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Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:27 am
by Atreyuu
1. In-game Name: Atreyuu
2. First Name (Optional): Melvin
3. Time Played: 416 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Premium
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6):I do both
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Yes i have plenty of experience with majority of bosses not only gad and my favorite boss would have to be Bandos
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):Someone yelled it
8. Why do you wish to join:Been in the clan for a couple days now and i've enjoyed the vibe i get from the clan, Everyone is pretty chill and i get along with a lot of the members so far
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:50 pm
by Grimreefer8
1. In-game Name: GrimReefer8
2. First Name (Optional):
3. Time Played: 30 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Premium
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): Both
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: I'm familiar with all the gwd bosses on actual 07, new to bossing on here.
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Zulrah
8. Why do you wish to join: I would like to join because everybody seems cool & I'm looking for people to boss with.

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:53 pm
by Blafuente
1. In-game Name: Blafuente
2. Current Rank: recruit
3. Members recruited: no one
4. How often do you PvM? Quite often
5. Why do you want to rank up? because i want to have more prestige in the clan
6. Explain how you fill the requirements for the particular rank you're applying for? because i can help people andi like pvming
7. Who recommended this rank up? no one in particular
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 12:14 am
by Sandych33ks
1. In-game Name: Sandych33ks
2. First Name (Optional): Jacob
3. Time Played: 258 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Premium
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PVMer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Yeah I've done pretty much every boss, I like nex a lot because of the thrill of getting an item.
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Nobody.
8. Why do you wish to join: Just returned after having quit for about a year, have no active friends anymore and am looking to get back into pvming.
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 12:28 am
by Squirrelman
In-game Name: King Douche
2. First Name (Optional):
3. Time Played: 145 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: premium
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): pvmer
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Preferred GWD
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Xbone
8. Why do you wish to join: idk why not?
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:21 am
by Jon king
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:41 pm
by Bloody note
1. In-game Name: Bloody Note
2. First Name (Optional): Jordan
3. Time Played:
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Donor
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): PvM
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: yes, i have experience with all bosses, except nex (i can do nex on real rs, just not on here)
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Someone yelled
8. Why do you wish to join: I just started and wish to find some people to boss with, and have some intellectual conversations with; people here seem like those kinds of people.
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:41 am
by Safe2trade
1. In-game Name: Safe2trade
2. First Name (Optional): Sikander
3. Time Played: 8 hours
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Regular
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): More of a PKER but I can PVM
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: Not much at all. I've done KBD and Barrows but that's about it :p
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already): Xsquire1
8. Why do you wish to join: Well, I just started and wanted to make some money, so i figured, why not. Also, Xsquire1 asked me to join and I couldn't refuse the nicest man in the world

Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:10 pm
by Codkill1123
1. In-game Name: Codkill1123
2. First Name (Optional): Brent
3. Time Played:176hrs
4. Donator\Prem\Regular: Regular
5. Are you a PvMer or a skiller(if skiller, you may skip #6): kinda middle ground
6. Do you have any PvM experience(gwd etc) & what is your favourite boss: bandos
7. Who Recommended you (if they were in clan already):
8. Why do you wish to join: i want to be part of an active clan
Re: Ascendency |Now Recruiting| PvM/Skill/Chill
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 6:16 pm
by Idiotic19
1. In-game Name: jackinstine9
2. Current Rank: sergeant
3. Members recruited: 11+
4. How often do you PvM? everyday
5. Why do you want to rank up? I think I deserved a rank up, because I'm always polite. and respectful to everyone in are cc and I try to be active everyday and help everyone in are clan.
6. Explain how you fill the requirements for the particular rank you're applying for?I help clan members, i feel like i know a lot about the game. I try to get more people pvming. I am active I try to solve problems in the quickest and most beneficial ways to whoever is involved.
7. Who recommended this rank up? idiotic18