Construction development (14 October 2013)

PkHonor's work in progress and future updates will be posted here.
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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Rick » Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:00 pm

Damn Mike! The bookcases sound awesome!!!!

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Blahblahdie » Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:40 pm

That bookcase just sealed the deal with me, now I'll be getting construction right as it comes out lol.

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Mike » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:27 am

6 October, update 4
The study has been finished with the addition of the crystal ball. This can be used to enchant staffs:
-> Crystal ball, can enchant:
- Air battlestaff (costs 200 air runes)
- Water battlestaff (costs 200 water runes)
- Earth battlestaff (costs 200 earth runes)
- Fire battlestaff (costs 200 fire runes)
Battlestaffs give free runes of a certain type as well as +15 magic attack and defence bonus

-> Elemental sphere, can enchant battlestaffs as listed above, as well as:
- Mystic air staff (costs 1000 air runes)
- Mystic water staff (costs 1000 water runes)
- Mystic earth staff (costs 1000 earth runes)
- Mystic fire staff (costs 1000 fire runes)
Mystic staffs give free runes of a certain type as well as +16 magic attack and defence bonus

-> Crystal of power, can enchant battlestaffs and mystic staffs as listed above, as well as:
- Mud battlestaff (costs 200 water runes and 200 earth runes)
- Steam battlestaff (costs 200 water runes and 200 fire runes)
- Lava battlestaff (costs 200 earth runes and 200 fire runes)
- Mystic mud staff (costs 1000 water runes and 1000 earth runes)
- Mystic steam staff (costs 1000 water runes and 1000 fire runes)
- Mystic lava staff (costs 1000 earth runes and 1000 fire runes)
These battlestaffs and mystic staffs offer the same bonuses as the other battlestaffs and mystic staffs, but mud staffs offer both free water and earth runes, steam staffs offer free water and fire runes and lava staffs offer free earth and fire runes.

Furthermore, the estate agent now sells all paintings, landscapes and maps you can add in your skill hall, while the crafting store salesman sells molten glass and wool as construction materials.

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Blahblahdie » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:29 am

Mike wrote:6 October, update 4
The study has been finished with the addition of the crystal ball. This can be used to enchant staffs:
-> Crystal ball, can enchant:
- Air battlestaff (costs 200 air runes)
- Water battlestaff (costs 200 water runes)
- Earth battlestaff (costs 200 earth runes)
- Fire battlestaff (costs 200 fire runes)
Battlestaffs give free runes of a certain type as well as +15 magic attack and defence bonus

-> Elemental sphere, can enchant battlestaffs as listed above, as well as:
- Mystic air staff (costs 1000 air runes)
- Mystic water staff (costs 1000 water runes)
- Mystic earth staff (costs 1000 earth runes)
- Mystic fire staff (costs 1000 fire runes)
Mystic staffs give free runes of a certain type as well as +16 magic attack and defence bonus

-> Crystal of power, can enchant battlestaffs and mystic staffs as listed above, as well as:
- Mud battlestaff (costs 200 water runes and 200 earth runes)
- Steam battlestaff (costs 200 water runes and 200 fire runes)
- Lava battlestaff (costs 200 earth runes and 200 fire runes)
- Mystic mud staff (costs 1000 water runes and 1000 earth runes)
- Mystic steam staff (costs 1000 water runes and 1000 fire runes)
- Mystic lava staff (costs 1000 earth runes and 1000 fire runes)
These battlestaffs and mystic staffs offer the same bonuses as the other battlestaffs and mystic staffs, but mud staffs offer both free water and earth runes, steam staffs offer free water and fire runes and lava staffs offer free earth and fire runes.

Furthermore, the estate agent now sells all paintings, landscapes and maps you can add in your skill hall, while the crafting store salesman sells molten glass and wool as construction materials.
You really outdone yourself this time, Mike.
Mud staff? Like, oh my god. Good shit.

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Re: Construction development (6 October 2013)

Post by Azu rite » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:35 am

I just got hard reading the updates.

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Re: Construction development (6 October 2013)

Post by Blahblahdie » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:36 am

Omg hello wrote:I just got hard reading the updates.
Been hard since he said he'd make us into rocks.

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Re: Construction development (6 October 2013)

Post by Mike » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:38 am

Blahblahdie wrote:
Omg hello wrote:I just got hard reading the updates.
Been hard since he said he'd make us into rocks.
Rocks? Did I say rocks? I meant frogs.
Ima turn you all into frogs is what.

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Re: Construction development (6 October 2013)

Post by Alcoholking6 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:39 am

Oh mikes just on a roll ;p good job!

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Re: Construction development (6 October 2013)

Post by Blahblahdie » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:43 am

Mike wrote:
Blahblahdie wrote:
Omg hello wrote:I just got hard reading the updates.
Been hard since he said he'd make us into rocks.
Rocks? Did I say rocks? I meant frogs.
Ima turn you all into frogs is what.
I'm advertising your server, I demand Rock.

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Re: Construction development (6 October 2013)

Post by Mike » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:48 am

Blahblahdie wrote:I'm advertising your server, I demand Rock.
Haha, no worries. Ring of stone will be available soon enough.
Do keep in mind the ring cannot be used in combat or in the wilderness and you won't be able to walk when transformed into a rock.

However, you will be able to walk when I turn you into a frog. Which is exactly what I'm going to do.

::frogfest, super-only command and I'm going to abuse it like a boss.
