Re: 27 June Updates - Skotizo & the Catacombs of Kourend
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:18 pm
Great work once again!
The community-driven RuneScape Private Server
James wrote:stop teasing us thoby x, you're giving me a semi
The drop table on our wiki updates just once every day, so you'll need to wait until tomorrow until you can see the new monster drops.A iron girl wrote:Great work as always!
So, What do these new monsters drop? The page does not have them listed.
And do the cyclops in here also drop defenders?
Is this exclusive to the Arclight? I have been hitting 100s with a whip of souls.Attacking the Awakened altars with Arclight will always deal 100 damage.
Whoops, you're right. That's not intended. Thanks for reporting!Patel wrote:Is this exclusive to the Arclight? I have been hitting 100s with a whip of souls.Attacking the Awakened altars with Arclight will always deal 100 damage.
Was banking on the droptables to mention this, I do think atleast a range or some vague idea about the drop rate would help shape peoples' expectations. I've made a whole totem in 30 minutes, but also gone 3 hours dry of any pieces. Others have similar stories. I believe I've atleast heard that it scales with the CB level of what you're fighting.Cancerstick wrote:I noticed that the drops page on wiki doesn't list the totem pieces or shards for any of the catacomb mobs.
Are we looking at drop rates similar to osrs or something different with them here. Since we don't have superiors that always drop a totem piece, would be nice info to know.