The biggest update in PkHonor history!!!

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Re: The biggest update in PkHonor history!!!

Post by Jonas » Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:07 pm

Zammy GWD. I'm telling you, Mike. It has to be fog?..


Coordinates: 2885 5345 Height: 2

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Re: The biggest update in PkHonor history!!!

Post by Wywy » Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:53 pm

This is all incredible! Great work! I am super excited for zulrah!

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Re: The biggest update in PkHonor history!!!

Post by Malthazare » Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:20 pm

I was unable to attack either of these Revenant monsters in the Wildy. They seem to be stuck in the trees and you're unable to attack or interact with them at all but the clue scroll kept leading me back to them if I was in range.


Also would there be any chance of an upgrade option for objects such as portals in your POH? For example, say early on when building my home I made my first portal out of Teak because that was all I had available at the time, instead of having to completely remove the portal and lose out on the Portal Resources + Cost to Replace Portal, you could use Upgrade option on the portal to change the material the portal is made out of. That way you don't sink more money into the money sucking abyss that we all know your POH actually is. lmao
Last edited by Malthazare on Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The biggest update in PkHonor history!!!

Post by Ruler » Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:41 pm

Malthazare wrote:I was unable to attack either of these Revenant monsters in the Wildy. They seem to be stuck in the trees and you're unable to attack or interact with them at all but the clue scroll kept leading me back to them if I was in range.

We are trying to get all the spots where they glitch here
Already saw yours as well. Do ::mypos next time so Mike knows where it is and report it if you find others than already reported in that thread

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Re: The biggest update in PkHonor history!!!

Post by The underdog » Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:32 am

Can't you just make it so you can attack an npc as long as you're one square next to it? It was like that before update.

Yeah u
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Re: The biggest update in PkHonor history!!!

Post by Yeah u » Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:29 pm

The underdog wrote:Can't you just make it so you can attack an npc as long as you're one square next to it? It was like that before update.
It just grows like that, and if you just happen to set it on fyah

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Re: The biggest update in PkHonor history!!!

Post by Mike » Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:52 pm

The underdog wrote:Can't you just make it so you can attack an npc as long as you're one square next to it? It was like that before update.
The problem with this approach is that it also lets you attack through walls (which used to be a bug until the big update). However, if I remove all broken spawn points for revenants, this should no longer be a problem.

I do have to make a few minor noclipping adjustments (mostly in regards to attacking other players/NPC's through open doors), but other than that it should be fine.

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Re: The biggest update in PkHonor history!!!

Post by The underdog » Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:21 pm

Mike wrote:
The underdog wrote:Can't you just make it so you can attack an npc as long as you're one square next to it? It was like that before update.
The problem with this approach is that it also lets you attack through walls (which used to be a bug until the big update). However, if I remove all broken spawn points for revenants, this should no longer be a problem.

I do have to make a few minor noclipping adjustments (mostly in regards to attacking other players/NPC's through open doors), but other than that it should be fine.
Can't you make the revs randomly spawn with the condition it's an empty tile? Or empty tiles for the size of the rev? Idk how it would look like in the code tho.

Also in regards to the gates you mention, if you're at kbd open the gate and go down the ladder and back up its closed again. It should be server sided gate imo, because people run through the gate when its still closed for others.

Also if you relog your skull dissapears... Shouldn't happen.
