Re: 20 May updates
Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 4:34 am
is there any way around this despawn glitch, besides having to wait for a server reset?
Not Everyone has a chaos comp and if you are going to limit the weapon by what only 1% on the community owns the weapon is useless to everyone else. Perhaps the Blow pipe shouldnt work with chaos comp and then just buff the item.Azu rite wrote:Subject: Zulrah release imminent
Mike wrote:The blowpipe does indeed currently work with the chaos comp cape. I've justed tested it - it is indeed too fast in PvM. I did increase the attack speed in PvM by 1, so I think it might be best to just keep the speed the same for PvM and PvP and allow players to use the chaos comp cape to get the same result as the blowpipe would in PvM in OSRS.Adamthalion wrote:Good to hear. A few comments:
I think the Zul-Andrah Teleport scroll should cost more. Maybe 2m.
Now that the ring of recoil is degradable, can we expect the ring of suffering sometime in the near future? Obviously this would require the implementation of Demonic Gorillas, which would allow a lot of new content. (Zenyte jewelry, Ballista)
Does the Blowpipe work with chaos comp? That would make it hit once per tick on rapid. Is the blowpipe going to be 1 tick slower in pvp as it is in OSRS? Are dragon darts going to be kept rare and expensive as to not make the Blowpipe overpowered.
As for dragon darts, we'll probably keep them rare. Though it might be interesting to add iron/steel darts to the ranged store.
And yeah sure, we can have the Demonic gorilla's at some point in the future. Though I think for the next couple of months, we'll mostly be focused on wilderness and PvP content.
Redownload the last clientRespire1337 wrote:Just tried out the 3 items in the test server. They all work as it should, but when you use the Trident of the Swamp, you go invisible while you use the in-built probably used an old client from before I posted this thread.
Thanks for testing!
^ direct
I'll bet there's more barrows items in pkh than dragon dartzI2aw origins wrote:Lmao they're not even close to rare people just are asshole merchers.Sad bird wrote:If the blow pipe isnt even the best weapon in the game why make dragon darts so rare. Just add darts to a shop so that the item can actualy be used. It cost way to much to upkeep a less than great item, No one is going to use it and it will just end up a useless item along with the boss itself. I dont want to see that.
Mines still despawnedMike wrote:A few bugfixes related to yesterday's update:
- Fixed a bug that caused Zulrah to randomly despawn when you kill it while dying yourself (or while logging out)
- Zulrah's droptable has been slightly buffed
- Zulrah's different forms now have more specific weaknesses versus ranged and magic attacks
- Fixed the special attack of the Completionist Cape (Chaos)
- Fixed the granite maul special attack against NPC's
- Fixed the maximum hit of regular spells while wearing a Trident of The Seas (or Trident of The Swamp)
I would also like to address some issues and complaints that a few players have brought forward:
"I'm not getting any decent drops at Zulrah"
Zulrah is a safe boss, meaning there is no risk involved and the only expense is whatever supplies you use to kill it. We would preferably have made Zulrah a risky boss (at least to some extent), but players are simply used to it being safe in OSRS, which might cause a lot of confusion (and frustration) amongst players if we didn't make it that way.
One cannot expect a safe boss to be the most profitable boss in the game. The most profitable ones, you'll generally find in the wilderness. The reasons are quite obvious, since higher rewards require greater risks.
Secondly, it's always better to start off having too low droprates than too high. If a hundred players manage to obtain rare items and gain massive loots from a new boss, that's far more devastating to a game than it being the other way around. We keep re-evaluating and make small changes accordingly, to make sure we're not accidentally ruining our own game. Yes, that does mean bosses tend to give pretty crappy loot on release and become more profitable later on, but that's a small price to pay for the safety this approach offers.
Especially with the big 'NPC drop table revamp' that's upcoming, we'll make sure to once again evaluate the expenses & profitability of Zulrah to balance it further (along with all other NPC's).
"The toxic blowpipe & trident of the swamp aren't even the best weapons in the game"
Probably not. We made them work exactly the same way they did in OSRS (with the exception of the blowpipe offering no extra attack speed in PvM). In OSRS, I believe the toxic blowpipe is generally regarded as "the highest DPS weapon in the game", but that doesn't mean it should also be "the highest DPS weapon in PkHonor".
With all the items we already have in the game (such as Chaotics, Nex equipment, Statius, Vesta, Zuriel and Morrigan), it's not a surprise that these items do not always offer the highest DPS. Zulrah's items are focused around venom. They are best used to apply venom to the unwary player or monster. If you want the highest DPS, use a blowpipe (or trident of the swamp) along with a high hitting secondary weapon.
"The serpentine helm isn't even the best helm in the game"
Same reason as the blowpipe & trident of the swamp. The helm protects against poison and venom, which is its primary use (not to mention passively being able to apply venom to whomever hits you). Furthermore, it has the highest strength bonus of any helm in the game. It's not the best helm in every situation, nor is it supposed to be. But it does offer unique strengths which no other helm has.
We do not aim to make PkHonor into a game where there is only a single weapon that can be considered "the best weapon" or a single helm that can be considered "the best helm". Players need to make choices based on the circumstances.
If you were hoping to get to have Zulrah give you "the best new gear in PkHonor, ever", you've come to the wrong place. Power creep - as in, keeping on adding new items that are stronger in every way than all currently existing items - is a very real problem in many online games, our own included. We have no intention of making that problem even worse. Venom as a new combat mechanic offers extra variety to the game and has strengths and weaknesses of its own. There is absolutely no need to have the new items be the best in everything. That's just plain stupid, if you forgive the expression.
Lolwhat. Someone was selling 1m of them for 60k ea last week.R3v k1ller wrote:I'll bet there's more barrows items in pkh than dragon dartzI2aw origins wrote:Lmao they're not even close to rare people just are asshole merchers.Sad bird wrote:If the blow pipe isnt even the best weapon in the game why make dragon darts so rare. Just add darts to a shop so that the item can actualy be used. It cost way to much to upkeep a less than great item, No one is going to use it and it will just end up a useless item along with the boss itself. I dont want to see that.
They must have been lying, AFAIK no one has that many. Hell I don't even think there are that many in the game. The grand total should be somewhere between 500K and 1M.I2aw origins wrote:Lolwhat. Someone was selling 1m of them for 60k ea last week.
..including the ones on inactive accounts.Rapsey wrote:They must have been lying, AFAIK no one has that many. Hell I don't even think there are that many in the game. The grand total should be somewhere between 500K and 1M.I2aw origins wrote:Lolwhat. Someone was selling 1m of them for 60k ea last week.
Selling 600k rune darts 100k each fam deal!Mike wrote:..including the ones on inactive accounts.Rapsey wrote:They must have been lying, AFAIK no one has that many. Hell I don't even think there are that many in the game. The grand total should be somewhere between 500K and 1M.I2aw origins wrote:Lolwhat. Someone was selling 1m of them for 60k ea last week.
Better start smithing some mith/addy/rune darts
Anyway, the blowpipe has been buffed and the chaos comp cape conundrum resolved. Should've thought of doing it this way before, but whatever (we rather have something too weak on release than way too OP). All it as it should be now