Baby Zilyana released, Bandos + WW weekend

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Re: Baby Zilyana released, Bandos + WW weekend

Post by Herrodragon » Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:25 am

Won't be doing the ww event cause everything will most prob be taken x10 again
I like the events in general though great addition to pkhonor

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Re: Baby Zilyana released, Bandos + WW weekend

Post by Rawr » Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:49 am

Kassadin wrote:
Killerbicth wrote:can you make 1 or more pets for skiller
i really want a pet and my skiller is my main aka i cant get a pet becuse i dont wont to train combat skilz
Limiting your own gameplay is your own choice. Maybe Penance Princess will be a gamble bet like it is in 07scape. If not, I don't see it happening.
Could easily add skilling pets using summoning creatures.

1/32,000 chance of getting the pet from a certain action would keep it away from 'everyone' and give skillers something to aspire to. Different rates depending on how long various actions take though of course. People should expect to get the pet in 500M-1B~ XP of that skill.

Woodcutting = Beaver
Firemaking = Pheonix
Fishing = Heron
Mining = Rock (the pet rock everyone wants)
Thieving = Raccoon
Agility = Monkey
Construction = Chair (the ones that follow you in Draynor Mansion)
Hunter = Impling

Not sure what else could get pets that somewhat make sense though. It would be nice to have something for skillers and I can't imagine it taking too long to add a check for if XP is gained in X skill then roll the chance of Y pet reward.

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Re: Baby Zilyana released, Bandos + WW weekend

Post by Sickle » Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:52 am

Rawr wrote:
Kassadin wrote:
Killerbicth wrote:can you make 1 or more pets for skiller
i really want a pet and my skiller is my main aka i cant get a pet becuse i dont wont to train combat skilz
Limiting your own gameplay is your own choice. Maybe Penance Princess will be a gamble bet like it is in 07scape. If not, I don't see it happening.
Could easily add skilling pets using summoning creatures.

1/32,000 chance of getting the pet from a certain action would keep it away from 'everyone' and give skillers something to aspire to. Different rates depending on how long various actions take though of course. People should expect to get the pet in 500M-1B~ XP of that skill.

Woodcutting = Beaver
Firemaking = Pheonix
Fishing = Heron
Mining = Rock (the pet rock everyone wants)
Thieving = Raccoon
Agility = Monkey
Construction = Chair (the ones that follow you in Draynor Mansion)
Hunter = Impling

Not sure what else could get pets that somewhat make sense though. It would be nice to have something for skillers and I can't imagine it taking too long to add a check for if XP is gained in X skill then roll the chance of Y pet reward.
1B mining xp on Rune Rocks for the pet rock?? I'm in
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Re: Baby Zilyana released, Bandos + WW weekend

Post by Ruler » Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:52 am

Rawr wrote:
Kassadin wrote:
Killerbicth wrote:can you make 1 or more pets for skiller
i really want a pet and my skiller is my main aka i cant get a pet becuse i dont wont to train combat skilz
Limiting your own gameplay is your own choice. Maybe Penance Princess will be a gamble bet like it is in 07scape. If not, I don't see it happening.
Could easily add skilling pets using summoning creatures.

1/32,000 chance of getting the pet from a certain action would keep it away from 'everyone' and give skillers something to aspire to. Different rates depending on how long various actions take though of course. People should expect to get the pet in 500M-1B~ XP of that skill.

Woodcutting = Beaver
Firemaking = Pheonix
Fishing = Heron
Mining = Rock (the pet rock everyone wants)
Thieving = Raccoon
Agility = Monkey
Construction = Chair (the ones that follow you in Draynor Mansion)
Hunter = Impling

Not sure what else could get pets that somewhat make sense though. It would be nice to have something for skillers and I can't imagine it taking too long to add a check for if XP is gained in X skill then roll the chance of Y pet reward.
Nice idea. There could also be something like a tree spirit for farming?

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Re: Baby Zilyana released, Bandos + WW weekend

Post by Crazy fool » Fri Oct 30, 2015 7:00 am

Lovin' all the updates and events Mike!

Any word on Iron Man?
