the "friendly" N word...

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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by Iron blix » Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:13 pm

Its easier to avoid these issues and future discussions by just not using it. Everyone is entitled to their free speech, within server rules, understandable but it's best to steer clear. Just my take on the matter.

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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by Empty » Sat Aug 15, 2020 6:59 pm


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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by Pk gts » Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:20 pm

this is the only platform where the white kids will not be ostracized for using the word

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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by Kalista » Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:03 pm

Rapsey wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 2:27 pm The reason we don't make it illegal is because we aim to follow the rules of society. We're not here to decide on the issue one way or another, especially not when the world's experts can''t even agree on it.

In real life nigga is definitely considered a controversial term, but not outright racist. Black people are the ones who propelled the term into popular culture and continue to do so. When it's perfectly OK to have radio stations broadcast rap songs about "my niggas in da hood" (or even stuff like this) it's clear that, while society is divided on the whole issue, it is definitely not outlawed in real life.

So we just try to follow suit. It's not prohibited full stop, but it can be considered inappropriate under some circumstances. Just like it is in real life. If the world ever reaches a verdict on this we will happily follow suit, but as it is I think our rules are as close to real life as they can be.
I don't know what country you're from, but in the u.s it's extremely clear that white people are not supposed to use the term. Yes black people are allowed to say it, but society has a whole has agreed that its use by white people is not okay. Now, in pkhonor there's no way to really tell the skin color of players, so we should outlaw it for everyone. There's a reason it's not acceptable to use on any large multiplayer game, like league, valorant, wow, bdo, sc2, Dota, overwatch, etc.

The reason people are testy about "just words" is because these words have a history of being used to dehumanize people, and with that came slavery, segregation, and the systematic racism that black people currently face in today's society. Why are you guys so dead set on using it lol, if a word is harmful towards a specific group of marginalized individuals, just don't use It.

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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by Rapsey » Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:53 pm

Kalista wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:03 pm I don't know what country you're from, but in the u.s it's extremely clear that white people are not supposed to use the term. Yes black people are allowed to say it, but society has a whole has agreed that its use by white people is not okay.
I'm fully aware of that, but those double standards are exactly my point. If it was truly a racist term (like nigger) then no one would be allowed to say it. The fact that black people can and do use it basically proves that the word itself is not racist. It's more akin to insider lingo. Kinda like saying: we get to call each other "homie" but you don't get to call us that because you're not one of us. That's not because it's a bad word, just the opposite: it's an amicable term that's reserved for insiders. While it's inappropriate for outsiders to use it, it's not insulting and definitely not racist.
Kalista wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:03 pm Now, in pkhonor there's no way to really tell the skin color of players, so we should outlaw it for everyone.
That's a non sequitur. You say that as if it's a logical conclusion. You could just as easily say: on pkhonor there's no way to tell skin color so we should allow it for everyone. No one conclusion is more logical than the other in this case. It's arbitrary.
Kalista wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:03 pm There's a reason it's not acceptable to use on any large multiplayer game, like league, valorant, wow, bdo, sc2, Dota, overwatch, etc.
Sure there is, but it has nothing to do with right and wrong. Large game publishers are only concerned with two things here: their public image and their bottom line. When in doubt they will just ban it to be safe, which is the kind of fearful reasoning we are now seeing more and more in real life as well.
Kalista wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:03 pm The reason people are testy about "just words" is because these words have a history of being used to dehumanize people, and with that came slavery, segregation, and the systematic racism that black people currently face in today's society. Why are you guys so dead set on using it lol, if a word is harmful towards a specific group of marginalized individuals, just don't use It.
We are not dead set on using it, at least I'm not (I never use it). I'm dead set against hypocrisy and double standards. You don't see jews calling each other antisemitic names and then throwing a fit if anyone else dares to use those words. If you're gonna claim that the word is racist then you gotta treat it as such yourself. Instead they turn it into a cool word and perpetuate it throughout popular culture, practically flaunting it as an insider term that they get to use but we don't. Fine by me, but then they're just using racism as an excuse, a cheap rationalization to stop others from using slang terms which they feel should only belong to them.

There is a minority of black people who truly believe the word is racist and are trying to get other black people to stop using it, I admire their consistency (even though it's only normal if you truly believe the word is racist). I do believe that because the word pertains to black people, it;s black people who should get to decide if it's racist or not. I don't care either way. But I will draw my conclusions based on the way they themselves treat the word and in this case it's undeniable. By their own example it's clearly not a racist word but is in fact an amicable slang term which they don't want anyone else using. Calling racism is just a convenient way to enforce that.

You can't claim to be deeply offended by a word while you're also using that word on each other constantly without minding it. Can the word be used offensively? Sure. Is the word itself offensive? Evidently not.

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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by The underdog » Sun Aug 16, 2020 12:34 am

Let's collectively revive the word 5neeth to replace nigga, as we have before :notsureif:

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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by Lykos » Sun Aug 16, 2020 12:56 am

Kalista wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:03 pm There's a reason it's not acceptable to use on any large multiplayer game, like league, valorant, wow, bdo, sc2, Dota, overwatch, etc.
Actually fun fact, last I checked Overwatch does not punish you for racism or trash talk of equal caliber. Punishments such as bans and mutes are given in special circumstances where there are actual threats made. Worst case scenario, you lose points in that new honor system they added. Funny how Blizzard has this philosophy on trash talk in Overwatch, but go to WoW and say the n word you'll probably be muted within a couple minutes; typical hypocrite corporate company.

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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by Church » Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:12 am

Some of y'all could really be benefited by reading papers written by black people explaining the differences between white people saying these words, and black people saying these words.

As far as it being a punishable thing, it is. If you use it in a racist context. The word is not an inherently racist word like the hard r n-word is, but if someone used it in that context I would mute them all the same. It's a nonissue

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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by Monys » Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:46 am

Church wrote: Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:12 am Some y'all could really be benefited by reading papers written by black people explaining the differences between white people saying these words, and black people saying these words.

As far as it being a punishable thing, it is. If you use it in a racist context. The word is not an inherently racist word like the hard r n-word is, but if someone used it in that context I would mute them all the same. It's a nonissue
You mute everyone anyways...

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Re: the "friendly" N word...

Post by Patel » Sun Aug 16, 2020 3:50 am

I'd type something but Rapsey already said it all. This discussion was settled long ago

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