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Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:56 am
by Irishmage
When trying ::ss i get an error pop-up.

Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:59 am
by Retsnom
Irishmage wrote:When trying ::ss i get an error pop-up.
Already reported. :thumbsup:

Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:59 am
by Tigerlithe
IGN Tigerlithe . Found with gdawg97
Morph world wilderness. It is possible to go to wilderness in morph world. Both accounts teleported to morph world and after that both crossed the ditch to wilderness. Account seen on the left side walked all the way for edge to kbd and account on the right side teleported to kbd.

Imageimage sharing

Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:21 am
by Tigerlithe
Massive pile of revenants in single location.

Imageimage hosting 30 mb

Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:39 am
by Im on meth
Im on meth wrote:

Code: Select all

> Certain items should no longer appear as being tiny and floating near your legs (need confirmation yet)
All the items listed that were small are working for me now.
Jk, items are still small.

Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:11 am
by First born
Tigerlithe wrote:Massive pile of revenants in single location.

Imageimage hosting 30 mb
Happens on real server if no one kills

Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:29 am
by Ruler

Make sure to read, and not report the already reported bugs!

> Can walk through any part of POH house in building mode like it's not even there (Slap a Ho)
That was one of the things Mike already mentioned
> Dying in your house, to nomad atleast, makes you lose all your items (Slap a Ho)
That's how it is supposed to be and how it is.
> You can walk through walls, stalls, and other objects, at ::skilling zone, and many other places. (Saltyy)
Already mentioned by Mike
> No time limit between yells (Possibly intentional for testing.) (Dead Cats)
> You can ::copy players in wilderness or duel arena. (The Builder)
Test server
> When withdrawing from Grand Exchange it is not able to give you more than 2147m. It's somehow unable to give you 1B Tickets. (Saltyy)
It can?
Didn't read the others so far, have to go now. Most posts are very similar though. Rev scroll going to a weapon slot and ww scorll going to head scroll would be the same for example. Most customs are glitchy so reporting them all as single ones... well...

Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:42 am
by Underlord
In game: Ohai

@ lumby, if I sheer a sheep while spamming other sheep, I can sheer 3 before moving the spot I'm in. On nontest it doesn't let me do that.

@ the abyss, when entering the 'Body' rift you are stuck in a wall beside the bank booth and can't move

When trying to buy 1 lottery ticket without any money, it says you need 40m to buy it. If you choose the 5 for 40m option without, it says you need 8m. (they're backwards)

Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:59 am
by Retsnom
Sverre wrote:

Make sure to read, and not report the already reported bugs!

> Can walk through any part of POH house in building mode like it's not even there (Slap a Ho)
That was one of the things Mike already mentioned
> Dying in your house, to nomad atleast, makes you lose all your items (Slap a Ho)
That's how it is supposed to be and how it is.
> You can walk through walls, stalls, and other objects, at ::skilling zone, and many other places. (Saltyy)
Already mentioned by Mike
> No time limit between yells (Possibly intentional for testing.) (Dead Cats)
> You can ::copy players in wilderness or duel arena. (The Builder)
Test server
> When withdrawing from Grand Exchange it is not able to give you more than 2147m. It's somehow unable to give you 1B Tickets. (Saltyy)
It can?
Didn't read the others so far, have to go now. Most posts are very similar though. Rev scroll going to a weapon slot and ww scorll going to head scroll would be the same for example. Most customs are glitchy so reporting them all as single ones... well...
Thought the same about the GE report. I think it can aswell..

Re: The new PkHonor is here! Find bugs & get rewards!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:05 am
by Underlord
@ the tent when you first make an account, if you leave, stand anywhere, and then click the skilling portal, you no clip through the tent.

When I walk through this door and shut it, I can't open it again. If I click the other door I don't even walk towards it. Also the user G Smokey traded me while I was like this, and he was able to trade from an unusual distance. When trying to trade him I wasn't able to trade him anything I had in my inv, idk if trading works at all or not yet.

Spoiler: show
Notice where he is on the minimap
It seems that G Smokey, Gdawg97, and I may have completed the first trades. If you're standing through walls the trade screen is usable, he was able to give me rocktails and claws, but I was unable to trade him a cannon, or a bronze pickaxe. We recreated this many times just as it's shown in the screenshot, with both doors closed.