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Re: #Herrodragon "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting!

Post by Vik » Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:37 am

Shoutout to Justslaying for becoming our newest Captain!

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Re: #Herrodragon "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting!

Post by Zero ba 4 » Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:10 am

In-game name:zero ba 4
Do you have an HONOR? (if so, what name?):i do not
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant THINK of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):well i kicked justslaying butt in pking/duel in pk gear.i like you snowboard and skateboard,moved to a new town and i have no friends so i started playing this to help me keep the stress down.
WILL you follow our CLAN rules and PkHonor rules?:i will never break a rule.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:i was never in a cc.
Current BANK Wealth?:i would say maybe 500-600m
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0-0
Why would you like to join our clan?:i have heard great things and it seems like a fun time and make pkhonor much more fun for me when i build my bank up . i've also been in a pking on different servers been for and it was alot of fun.

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Re: #Herrodragon "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting!

Post by Vik » Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:12 am

Zero ba 4 wrote:In-game name:zero ba 4
Do you have an HONOR? (if so, what name?):i do not
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant THINK of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.):well i kicked justslaying butt in pking/duel in pk gear.i like you snowboard and skateboard,moved to a new town and i have no friends so i started playing this to help me keep the stress down.
WILL you follow our CLAN rules and PkHonor rules?:i will never break a rule.
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?:i was never in a cc.
Current BANK Wealth?:i would say maybe 500-600m
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?:0-0
Why would you like to join our clan?:i have heard great things and it seems like a fun time and make pkhonor much more fun for me when i build my bank up . i've also been in a pking on different servers been for and it was alot of fun.
Is what I would've said if Justslaying didn't vouch for you. I was online and watching invisible on an honor, welcome to Pkp kings v2. PM me ingame at F3arme

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Re: #Herrodragon "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting!

Post by Not motti » Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:51 am

Vik wrote:Shoutout to Justslaying for becoming our newest Captain!
He's going HAM

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Re: "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting! #Herrodragon

Post by Jumping bug » Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:02 pm

In-game name: Jumping bug
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): nope
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): I merch, skill, and give stuff away.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Of course
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: None
Current Bank Wealth?: 100b
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: .1
Why would you like to join our clan?: Because I know a lot of people in this clan and get along with all of them.

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Re: "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting! #Herrodragon

Post by Errobbie » Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:03 pm

Jumping bug wrote:In-game name: Jumping bug
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): nope
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): I merch, skill, and give stuff away.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Of course
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: None
Current Bank Wealth?: 100b
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: .1
Why would you like to join our clan?: Because I know a lot of people in this clan and get along with all of them.
Improve on your ratio and reapply

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Re: "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting! #Herrodragon

Post by Pkp kings v2 » Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:31 pm

Jumping bug wrote:In-game name: Jumping bug
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): nope
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): I merch, skill, and give stuff away.
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: Of course
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: None
Current Bank Wealth?: 100b
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: .1
Why would you like to join our clan?: Because I know a lot of people in this clan and get along with all of them.
Denied, nty.

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Re: "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting! #Herrodragon

Post by Ipknoobs2 » Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:17 am

What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: im a smiley, I requested demotion from recruit twice because I don't like how the 1 banana looks, i'm applying for the two banana rank :p
Why do you think you deserve this rank? because I'm ipknoobs2 :D
Who will support this rank up?: niko, simon, alex, possibly reece....
Notable drops: [2]divine [1]virt top [1]mstone

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Re: "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting! #Herrodragon

Post by Vik » Mon Dec 01, 2014 4:05 am

Ipknoobs2 wrote:What rank are you at the moment, and which rank are you applying for?: im a smiley, I requested demotion from recruit twice because I don't like how the 1 banana looks, i'm applying for the two banana rank :p
Why do you think you deserve this rank? because I'm ipknoobs2 :D
Who will support this rank up?: niko, simon, alex, possibly reece....
Accepted, if you see someone on the Ingame pkp account before I am on tell them I accepted your rank up.

Gf by afgh4n
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Re: "Pkp Kings V2" Now Recruiting! #Herrodragon

Post by Gf by afgh4n » Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:13 am

In-game name: gf by afgh4n
Do you have an honor? (if so, what name?): no
Tell us a little bit about yourself. (If you cant think of anything, tell us about what you like to do in pk honor or irl.): pking ofcourse
Will you follow our clan rules and PkHonor rules?: yes
What cc did you come from and why are you leaving?: divineforces, because hd stefan got banned and the cc died
Current Bank Wealth?: around 10b
Your in-game KDR(::Ratio)?: 1.17
Why would you like to join our clan?: to get a better pvp experience

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