New developer system in use :)

PkHonor's work in progress and future updates will be posted here.
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Re: New developer system in use :)

Post by Rapsey » Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:33 pm

Ali wrote:Can 'Devs' change up client things, or just server-side
For the time being they cannot change the client code, although it is rarely needed. Most updates are server-side only.
Gethigh udie wrote:Very nice :thumbsup: can we expect more frequent updates, with new content? Now with extra helping hands.
Yes, although Vcom has only just begun familiarizing himself with the game code. His rate of progress will undoubtedly increase as time goes on.
Ross wrote:Now, I appreciate you can buy the curses temporarily but as it stands the fights aren't nearly common enough to sustain the points in order to use curses and make progress/profit whilst pking. (Progress meaning stacking PkP's to buy equipment and weapons in the store). I had temporary curses on my Turmoil Pure which could kill pures and voiders easily and quickly, even then I was making a measly amount of PkP's per hour.

I find it quite bewildering that you're persistent on having this block in place on curses, many people within the community and more importantly the pking community want curses to openly accessible to boost pking on the server but you shoot it down at any given chance, seems strange.
Then perhaps we can simply change the temporary curses so the clock only ticks when you're actually using them?

Does it really surprise you that we're not so eager to completely remove the unlock? Progression is a huge part of this game. For most people, being able to improve their character is what makes the game fun and what keeps them playing. This is especially true on PkHonor. We have way more longevity than most other servers, it's quite common to see people who have been playing for 5+ years.

What PK'ers want is essentially the opposite: no progression, have everything from the start. There are plenty of "Instant PK" servers that do this, but most of them don't worry about anything beyond that. Our challenge is to reconcile both sides, to keep the game interesting by having ways to progress but still enable new players to compete with veterans. Temporary curses exist for exactly that purpose, to have the competitive ability from the start while still having something to work towards in the long run.

We are definitely willing to make changes to ease those first few hours for people who are only interested in PK'ing and nothing else, but you won't get very far convincing us if the message is "we just want everything available from the start, no compromises". We're not a pure PK'ing server where everyone goes straight to wild, gets bored after a week because there's nothing to work towards and moves on. Our goal is to keep things interesting both short and long term and we're not willing to sacrifice one for the other.
Rick wrote:Where do we post Developer Applications? :)

Even with the new dev system a modicum of trust is still required. On the off chance that you're actually being serious, I think the only way for you would be to wait until both Mike and I have completely retired from PkHonor. As long as either one of us has anything to say about it, it ain't gonna happen.

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Re: New developer system in use :)

Post by Ross » Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:01 pm

Rapsey wrote:
Ross wrote:Now, I appreciate you can buy the curses temporarily but as it stands the fights aren't nearly common enough to sustain the points in order to use curses and make progress/profit whilst pking. (Progress meaning stacking PkP's to buy equipment and weapons in the store). I had temporary curses on my Turmoil Pure which could kill pures and voiders easily and quickly, even then I was making a measly amount of PkP's per hour.

I find it quite bewildering that you're persistent on having this block in place on curses, many people within the community and more importantly the pking community want curses to openly accessible to boost pking on the server but you shoot it down at any given chance, seems strange.
Then perhaps we can simply change the temporary curses so the clock only ticks when you're actually using them?

Does it really surprise you that we're not so eager to completely remove the unlock? Progression is a huge part of this game. For most people, being able to improve their character is what makes the game fun and what keeps them playing. This is especially true on PkHonor. We have way more longevity than most other servers, it's quite common to see people who have been playing for 5+ years.

What PK'ers want is essentially the opposite: no progression, have everything from the start. There are plenty of "Instant PK" servers that do this, but most of them don't worry about anything beyond that. Our challenge is to reconcile both sides, to keep the game interesting by having ways to progress but still enable new players to compete with veterans. Temporary curses exist for exactly that purpose, to have the competitive ability from the start while still having something to work towards in the long run.

We are definitely willing to make changes to ease those first few hours for people who are only interested in PK'ing and nothing else, but you won't get very far convincing us if the message is "we just want everything available from the start, no compromises". We're not a pure PK'ing server where everyone goes straight to wild, gets bored after a week because there's nothing to work towards and moves on. Our goal is to keep things interesting both short and long term and we're not willing to sacrifice one for the other.
Granted, that's a good reason to want to keep curses as they are but I think you're choosing the wrong thing to inject progression and longevity into here. There are hundreds, perhaps even thousands of things we can put into the game to make it last longer such as.

- New bosses
- New untradeable drops from existing bosses
- Prestige system
- New game modes
- More Achievements
- New Quests
- Decreased experience modes
- New, expensive items in the PkP store and BH store
- More clue items
- Skilling Pets
- Trimmed Completionist Cape (Not enchanted, a cape that has even more requirements than comp)
- Cosmetic Titles for completing various activities around PkHonor ("The Slayer Rapsey (level-126)") for example
- 2B Exp Capes that give various benefits

Keep in mind, these aren't directly suggestions or things I think should be in the game. Just examples.

What we shouldn't do is restrict our player-base because we want to elongate the playtime and add elements of progression.

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Re: New developer system in use :)

Post by Skiller » Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:22 pm

Rick asks a good question, even if he won't have a shot, how will trial devastating apply?

Excited to see the new work!
