New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credits!

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Ruler » Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:45 am

Nerds123 wrote:2 birds with one stone, starting the Pest Control quest takes off PkH points and PC points from your account, on live servers it didnt, it just required you to have that specific amount.
On top of that, If you click the squire guy again, he says you dont the requirements to start the quest, although you can see it was started with yellow text.

It does consume the points in the normal server as well.

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Nerds123 » Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:47 am

I might be spamming the thread, but its just because I report a bug, and then stumble upon another.
This deposit bug doesnt work, therefore making it hard to get into entrana (simply because you might have items, then you have to deposit them at a bank, and come back here), on the live server there isnt such deposit box, but since its here, i suggest coding it (literally 2 lines of code), and it will be an amazing feature.
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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Nerds123 » Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:56 am

using cooked lava eels / raw lava eels on the demon in Entrana doesnt work.

I tried using your method @Mike of using ::xmin, i get this
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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Rick » Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:06 pm

Whenever you have performed an action (example: attack an NPC) and you can't get there, there are half? noclipping checks, the server notices you can't get there because something is in the way, but if your character walks back it can run throught doors/walls. I'll try to vid it later.

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Jonas » Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:26 pm

Nerds123 wrote:using cooked lava eels / raw lava eels on the demon in Entrana doesnt work.

I tried using your method @Mike of using ::xmin, i get this
They all work, maybe you missed a step, like talking to a monk or something lol.

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Jonas » Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:32 pm

Jonas wrote:
Nerds123 wrote:using cooked lava eels / raw lava eels on the demon in Entrana doesnt work.

I tried using your method @Mike of using ::xmin, i get this
They all work, maybe you missed a step, like talking to a monk or something lol.
P.S. It HAS to be COOKED. Js.

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Nerds123 » Sat Dec 03, 2016 3:12 pm

Jonas wrote:
Jonas wrote:
Nerds123 wrote:using cooked lava eels / raw lava eels on the demon in Entrana doesnt work.

I tried using your method @Mike of using ::xmin, i get this
They all work, maybe you missed a step, like talking to a monk or something lol.
P.S. It HAS to be COOKED. Js.
Dw im not that bad xD, I tried both cooked and raw.
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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Mike » Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:24 pm

I haven't added the last 4 pages of reports yet, but this is my current status (meaning so far 30 done and 41 + the newly reported ones left to go):

@Jonas, Im on Meth and Troll n Roll, could you give me some clarifications (and possibly re-test the bugs) in regards to the reports I have marked with a question mark? Thanks :)
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Color x (Troll n roll)
? Dupe: If you put max cash (2147483647gp) in the gp while you have 100m ticket(s) in your inventory it will take 100m ticket plus 2,047,483,647gp, leaving you with 200m gp in inventory. That leaves you with a total of 2,347,483,647gp (could not reproduce)
X when you are one square away from drop pile, you do not walk to the square, you just loot from 1 square away. You should walk onto the sqaur where the drop is, unless frozen

Jonas (Pksasaftw)
? You can't rake farming tree patches (could not reproduce)

> The hitsplat stays there too long.
> When clicking to pick up items from the floor, your character doesn't walk towards it
> Wise Old Man takes all bones (and manta rays/runes/...) from your inventory, rather than just the ones needed to complete an achievement
> Our names in the chatbox are blue like our text, it should be black.
> Lighting logs crashes the server
> Our bank tab icon show the quantity of an item, is that intentional?
> Sir Tiffy Cashien turns his bench when you click on him
X- You string the crossbow string fast as fk. Like 5 a second.
> Farming herbs always results in guam leaves
> Can't give a non-degraded Vesta's Chainbody to the wise old man
X when you click on bank and while running you teleport back to same spot, you automatically still go to the bank.
X 2 teleport animations during teleporting.
X You can't sell items back to their shops, only to junk store now :/
> the game thinks you got Guam leaves when harvesting any herbs
X There's no lectern for the Pest Invasion quest (the lectern is there after relogging)
X The mage is only facing South
> If you use 'check steps' on the casket from the Pest Invasion, you equip it, and if you dig again you get another 1.
> Draynor mansion doors don't work
X> If you go in the Pest Control minigame, and then teleport out, it will bug out:
X if you use an item on the superportal, it starts to face you, wherever you are
> finished pest invasion quest
X Glitched character location when jumping the wilderness wall + moving at the same time
> Home teletabs are untradeable
- oak trees are missing the top (long known, couldn't fix, game engine limitations, idk how jagex did it)
- Problem is with the achievements is that you have to do everything in a line till the rune crossbow. None of the achievement are independent. Kinda annoying. Like if I choose to grow a tree and get the roots before attaching the rune limbs to the yew stock, I won't get the achievement.
(actually, only the achievements that belong togegher, like mine gold ore, smelt gold bar, craft amulet, need to be done in order. But you can first make a cbow and then do the mantas or bones, doesnt matter)

Im on meth
? Cannon at Risky Barrows will only attack shades if any are alive (could not reproduce, no idea what is meant by this, but I did see Barrows brothers are rather unaggressive)
? Can't cut spiderwebs from the west side (could not reproduce)
? Split private chat doesn't work (could not reproduce)
? Esc doesn't clear your chat (could not reproduce, escape seems to be fine. Unless you mean that escape should clear any text you're currently typing in public chat, in which case that's just not how it works)

X OS X resizable don't work
X Left-clicking public chat will open 'send message'
> The Interface when you create an account is missing the background
X You can drop trade void (guessing you can with all PkP items)
X You can light logs on fire with a tinderbox really fast
> Can't move from the spot on the deep wild ship besides going downstairs
> Going down the ship's ladder will put you one level down in the same spot so you can't move from behind the ladder.
> Clan chat tab is empty when having a pet spawned
X If you don't have a PoH and use Teleport to House spell, your character does the teleport animation and then turns invisible for a few seconds.
> If you have run turned on, it decreases (if you have less than 95 agility) even while standing still.
X Trying to teleport (this was done with the portals at ::donators) while in combat causes your character to stay in the teleporting emote. In this case, makes you crawl forever.
X You can exit the PIN interface and talk to people by displaying graphic options.
> Cannot note/unnote items as ultimate ironman mode player
> Can't buy comp capes. Just says you don't meet the requirements
X The edgeville lever doesn't teleport you to wildy lever.
X Spec bar as Death doesn't function properly. Clicking the bar doesn't use the spec, and operating the ring to spec doesn't delete your spec in the combat interface.
X You can spam throw rotten tomatoes at the Knights in the party room, allowing you to spam the link message when you kill the last one. Also, the formatting of the link...
- It doesn't say when a player logs in/out in your private chat (intentional, to prevent spam - planning on making it an option you can toggle)
- Chaos elemental pet flies and uses his tentacles as wings (not a bug, we got the NPC from OSRS, apparently it floats there too, kinda cool tbh)
- revenants spawn inside the wilderness resource area (not a bug, resource area is wild so the revenants can spawn there. we'll make the area work soon enough)
- Loot floats in certain spots that shouldn't be accessible (not really a bug since this only applies to when you use ::tele, which only honors can use)

Jonas (Pksasaftw) & Color x (Troll n roll)
X You can get Bh target from same IP. Allows room for boosting\farming.
X You can loot from 1 square away (doesn't run on top of pile) while unfrozen

Jonas (Pksasaftw) & Nolan
> A lesser demon is spawned on the lava at taverley dungeon
- You can walk through the stalagmites at the Tormented Demons (the stalagmites are actually wall objects between squares - this is how Jagex made it and how it should be)

> Mod Yell doesn't show crowns, neither does helper or admin yell
X You can only withdraw 2147m coins from a bought item, it doesn't convert any of it into any tickets (Sold Torva for 13b, and it just keeps giving me 2147m everytime I try to take the money out)
X Pets won't face you if your last movement was a turn. they'll just face the way you were in your previous step
> Wise old man achievements don't actually show that they're complete
> You can refund perm curses and it'll reset it as if you never bought them
X Magic doesn't stack, the ticks are off when you switch from magic to melee
X using magic with chaotic staff causes a really buggy animation
X Right clicking in the spellbook and clicking autocast doesn't work
X When you switch weapons after using magic, then back to a staff, it'll show that you're autocasting even though it's meleeing
X Certain weapons when holding, or attacking with Vanguard on bug out the boots

X Equipping a staff makes your model stiff (like loses body sway and just sort of swings side to side slightly).. Also makes boots mess up when stood still and walking

> Rewards sold at Castle Wars are bought with coins and not CW tickets. Instead of 300 tickets for a halo it's 300 GP.. etc.
> Using the 'teleport' to house teleport or using the option to enter building mode under settings while in the skillzone causes doors to appear in the area and gives you a butler that follows you around ::skilling. It's also instanced, no one can see you while you're here.

The underdog
X In the normal prayerbook if you toggle off your quickprayers it doesn't toggle off (reset) all other prayers that were active. It should, curses work fine. Something's just odd about it, it doens't always work. but for example protect item quickprayer, then do protect magic too, toggle on and off quickprayer as often as you want but protect magic stays up.

Jelle (Houwuh)
> my permanent curses are gone. it says i have temp curses now. not sure if intended or not.

> Whenever you enter the Wilderness without having enough timeplayed you get a message wich is an incorrect sentence
X It might be a pathing problem, but whenever you click on an NPC to perform an action (Hunter) your character will only run to the NPC if it has moved (it won't perform the Hunter action just stands still)

X When buying an item in the GE above max cash, the game doesn't recognize that u have enough money when ur money is seperated in different tickets (1b,100m). I tried buying a divine with 3x 1b ticket and 10x 100m ticket and it didn't work but when i changed the 100m tickets to 1b it did.

X Crawling hand has wrong attack emote
X basilisk has incorrect size setting
X Make npc's align to you
X Great, the skilling center monsters are all gone...again
X can't walk at 1016 994
X (if not reported already) weird glitched zombie attack emotes
> some pets (prince black dragon & kq pet) have incorrect size setting

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Im on meth » Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:06 pm

? Cannon at Risky Barrows will only attack shades if any are alive (could not reproduce, no idea what is meant by this, but I did see Barrows brothers are rather unaggressive)
- Seems to be working now, maybe it was just out of chance it was only attacking shades.
? Can't cut spiderwebs from the west side (could not reproduce)
- Just tried it and it was working.
? Split private chat doesn't work (could not reproduce)
- Nevermind, I'm retarded.
? Esc doesn't clear your chat (could not reproduce, escape seems to be fine. Unless you mean that escape should clear any text you're currently typing in public chat, in which case that's just not how it works)
- Pressing Esc clears what you're currently typing on the current server as well as real RS.

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Re: New (final?) testserver released! Play & get free credit

Post by Im on meth » Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:11 pm

Im on meth wrote: ? Can't cut spiderwebs from the west side (could not reproduce)
- Just tried it and it was working.
Nevermind, just found out the cause. If you cut the webs, then teleport into MB, then teleport back out, the webs are uncuttable.

Some more glitches:
Clan chat names extend past their space.

Price check screen is missing (should probably just be disabled or use prices from ::prices)
