike hasn't scaled any of the bosses yet so this is something we where expecting.
2. Spiders are way too tanky to kill in the little window of time we get.
3. From my knowledge when the spiders find their way to Sugandinti they shouldn't be able to explode and instantly heal her. Either make them have like a smal window of time to kill/freeze them. Or make the heal overtime and not instantly.
4. The pathing is kinda annoying from time to time and makes us walk in blood even when we click somewhere else. This mostly happens when you run and half way in the run from one spot to another you click on the boss. This makes your character a lot of the times walk back to the spot it came from.

Pestilent Bloat (level-870)
This is the second boss and to be honest, this boss is the most stable. I don't really have any problems with this boss.
Small con).
1. Sometimes Bloat is way harder than the other time. You can have rounds where it never switch on you and turn around. And then there are runs where he turns around every 10 seconds. (not sure if this is a con but felt like saying it either way to make sure I noted everything).

Nylocas Vasilias (level-800)
This is the third boss with the horde mechanic and the big spider at the end.
1. The scaling of this boss is again the biggest problem. with 3 people it's sometimes doable but not all the time. While with 5 it's too many spawned and insanely hard. Not even beginning about soloing this boss.
2. The boss in this room at the end is kinda bugged. It switches to fast from different attack styles. This shouldn't be a problem if the boss didn't also instantly attack with the different attack style to the person who attacked it as last.
Say I pray range because it is range and i stop attacking her because she turns to a melee form. Then she already hit me before the other person in the room had chance to get her attention. This makes the last boss an insanely hard boss to do while trying not to lose too many pots.
so in short, the switches from different attack styles are too fast.
3. The boss feels way too spongy. It soaks damage and makes the boss a real chore. When 1 person dies the rest is basically fucked because the damage you do is so minimum as is.

Sotetseg (level-995)
Oh boy this is the 4th boss and the one that needs the most fixing.
1. The random damage this boss does after dying and doing the boss again. To clarify, if you die at this boss and you come back to it without logging out and in, the effects of the stage you died at the first time will be brought over to the new run you do against Sotetseg.
2. The tornado you are supposed to follow sometimes glitches and doesn't show you a path. Instead it stand still on one spot or teleports all over the place, making it impossible to know the way to go and not take a metric ton of damage.
3. When the other team is spawned away from you and have to follow the tornado(if it works) you are of course in the teleport room. Once you are out you are alone for a moment with Sotetseg while the others are trying to get over there following the path. In this window of time Sotetseg sometimes decided to hit you with a big red ball of doom that instantly kills you. Seeing you can't time this perfectly in pkh with healing at the same tick like 90% of the time makes this attack a certain loss.
4. The boss itself is not hard but it a shit ton of health, given you always take a bit of damage this boss takes way too long to kill and takes way too many brews to kill it properly. (Might be a scaling problem)
5. Sometimes you are glitched and you are spawned in the air instead of in front of the tornado path.
6. Sometimes pathing sucks and make your character stand still without doing a thing.

Xarpus (level-960)
This is the 5th boss and is also quite well done except for 1 major nuisance
1. The hitbox of this boss is awful, 50% of the time you click on the boss, you press right through it and makes your character walk up to it's aura of damage.
2. Pathing is awful and makes your character take weird ways plus it has a too long of a delay. From clicking to walking

Verzik Vitur (level-1040, final boss)
Last boss, also gonna tell the problems from each stage.
First Stage
1. Delay in attacks and responding to our attacks is a big problem. She has the habit of attacking like 2-5 seconds too late, making your plan of attack all weird and a big guess.
2. The magic attack she does because of the weird delay sometimes goes right through the pillars and still hits you, even if you didn't move AT ALL!
3. Not sure, but after the specs from Dawnbreaker you can still use this weapon with normal spell attack but it's very weak. You rather just want to run up and scythe swipe her or medium range her with bp.

Second Stage
1.The amount of health + healed is too much, this again is a problem that probably is caused of not good scaling.
2. When you try to dwh spec her or scythe reap her she 90% of the time stuns you, even though you should be able to dodge the stun attack regularly if you know how to.
3. Because of the scaling sometimes too much shit happens, especially when you try to kill her with duos.
4. Pathhing + the delay in walking from spot to spot is horrible, makes you get hits you already clicked away for.

Third Stage
1. Scaling = too much hp
2. At the moment it seems melee is the best way to hurt her because of her spongy damage soaking attitude lol. This wouldn't be too bad if she didn't spawn like 1 tornadom 3 spiders, and different attacks and aoi attacks all at the same time so you can't really hit her properly.
3. Delay in nets she shoots. Sometimes you run away from a net and on your screen it looks like you dodged it and a split second later you are in the net you thought you juked.
4. We noticed 1 attack that does like always a metric ton of damage but we are not sure if it's our fault for not doing the right thing against it or if it's broken.
5. Pathing sucks and the delay in running makes even this phase with all the space in the world a hassle from time to time.

This was it mostly. A few might mbe because we don't know how to act upon certain attacks but most have to do with weird scaling. A lot of problems seem able to be fixed if also pathing gets a good polish. Hopefully this will clear some things up.

Also might be insane luck , but yesterday me and Nazuths were the first to enter the Treasure room and the chest didn't show a purple glow, but Nazuths got from his very first chest a Justisicar Faceguard.
Some other thing to tell you is that morph tele should be turned off, atm if you press on it on accident you glitch the raid and have to start over.
Oh and make it so the bosses reset. Not that if you die and try it again you have to deal with the stage the monster was when you died, instead of starting at the beginning stage. (Looking at you Sotetseg).
Last edited by Thierryu1 on Thu Oct 24, 2019 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Mike » Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:33 pm

Thanks a lot for all the testing, I have fixed all the bugs that have been reported and released the bugfixes on the testserver. Please check if anything is still broken, if some things are still broken (even if they have been reported before), I'll still grant points for the contest.
Pvm porn wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:37 pm when the first room nylo spawn, it spawns like 5 and 4 vanish into thin air in a couple seconds, which is weird and throws you off when barraging
I couldn't reproduce this particular issue, can someone confirm this and possibly make a video or something?

Concerning pathing, I did notice that if you stand under a big NPC, you sometimes tend to walk in an illogical direction. For example, if you stand on a big NPC at the bottom left corner, you'll tend to run all the way towards the top right corner to walk from underneath them, rather than to choose the closest path (walk 1 square further to the bottom left). I'll assume this is one of the main pathfinding issues and I'll see what I can do to fix it.

As for delays in pathing or seemingly walking back to where you came from, I'd think that would be due to delays. If you're from Europe, it might take a whole game tick for your packets to do a round trip to our server in America, causing the appearance of lag. I'm afraid there is not that much we can do about that, so it'll be an extra challenge to account for slight delays like those.

Anyway, below is a list of bugs that I have fixed and points that have been awarded. Please note that I don't have the in-game usernames of the contestants yet so I won't be able to hand out donator credit rewards after the contest until they have disclosed their in-game username.

Pvm porn
- Players can now keep inviting others even if they already invited them before, to prevent bugs with the invite system - 2 points
(fix to be released yet)- You can now leave your party by right-clicking the ToB entrance and clicking "Leave-party" - 2 points
- One player will now properly receive a red path to follow when they are chosen by Sotetseg - 3 points
- When doing a Sotetseg or Xarpus room again, the room is now cleared of poison, tiles or tornado of your previous run - 3 points
- Sotetseg can now be attacked again if the chosen player dies, the tornado will also instantly disappear if this happens - 3 points
- When logging out and back in while inside the Theatre of Blood, you should now be teleported just outside the room, to the same location where you are teleported when you die - 2 points

- You can no longer get stuck in a wall by clicking a barrier while standing next to it - 2 points

- Pestilent bloat can no longer damage players after they die - 2 points

- You are now teleported to the correct location if you die in Sotetseg - 2 points

- It should no longer be possible to get stuck in the Xarpus room if the party leader moves on to Verzik Vitur - 3 points

- Teleporting out of the theatre after killing Verzik will no longer count as a loss - 3 points

Zeke v2
- Teleporting out of Ver Sinhaza while in a party will no longer count as a loss - 3 points
- You can no longer be indefinitely stuck in a web at Verzik - 3 points

- It should no longer be possible to retaliate against unattackable monsters, such as the summoned souls at Cerberus - 3 points

- The HP of ToB monsters and the pillars in the Nylocas room now scale with the size of the party - 3 points

Respire1337 - 2 points
(fix to be released yet)- The Scythe of Vitur's Chop now correctly uses slash as attack style instead of stab - 2 points

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Thierryu1 » Wed Oct 23, 2019 7:22 pm

After clearing Sotetseg, me Nazuths and 026 still took damage when we ran back to the gate from where we came. Even tho we just killed Sotetseg.

Also, when you drop a potion in the cage @ vitur when ur dead. the potion on the ground shows up twice. minor bug but weird.
Also It gives the option to "view room" but that doesn't work.

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Ross » Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:01 pm

Pestilent Bloat has far too low hp at the moment, wasn't like that yesterday.
His health on OSRS is around 2k.

If the Scythe is equipped and you manually or auto-cast cast a spell, the spell hits 3 times like the Scythe does.

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Re: Theatre of Blood released on the testserver - bughunter contest

Post by Thierryu1 » Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:19 pm

At verzik first stage with the pillars.
You can mage behind the first row of pillars. You just stand behind them and use Dawnbreaker and the magic attacks from Verzik can't reach you, but only the pillar you stand behind.

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