2. Current Rank: Recruit
3. Members recruited: None really since none of my friends play this server....
4. How often do you PvM? Always.
5. Why do you want to rank up? I think I spent enough time in this clan, Met new people, Made new friends that I PVM with daily, Also, My activity has been much more recently since I joined this clan because playing alone is too boring, Yet playing with a clan and other people is fun.
6. Explain how you fill the requirements for the particular rank you're applying for?
I am applying for the corporal rank, Which needs atleast 20-30 days spent in the clan, Which I do have.
I attend events, activities, and also talk quite frequently in the CC, I also have a good reputation (AFAIK

I am loyal to the clan, Since it looks like a great clan to be part of, I learned alot from the people in it, and I plan to stay longer.
I have maxed achievement points from The Wise Old Man.
7. Who recommended this rank up?