Ascendency wrote:
We are a PvM/Skilling/Chilling based clan and we aim to help our fellow clan-mates
build up their bank while having fun with us in PkHonor.
Ascendency is now 1 year old!
Im Amber has been reinstated to General
Pekiviiner has been reinstated to the staff team as a Captain
The99owner & Sir Bubbles have been promoted to Lieutenant
Ascendency (Ryan + Reece)
Nick Teck
Nick Teck
Nick Teck
Im Amber
Spirit Tank
Michael Slim
Free Rubbers
Dragon Koed
Purple Berry
Late Range2
Sir Bubbles
Hell Skiller
I Adore I
Kitty Meow
Glowing Mage
M Eye Eh
Lil Penguin
Jwz Magic
Matt Heafy
Sweet Kush
U Got Troled
Right Ball
Jumping Bug
Devious Mind
High Risking
Toke n Choke

1. Follow all PkHonor rules
2. Do not flame or spam in cc, take all your arguments to pm.
3. Do not cc hop to any rival clans, doing so will result in an instant ban.
4. No crashing of clan members while PvMing, if you don't happened to be in cc if you're PvMing against a cc member, you'll be automatically banned
5. No begging of ranks, make sure you earn it.
6. No leeching, if not it will result in an instant ban.
7. Do not troll lootshare drops, it is considered as spam and you'll be banned from the cc.
8. Before you advert in yell, make sure you inform the cc beforehand. This is to avoid any kinds of multiple advertisement in yell under the 5 minutes. Anyone violating this rule will first receive a warning, followed by a ban subsequently.
9. When PvMing with clan, all received loots are by default considered as FFA(free-for-all), except for those listed below. For those listed below, the drop has to be split equally with the participants, unless everyone fully agrees to FFA conditions during the event.
- Virtus Armor
- Pernix Armor
- Torva Armor
- Smoke Diamond
- Shadow Diamond
- Blood Diamond
10. Edge pking, or any form of pking where both parties agree to fight are allowed. When PvMing in the wilderness, if you're attacking a cc member and he wants you to stop, you'll have to stop attacking him. If you don't you'll be firstly warned, or banned if you don't obey the order(s).
11. Lastly, do not disrespect anyone in clan, let alone the generals.

We strive to take part in lots of different aspects of the game.
Although vast majority of the clan are into the PvMing scene, we're into skilling and socializing aswell.
PKing isn't our main thing, but it certaintly isn't forbidden.
Because of PvMing being the most active category, we have a specific requirement (#3) for PvMers.
^Meaning if you're a skiller or simply not a PvMer, you don't need to fulfill the requirement^
1. You have a basic knowledge about the game.
2. You're active ingame and socialize very well.
3. You have basic knowledge about PvMing and you're able to attend various PvM events(specifically bossing).
Code: Select all
1. In-game Name:annotation
2. First Name (Optional):justin
3. Time Played:35hrs
4. Donator\Prem\Regular:regular
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6):pvmer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss:bandos
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):
8. Why do you wish to join:
because i would like to play with a clan rater than alone
Note: Saying "I've been in the cc for a long time" will not warrant you a rank up.
Code: Select all
1. In-game Name:
2. Current Rank:
3. Members recruited:
4. How often do you PvM?
5. Why do you want to rank up?
6. Explain how you fill the requirements for the particular rank you're applying for?
7. Who recommended this rank up?
Note: A recommendation has to come from a higher rank than you.
1. Either 5 players recruited or 2 weeks spent in the clan, fulfilling the other reqs decently.
2. You have a decent activity, meaning that you attend events, talk often & have a positive reputation.
3. You have shown loyalty & you're ready to maintain or even bolster your current activity.
4. If you're a PvMer, you'll have to have 26 achievements completed.
1. Either 10 players recruited and at least 20 days spent in the clan or a month (30 days) spent in the clan, fulfilling other reqs decently.
2. Like previously, nice activity. At this point, activity also means having recruited new members & attended/started various events.
3. You're known & respected in the clan, meaning that you're friendly, helpful & that you're looked from a positive aspect inside the clan.
4. You have an immaculate history in the clan, meaning that you haven't been kicked/banned before, and you haven't caused any pointless drama.
(4) At this point you still can be considered to be eligible for the rank despite of your history, if the decision-makers believe so.
^Although, if this happens, your history resets, meaning you're eligible to proceed into a higher rank^
1. You have proved your skills & reputation in the clan chat in order to become a star rank.
2. You're willing to organize clan events frequently.
3. You have spent at least 2 months in the clan & recruited quite a number of members.
4. Like previously stated, you have an immaculate history. At this point it's pretty much mandatory & a very effective factor.
5. If you're a PvMer, you'll have to have "The Last Journey" completed.
6. There will also be a vote between the staff members.
Definitions of ranks
Recruits are the junior members of the clan and are yet to show their assets and loyalty in the clan.
They have have shown interest in the clan and are on their step toward promotions.
Corporals are active members of the clan, who have spread the word of the clan and have shown loyalty together with positive reputation.
Corporals are loyal and are on their way towards respect and trust aswell as positive appearance.
Sergeants are senior members of the clan.
They have shown great commitment towards the clan and other members and are worthy of recognition and respect.
They attend & host events frequently & are in overall highly active.
Lieutenants are dedicated members who have spent their time promoting the clan and giving positive impressions of us.
They are junior staff members aswell as main event organisers. They are experienced players and know how to do their job.
Lieutenants have gained massive respect & trust over time and are representatives of the clan.
Lieutenant is only given to people who are known to be a decent and intelligent players, along with fulfilling the other requirements,
so you know they will make great achievements.
Captain ranks are exclusive. They will only be chosen by the clan administrators
and are only given to people who are well trusted and well-respected in the clan.
Goats R Cool - framing Brutaltanks for rwt - Brutaltanks
Sniper1 - begging in clan - Nick Teck
Thibyosy007 - annoyance - Brutaltanks
123t - clan hopping - Brutaltanks
Francdatank - leeched torva platebody - Im Amber
D0peswag - expelled - The Ryannn
Code: Select all
Ban Appeal -
In-game Name:
Date of Ban:
Ban Period (If stated):
Who Set the Ban?:
Reason for Ban:
Why should you be Unbanned? (Please supply a valid reason):