Major Staff Updates.

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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by Scrash » Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:47 am

It really is disheartening that this situation happened, I've never chatted much with Ryan asides from a few discord calls where i stumbled upon him. I do know one thing, throughout the years I've played this server (since 2012) I've heard his name repeatedly, hell, i even have a ::refund post where he refunded my items in a mass server disconnect, all the way back in 2016. It's been 8 years since then, you can't question his loyalty. Jayden's testimony about him "running the game while the owners being MIA" easily backs up that statement. I'm not excusing what he said on those DMs, as he said some rough stuff, although if you feel like someone is coming for your position for God knows how long, then it makes sense that you could lose your temper. Again, i don't really agree with the way he answered in those instances but let those who never sinned cast the first stone. I don't really care about the slayer helm spawn, if that's all he spawned while 'working' here all these years, he lowballed himself.

I don't know much about Church, I've talked to him a bit here and there, I've seen some mutes that he did where i really didn't agree, other times where i thought he was being cringe and killing some banter, but that's the extent of it. I thought of him as one of those extremely strict professors that you had in college, i had no idea he was that disliked. Making an ultimatum about him or Ryan is not what you want from an admin though, i don't think anyone here require mods to be flawless, or to get fully along; overthrowing them is too far. Regardless, Church is an old member and has been an admin for some time and i think he deserves more respect than what is shown on these threads, despite how you feel about him, i believe he did what he thought was correct (towards other players, not necessarily towards Ryan), even though many would disagree. I don't think he's a bad person or he did something horribly wrong, i just believe he misjudged some situations and mishandled others. However, if the staff team didn't have a good relationship with him, it just makes him a bad fit and that's enough to ask him to resign. I thank him for his service to the community.

Hopefully, Ryan reconsiders his choice, Church isn't on the staff team anymore. Jayden's words about Ryan's work in this server were touching and shed some light on a matter that i think many of us had no idea about. If you think those messages to Church were particularly angry, you must remember he is aussie and most likely fought a kanguru on his way to work or something. If this discussion was the reason for Ryan to resign, i appreciate and thank your work throughout all these years. I think many of us do, they just don't know it yet.

Obligatory English isn't my first language comment.

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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by Nazuths » Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:08 am

@Ryan will go after anyone who remotely speaks of him in a negative way. He goes certain lengths that no one else can to make sure people aren't talking behind his back, or if they do, he will confront them about it. Rather psychopathic behavior. Iykyk.

@Jayden, there's really no need to say you'll try to leave an unbiased comment, then proceed to post the most biased thing I've ever heard you say. But I get it, given where Church is at now, speaking against Ryan is probably not a good idea.

Ryan has always been wary of people "coming" for his position, as he claims. It started with Adam, then Ely, and now Church, in no specific order, even though I said it started with Adam. Especially when such players find out things about Ryan that he'd rather have kept secret. RIP to all these Admins that are officially no longer among us.

Just a random side note; it's rather funny how the whole situation got so heated because Church rightfully addresses that the gambling with mystery boxes is against the rules and accidentally Ryan's name got involved in it. (It is against the rules as each of the mentioned gambling methods are provided by the game, clan wars allows money to be put up each battle, lottery costs money to buy tickets, and duel arena similar as clan wars). Well done, Church.

Oh well, Ryan at least showing his true colors from the screenshots Church shared, and resigned already. Sounds like a nice seal on your many years of Staff managership to go out this way. Similar treatment as Church has gotten, except arguably you deserve it.

I also find it incredibly worrisome that a whole team (except 2) of Staff members have voted in favor of demoting Church, while not knowing the full story, not asking any questions, and even knowing Church had planned to resign already. It really seems like Ryan has this fearless leader aura around him as if no one is allowed to question him, or no one cares to, which is arguably worse.

Also, if you care so much for people talking shit about you, behind your back, you might wanna consider not doing the exact same to others. Seems like you too have a high tendency to do that. Kinda hypocritical.

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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by Uim elon » Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:58 am

Key Take aways:
Ryan: I was originally triggered by the wife comment, but after thinking about it in my drive to work, it wasn’t an insult to his wife. You were insulting his own character and using a metaphor to demonstrate his thirst for power which I think is inbounds…..

Now the vote…. I can understand why it was held in private and not in the public eye (to even the entire team). If the vote failed to remove Church, that would open up a big possibility for retaliation against those who voted to have him removed. HOWEVER, Church should have been notified that there would be a vote, so he could reach out to people individually and have a conversation to squash all petty qualms. That way the vote would truly be coming from a neutral place instead of being based on all interactions with Church up to that point. If he was still voted out after speaking to the members he felt fit, then we know he genuinely wasn’t a good fit. Also the fact that the vote was even cast would present a bias because you wouldn’t even allow this vote if you weren’t in favor of it.

Now your resignation….. I think it is extremely hypocritical for you to criticize Church on his hunger for power, while you simultaneous continue using your power after resigning. By you resigning, you have been relieved of your responsibilities as the staff manager. It is not fair for you to be relieved of your responsibilities while also retaining the authority that came with that position. With that being said, I know the last 6 months on the server has been absolutely ridiculous with rollbacks, lack of content, and lack of owner presence to address problems. So I’m not sure if the resignation was out of pure frustration, or if you genuinely don’t want the responsibilities anymore. That is for you to cool off and decide. But if you decide that the responsibility isn’t worth it to you anymore, you also have to give up the authority that came along with it. And it is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE to resign and decide “I don’t want this guy to take my place, so I’m gonna try to vote him out”.

Now Church….. everyone keeps stating your pure intentions. I used to agree of your integrity to the server, but I’ll explain later why I changed my mind. There are 2 things that you throughly lack when it comes to a leadership roll that multiple people have pointed out. Discretion and nuance. The entire Mystery box gambling situation was blown out of proportion for obvious reasons. You could have shown a little discretion seeing as everyone was having fun, no one was scammed or injured, and you could easily find some grey area in the situation instead of being to black and white with the written rule.

Now that integrity…. I think it is super hypocritical to have your left hand point at Ryan for spawning in items, while also having your right hand out to accepting spawned items from Ryan for your duties as an admin. I’m going off the allegations. You said he spawned items, he said what items he spawned. If that is the corruption you’re pointing to as a reason for his demotion, you truly don’t have the discretion or the judgement to be on the staff team in any capacity. A few slayer helms and an elite in kernels compared to (as it seems) the hundreds of bills spawned into the server and given to the team as a thank you for all you do. Now these are allegations, so if it’s much more and you have the proof, I would be more than willing to redact my statements above.

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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by Raj » Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:01 pm

This might set the record for the largest vertical length of any single page in a thread on the forums

I have had time to read and I'm not going to double post so I am editing
Elon musky wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:58 am Now your resignation….. I think it is extremely hypocritical for you to criticize Church on his hunger for power, while you simultaneous continue using your power after resigning. By you resigning, you have been relieved of your responsibilities as the staff manager. It is not fair for you to be relieved of your responsibilities while also retaining the authority that came with that position.
It's worth mentioning that as far as I can tell, because of the lack of owner presence, if Ryan did just step down and stop being staff manager, there would be no staff manager. I hate to put the owners on blast but he resigned like 2 weeks ago, and I'm not sure if he has the power to transfer his rank to someone else. So it's definitely a very good thing that he's continuing to do his thing as staff manager (despite the calls for his head) until the owners can transfer things over.

A second edit to clarify something:
Jayden is the interim staff manager. Ryan is very gracefully not abusing the fact that there is no one available to actually remove the rank. For all intents and purposes, Jayden is the staff manager until people are around to make decisions. I'm sure they're working together for things that require the rank as a permission, which is good, and that's more of a good thing from Ryan than a bad thing as it was portrayed.

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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by C 2 god » Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:49 pm

Nazuths wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:08 am @Ryan will go after anyone who remotely speaks of him in a negative way. He goes certain lengths that no one else can to make sure people aren't talking behind his back, or if they do, he will confront them about it. Rather psychopathic behavior. Iykyk.

@Jayden, there's really no need to say you'll try to leave an unbiased comment, then proceed to post the most biased thing I've ever heard you say. But I get it, given where Church is at now, speaking against Ryan is probably not a good idea.

Ryan has always been wary of people "coming" for his position, as he claims. It started with Adam, then Ely, and now Church, in no specific order, even though I said it started with Adam. Especially when such players find out things about Ryan that he'd rather have kept secret. RIP to all these Admins that are officially no longer among us.

Just a random side note; it's rather funny how the whole situation got so heated because Church rightfully addresses that the gambling with mystery boxes is against the rules and accidentally Ryan's name got involved in it. (It is against the rules as each of the mentioned gambling methods are provided by the game, clan wars allows money to be put up each battle, lottery costs money to buy tickets, and duel arena similar as clan wars). Well done, Church.

Oh well, Ryan at least showing his true colors from the screenshots Church shared, and resigned already. Sounds like a nice seal on your many years of Staff managership to go out this way. Similar treatment as Church has gotten, except arguably you deserve it.

I also find it incredibly worrisome that a whole team (except 2) of Staff members have voted in favor of demoting Church, while not knowing the full story, not asking any questions, and even knowing Church had planned to resign already. It really seems like Ryan has this fearless leader aura around him as if no one is allowed to question him, or no one cares to, which is arguably worse.

Also, if you care so much for people talking shit about you, behind your back, you might wanna consider not doing the exact same to others. Seems like you too have a high tendency to do that. Kinda hypocritical.
This is facts.

Cya giga bozos Cringelord Churchill and Senior Badmin Cryan.
Welcome Senior staff Manager Im Santa 5.


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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by Patel » Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:00 pm

Raj wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:01 pm This might set the record for the largest vertical length of any single page in a thread on the forums
I think there was a thread where me, Lieven, and Rapsey all contributed to the same argument on the same page and... that might be the winner.

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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by Iron vok » Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:18 pm

Patel wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:00 pm
Raj wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:01 pm This might set the record for the largest vertical length of any single page in a thread on the forums
I think there was a thread where me, Lieven, and Rapsey all contributed to the same argument on the same page and... that might be the winner.
RIP The paragraph king. Would love to see what kinda memery he'd cook up here.

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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by Lil ryan » Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:38 pm

Firstly, thank you for the best content PKHonor has had in three months. I actually stayed up until 3 am to enjoy this content 🥰.

On a serious note, Church and Ryan seem to have more wrongs than rights. Let's hope the owners pick up and recover this hell hole of a failure before it's too late. If the staff can't unite and deal with it in privacy, that's the first sign this server is in trouble. The second sign is the lack of updates and still accepting donations. Thirdly, owners allowing blatant rule-breaking signals that they don't care. This server has less than 3-6 months until it's due to fail. Many members have lost interest because the lazy dumbass creator can't be bothered to get out of his own shell and do something. So, yeah, thanks for the best content yesterday. Long live and RIP to this server; it's due for fixing, but it may be too late.

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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by Patel » Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:01 pm

Lil ryan wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:38 pm Firstly, thank you for the best content PKHonor has had in three months. I actually stayed up until 3 am to enjoy this content 🥰.

On a serious note, Church and Ryan seem to have more wrongs than rights. Let's hope the owners pick up and recover this hell hole of a failure before it's too late. If the staff can't unite and deal with it in privacy, that's the first sign this server is in trouble. The second sign is the lack of updates and still accepting donations. Thirdly, owners allowing blatant rule-breaking signals that they don't care. This server has less than 3-6 months until it's due to fail. Many members have lost interest because the lazy dumbass creator can't be bothered to get out of his own shell and do something. So, yeah, thanks for the best content yesterday. Long live and RIP to this server; it's due for fixing, but it may be too late.
Honestly, this isn't even close to the worst shape I've seen Pkhonor in. It will be alright, much of the playerbase is extremely loyal (not getting many new players vs keeping a ton of old). Unlike last time the website was down, the staff team was in shambles, and the owners were missing, we have discord and a means to stay somewhat informed. The forums are also still good, and the main server isn't constantly being ddosed while Steinburg and co. tries to hack the game.

Lil ryan
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Re: Major Staff Updates.

Post by Lil ryan » Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:10 pm

I understand PkHonor has a very loyal base. It's true; the old, loyal players will always get bored of the past. We haven't had a wiki in ages. The only person who truly does anything remotely useful is @Iron Adam. He's the reason this server even has players because he brings community events.

Ryan/Church shouldn't be the ones getting thanked; it should be Adam. He's the true reason people come on to play. He creates events you can enjoy with your mates, knowing you'll get a drop, complete a log, or just mess around.

Mike needs to simply sell, transfer, or shut down.

Patel wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:01 pm
Lil ryan wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:38 pm Firstly, thank you for the best content PKHonor has had in three months. I actually stayed up until 3 am to enjoy this content 🥰.

On a serious note, Church and Ryan seem to have more wrongs than rights. Let's hope the owners pick up and recover this hell hole of a failure before it's too late. If the staff can't unite and deal with it in privacy, that's the first sign this server is in trouble. The second sign is the lack of updates and still accepting donations. Thirdly, owners allowing blatant rule-breaking signals that they don't care. This server has less than 3-6 months until it's due to fail. Many members have lost interest because the lazy dumbass creator can't be bothered to get out of his own shell and do something. So, yeah, thanks for the best content yesterday. Long live and RIP to this server; it's due for fixing, but it may be too late.
Honestly, this isn't even close to the worst shape I've seen Pkhonor in. It will be alright, much of the playerbase is extremely loyal (not getting many new players vs keeping a ton of old). Unlike last time the website was down, the staff team was in shambles, and the owners were missing, we have discord and a means to stay somewhat informed. The forums are also still good, and the main server isn't constantly being ddosed while Steinburg and co. tries to hack the game.
